
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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42 Chs

Chapter 23

"Good morning, brother." Mia said sadly. She didn't notice Damian's movements. Now her whole mind was focused on what happened this morning.

You have to know that this has never happened before. She means that when you open your eyes in the morning, you find that you have become another character. Although most of them are ordinary at first, you can occasionally experience a wonderful and fun adventure. One day, and then when everything is over, she bids farewell to her friends and returns home to tell her mother or Aunt Chloe what happened today, and finally lies on the bed and slowly closes her eyes under their gentle but helpless eyes. She closed her eyes and waited for the next day to come, instead of like now, she was still the scientist and had not returned to her own world.

Last night, she had expected that when she opened her eyes the next morning, everything would be restored to its original state, that she would return to the manor, and that Alfred and Bruce would not notice her disappearance, but looking at it now, the fantasy finally came to an end. It can only be a fantasy. Mia thought with some disappointment.

She and Damian went to the restaurant together. Because there were many heroes staying in the Hall of Justice, the restaurant was in the form of a buffet. The colorful and rich food was placed on the long table, but Mia felt completely No appetite.

She pursed her lips and looked around at the heroes she had met yesterday. She wondered if Superman had said something to them. The eyes they looked at her were not as alert as they were yesterday, but full of curiosity.

But also, as the new superheroes who only joined the Superman camp after the war started, they don't know much about what happened between Batman and Superman, and of course they will also know about the dead Batman's daughter. Curious.

"Do you think those heroes are weird, Damian?" Mia asked in a low voice, pulling on Damian's cloak. Not just her, the expressions they looked at Damian were also full of inquiry.

"No." Damian replied coldly. He chose the food in front of him expressionlessly. He had long been accustomed to this situation. After all, as a bat, it was strange enough that he did not choose to follow Batman and join the resistance, but stayed with Superman in the League.

They speculated that he was an undercover agent placed by Batman in the League, or that he was actually Superman's illegitimate son or something... Those eyes with malicious, probing, vigilant, curious and other emotions looked at him, and gossips were always in his ears. Sounded, even if Superman later issued an order not to guess Robin at will, those eyes only became more hidden.

"But!" Mia shouted. She wanted to say something, but she could only swallow those words after seeing the people around her start to avoid her because of her voice.

She silently picked something on her plate, and after quickly finishing her breakfast, she followed Damian to the training room. He gave her a book and asked her to stay by herself, saying that she was waiting for him to train. I'll come find her after I'm done.

"Then when will you finish training?" Mia asked. She looked at him with pleading eyes. After what happened just now, she didn't want to be separated from him.

But Damian didn't change his plan for this. He still let her stay alone and left her as if running away.

This made Mia curl her lips, and she made an unhappy face at Damian's back. She didn't find a place to sit with the book in her arms until she couldn't see him anymore. She didn't want to interact with other people.

And Damian was relieved after leaving Mia and returning to a familiar place. Although he didn't want to admit it, he really didn't know how to face her. This war lasted so long that he had forgotten the past days, and all he could recall was the time when the two of them met on the battlefield.

Sometimes he really didn't understand Superman's thoughts. He didn't understand why he brought her back but didn't put her in prison, let alone why he chose him to take care of Mia.

Judging from the current situation, no matter who it is, no matter who it is, it will be more suitable than him. They can calmly tell her what is happening in this world, and they can also use that proud tone to introduce to her the correctness of the Superman government and the resistance of the resistance. Those atrocities, they can stay by her side 24 hours a day to monitor her behavior and report it in time...

They can perfectly accomplish everything he wants them to do, instead of him throwing her aside alone like now.

And these days continued for several more days, Mia still did not change into another identity, and Superman still did not find a way to send her back.

He always looked at her helplessly when she asked her questions, telling her that it was not that easy to find the coordinates of her world, and that if she felt bored, she could stay with Damian. Wandering around the league, "I heard from other people that he still puts himself in the training ground every day." Superman sighed.

"Still? Has Damian always been like this before?" Mia asked, she put down her phone and turned her head to look at Superman. That was what she had specifically fought for from him.

Although she couldn't tell what was happening in the world from Damian and others - given the reaction of those superheroes and the people she had seen on the street before, she always felt that everything was strange, but whenever she When she wanted to ask Damian why those people were like this, he would not answer. He would just look at her with a complicated look, and then use an impatient tone to let her play by herself.

When asked about other superheroes she knew, such as The Flash and Cyborg, they never answered. Only Shazam would say something. He told her in a worried tone that he thought Superman might be a bit too extreme. But before he could finish speaking, Superman suddenly appeared.

He stopped in the air and looked at them with a cold expression, the same as when she first saw him, but soon he returned to his original appearance, "What are you talking about?" He landed in front of them. said laughingly.

"No... nothing," Mia replied dryly, and she swallowed, "I just felt a little too bored, so I wanted to hear Shazam talk about superheroes." "Yes

, that's it. "Shazam also echoed. He obviously looks like a big man now, but when facing Superman, he is like a child.

"Then you guys continue talking. I just heard someone calling me. After all, as you know, there are always a lot of things that need to be done to manage a planet." Superman continued after hearing their words, and he shrugged with a look of helplessness.

But Mia never saw Shazam again after that, and every time she asked, Superman would always tell her that Shazam was busy now.

"He's been like this since Batman disappeared," Superman answered, worry etched on his expression.

"That doesn't sound good," Mia said, looking in the direction of the training room again, "So what can I do? I mean, how can I find Batman and let you two talk, after all, since Judging from the situation these days, I will most likely continue to maintain my useless and troublesome identity as a scientist instead of turning into a detective and looking for experts." "

You don't have to worry about this. There will be a meeting in a few days. For a celebration about me, reporters will come to the scene, and I need you to show up and say a few words in front of them." Superman replied.

In order to thank Superman for everything he had done, the people voluntarily built a statue for him to commemorate him. At the same time, local government officials also invited him to the scene to participate in the celebration. In order to catch Batman, he had also released Mia and the celebration in advance. news, if nothing unexpected happens, the rebels will definitely seize this opportunity to come to the scene that day.

On the other side, Batman is also troubled by this. Of course he knows that all of this is Superman's plan. He wants to use this to catch him and disintegrate the resistance. But the problem is that he cannot give up this opportunity, nor can he Perhaps by continuing to keep Mia around Superman, all he can do is use this to their advantage.

So on the day of the celebration, Mia stood solemnly on the stage and faced the flashing lights. What she saw was chaos. The civilians rushed into the venue. They shouted that Superman was the tyrant, and some people were pointing at Superman. Calling a murderer or something like that... This made Mia confused. She looked at the citizens blankly. They broke away from the security guards and looked at Superman with anger in their eyes.

But this shouldn't be done. Superman is the best hero. He has helped so many people. Even if he killed the Joker, it was so that more people would not be harmed. He should not be a murderer.

But the resentment and hatred on those people's faces didn't seem to be fake. They

were sincere and sincerely hated the best people in the world.

"Why did you say that?" Mia asked, her voice coming out through the microphone, which caused everyone present to focus on her.

"He is a murderer!" Just as everyone was stunned by this, a man suddenly shouted. He threw the things in his hands on the stage. It was like a signal, and others started to start after seeing it. Throw things at Superman and other superheroes.

They shouted angrily, "He killed my child." "My brother was killed by him, and the reason for death was just because he went out on the street at night to buy medicine for my mother." "Get off the stage, Superman." , we don't need an alien to rule us!"

At the same time, the reporters also raised the microphone to Superman at every opportunity, and they mentioned the curfew law he enacted some time ago, which stipulates that no one can appear on the street after nine o'clock in the evening. Everyone is treated as a criminal.

"Based on the current situation, we want to know if you regret issuing this decree?" one of the reporters asked. She stood in front of him holding a microphone. The perseverance and bravery in her expression made her look a bit like It was Louise back then. She also put the microphone in front of him and asked him if he could be interviewed by her.

"Of course he won't, after all, everything he did was just to protect us!" Mia yelled angrily before Superman could answer.

Even though she had discovered so many doubts in the past few days, she still did not believe that Superman could be the murderer they claimed, nor did she believe that he would kill so many ordinary citizens. He had told her that he was here to protect them, and although the curfew method was indeed a bit too extreme, he would definitely change it if they suggested it to him.

"You don't understand anything at all!" The protesting citizens shouted after hearing Mia's words. Some of them set their targets on Mia, and she felt pain when the hard stones hit her body.

At this time, a woman came over urgently to stop the celebration. She hurriedly took Mia away from the venue and walked outside. She was still saying something, but Mia didn't hear clearly. She just followed her sadly. She didn't understand why things turned out like this. Superman should be a hero, not a stoned criminal.

"Why are they doing this? Has the Superman in this world turned into a bad guy?" Mia asked with a pout.

"He just went the wrong way," replied the woman who pulled her into an alley. It was a very remote alley, with no one around, and the noisy sound of the celebration disappeared from her ears.

Mia didn't notice this until now. The teachings from adults and the pictures she had seen on TV suddenly appeared in her mind. She looked at the woman in a panic. She originally wanted to shout "Superman, save me", but After seeing her take off her wig, she immediately closed her mouth.

That was Barbara. She was wearing a suit, and the expression she looked at her revealed sadness and nostalgia, "Hello, Mia." She greeted her with a smile, and at the same time led her into a very shabby room. In the hotel.

An old man wearing shabby clothes and lying drowsily on a chair said nothing after seeing the two of them. He just took out a key from the drawer and threw it on the table.

The TV in the corner was broadcasting news about today's celebration. The reporter said that a large group of civilians broke into the venue to protest against Superman's regime. Although most of the police force was transferred to the Hall of Justice due to the invasion of the rebels, a large number of civilians ran away. But the heroes present still caught some, and if nothing else, they will be imprisoned until they are willing to explain who ordered them to do this.

"But they are not criminals." Mia whispered, looking at Barbara in surprise, her expression was solemn.

In the original plan, they were supposed to divert the attention of the people present with a rebel raid, and then she would take Mia away while Superman was leaving, but she didn't expect the civilians to suddenly appear, which forced her to change her plan temporarily.

"For Superman, everyone who resists him is a criminal." The old man said suddenly. He looked at the video played on the TV with disdain, with a mocking tone in his voice.


did not refute his words. She hurriedly picked up the key and took her into the room. After changing herself a set of clothes and giving Mia a disguise, she took her away.

They passed through intricate alleys, evading waves of chasing police, and finally arrived at their destination, the resistance base.

Those who had joined the resistance stood happily inside, cheering for a victory.

Mia followed her and looked at everything around her in confusion. This place looked completely different from what she had seen on the street before. There was no fear or anger in their expressions, nor the numbness or joy that had been dominant for too long. The atmosphere filled the air, and it looked like her world.

Batman and others are currently in the medical room. Although the plan went smoothly, at least they successfully brought Mia back and got what they needed from Superman, but they were still a little injured.

Harley sat impatiently on the chair and accepted the doctor's bandaging. When she saw Mia hiding next to Barbara, her eyes lit up instantly. She leaned forward with a smile and said some crazy words.

This frightens Mia, who remembers that Harley Quinn is obviously supposed to be the bad guy.

Batman sighed at their interaction, calling Harley's name disapprovingly before telling Barbara she was doing a good job.

"Thank you, Bruce." Barbara shrugged, and she took the water from Alfred's hand, "But it seems that your side is more dangerous."

"Superman arranged for Damian to guard there." Batman frowned and said as he rubbed his temples, the pain in his body still reminding him of the battle he just had with his child. He has grown up a lot and seems to have become calmer and more silent.

Others began to become silent after hearing the name Damian. After he killed Dick and chose to follow Superman, they rarely saw him, or it should be said that they were consciously avoiding this, even though they should be enemies now. , but if they are not forced to do so, they do not want to take action with their families.

Only Mia knew nothing. She looked at them in protest and asked them what happened, why they all said Superman was a bad guy, why Bruce was fighting Damian, and why Harley Quinn was here.

"Superman said you just had a quarrel, but no one has ever told me that adults quarrel like this." Mia said sadly.