
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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42 Chs

Chapter 19

Although she was already thinking about how to find the next successor to the River God, on the surface Mia was still very serious about her work.

She stood in front of the pile of unclaimed lost items, ready to look inside to see if there was anything with a name or contact information written on it, to see if she could send it to the owner. Anyway, we must not let them just pile up and soak in the water at the bottom of the river.

So first I simply divided this pile of things into categories - in fact, I just threw aside the things that I knew at a glance could not find their owners, such as those ridiculously numerous axes and chainsaws, and I don't know why they appear here. There are various types of transportation from skateboards to cars and mobile phones of various brands. Mia finally found a few of them because the fonts on the material have not been completely corroded to the point of being visible. It's unclear, or it may be an item that protects the contents from being damaged by water.

The first one was a large suitcase. It can be said that Mia saw it at first sight when she was looking for something. Because the lock has not been damaged and the quality is very good, it still remains dry even after being soaked in water for many years, which means that the contents of the suitcase are well preserved.

She took the box back to the shore and tried to find a way to open it. She found that apart from a few changes of clothes, there was only one book inside.

The book was a very unknown novel, and she had never heard of the author or his name. However, her focus was not on that, but on the newspaper clippings and a letter contained in the book.

The newspaper clipping was news about Gotham's large-scale introduction of talents decades ago. At that time, due to collusion between government and business, most industries were in the hands of the Communist Party. Young people could only join the Communist Party to work for them or do some jobs with no future. There is no third option at all, so most people choose to leave Gotham and live in other cities, whether for themselves or for their children.

When the mayor of Gotham saw this situation, he did not choose to suppress people to prevent the loss of young people. Instead, he published generous benefits in newspapers to attract more young people to come to Gotham. Tan.

Although most people will not dare to come because of Gotham's nickname of "Crime City", there are always some people who will be attracted by the benefits. They came to Gotham through various means of transportation with their few belongings, just to make enough money in this city to pay off their bills and let their parents, wives and children live a better life. Life.

But in the end, very few people survived to enjoy those benefits, and most of them died in various struggles in Japan.

Obviously, the owner of this box was also one of those people who came to Gotham at that time, but the difference was that he did not die in a violent struggle, but because of an accident.

Based on the date written casually on the newspaper clipping, Mia found out that a ship heading to Gotham had an accident due to bad weather, resulting in the death of nearly a hundred people, and the suitcase also fell to the bottom of the sea with the sinking of the ship, but later I don't know why the river god picked it up again and threw it into the pile of items.

So after finding the address of the recipient from the envelope, Mia used the ability of the river god - as we all know, there is usually more than one river in a city, and as a river god in charge of an entire city, of course he must have some that can teleport at any time. Ability to reach another river.

However, because the address on the letter was not in Gotham, Mia had to first find the river god in charge of that place and express her idea to him before she could reach the place mentioned in the letter.

She placed the box at the door, then after ringing the doorbell, she quickly ran behind the wall and stuck her head out to carefully observe the situation of the house, ready to run over if anything was wrong and say that she accidentally put the box in the wrong place. .

Soon an old man came out of it. She frowned and looked around. After making sure that no one was there, she thought it was another prank by the children around her. She planned to talk to their parents next time she saw them. , it was not the first time those children had done this kind of thing, and when she closed the door, she suddenly saw the suitcase lying quietly at the door.

She remembered this, of course she remembered this, the memory of her child carrying this suitcase out of this room decades ago.

He said that

he would make a lot of money and come back to buy them a big house. He said that he would send them a letter as soon as he got off the ship, but she waited and waited and waited. Not only did she not wait for the letter that should have arrived long ago, Xin did not wait for her child.

After being silent for a long time, she squatted tremblingly at the door and opened the box. She had been waiting for so many years and she didn't want to wait those few minutes to get the box through the door and into the house.

The things inside were just as she remembered. The clothes they went to the mall to buy together when he left, and the coat belonged to his father. He said it was his lucky coat and he insisted that he take it with him. , and the letter. She opened it, and familiar handwriting appeared in front of her eyes. It was her child's handwriting.

It says, "Dear mother, in order to send you a letter as soon as I get off the ship, I am writing this letter to you on the ship. It has been about three days since I left home. Everything is fine with me. Okay..."

She didn't read the rest of the words, but she knew that the letter that was decades late had finally reached the place it was supposed to go.

Mia didn't know anything about these things. After she saw the old man opening the box, she hurried to the next place.

It was a very cozy little house located in the suburbs of Gotham. I heard from the neighbors that there was a very nice couple living there. They would usually send them freshly baked cookies during the holidays. However, They have been traveling these days and are not at home now.

This made Mia feel a little disappointed, and she stood at the door of the house holding the second item. It was a well-packaged vinyl record. Although its packaging box had long been said to be soaked, the record inside was surprisingly unaffected because it was packaged too tightly.

Just as she was debating whether to put the record directly in the mailbox or leave it at a neighbor's house first - after all, she could become the River God only for this day - the door suddenly opened.

I saw a middle-aged woman wearing home clothes standing at the door. When she saw the surprised Mia, she smiled and asked her what happened.

Mia reacted immediately after hearing the woman's words. She raised the record and said, "Hello, madam, I found this record before and saw your contact information on it, so I gave it to you directly. Come over here," she said.

"Oh, thank you very much, kid, but we probably didn't..." the woman said when she saw Mia holding the record. Although she and her husband did enjoy the vinyl record and watching it spin slowly on the gramophone always made her feel calm, the gramophone accidentally fell off a cabinet while cleaning a few years ago. They never bought another record after that.

But before she had finished speaking her husband's voice rang out from the house, and he asked her who was knocking at the door.

"It's a little girl, honey. She said she picked up a record with our contact information on it." The woman replied, "But you know, we haven't bought a record in many years. I don't know. Who wrote it wrong?"

"No, wait," the man suddenly shouted after hearing the woman's words. He put down the luggage that they had not packed yet - because they got home late at night yesterday and really didn't have the energy to pack anymore. Deciding to clean up again during the day - he walked eagerly to the door, and his face was full of surprise and joy when he saw the record in Mia's hand.

"Oh, this is a miracle. When I went to the store to pick up the record, they told me that the store had been robbed the night before I went to pick up the record. Not only the record, but also the other items I ordered were gone. More than half of it," the man said, holding up the record and thanking Mia excitedly. "Thank you for sending it back, kid. If it hadn't been for it, I'd probably still be worrying about what I should give to my wife. A gift."

"A gift?" the woman asked after hearing the man's words.

"It's the 15th anniversary of our meeting." The man replied. He turned to look at his wife with a nostalgic look on his face. "We were listening to their songs when we first met." "Oh, look

. , I completely forgot about it." The woman's eyes widened after hearing his words, and she had long forgotten this day over the years. But it doesn't matter, because there will always be someone who will remember this for her and

prepare surprises for her on those days.

So after perfectly delivering the second item to the location, Mia sent some other items one after another. Most of them were guns or something, because there were too many of them, so she packed them all up. And then dumped it in front of the Gotham Police Department. This took her a lot of effort.

But even though she had worked so hard to get rid of the pile, they still didn't look much reduced. This made Mia feel a little disappointed.

She sat at the bottom of the river in dismay, watching the small fish swimming by her. After seeing the gold and silver coins falling from the river, she put them in her pocket, and then put on her mask - she had just gone to deliver something. In order to avoid attracting others' attention, she appeared on the river without wearing a mask, only to find that the person who threw the coin was the little boy today.

He was very nervous and scared when he saw her, and she could see his trembling legs, but he still shouted before she could say anything, "I...I can't take those two coins, if I take them If I do, my mother will be disappointed in me and never come back."

He mustered up the courage to look at her. After getting the coin from the girl, he hesitated for a long time and finally chose to accept it. After all, you have to know that it is a gold coin and a silver coin. If he accepts them, he will no longer have to worry about food expenses for a long time in the future, and he will also have extra money that he can use to pay for his own tuition. .

After his mother left, his father drank and beat people every day. He hasn't received living expenses from him for a long time.

But when he came home after buying today's food and saw Mimi, he remembered what his mother had said. She said that he couldn't just take other people's things. She said that she would leave because she was disappointed with him. She said she would come back one day when he became good.

And he couldn't let her down anymore, he wanted her to come back, so after feeding Mimi - it was the last thing his mother left for him - he started running towards the river, trying to get the two coins He returned it to the female ghost, but no matter how much he called her, she wouldn't come out. He had no choice but to imitate what happened today and throw the two coins into the river.

"I'm not a female ghost, I'm a river god!!" Mia said unhappily after hearing the boy's explanation. She frowned and glared at him.

But the boy didn't care about this. He repeated the word "River God" in a puzzled tone, and then asked her if she was the River God with the golden ax and the silver axe?

"Of course, otherwise I can be a river god." Mia replied, she curled her lips and handed the two coins to him again, "Now that you know that I am a river god, you should also know those two coins. You deserve the coins."

"No," the boy shook his head, "the cake shop owner said that I have to use labor in exchange for wages and food, so those two coins are not mine." "

But you are very honest. "Mia said, she looked at his appearance and thought for a while, "Well, let's be like this, you will be the river god, and then these two coins will be considered as your salary, so they will belong to you."

" Be a river god?" the boy asked.

"Yes, to be the River God." Mia nodded, and she took out the "Employee Code: River God" from her pocket, "It said that the previous River God could directly control the river without violating the wishes of both parties. The position of god is passed on to the next person. If you are willing to become the river god, then you can get one gold coin and one silver coin." "

Okay, then I want to be the river god." The boy answered immediately, and he took the hand from Mia. He took the coin, and now he is the next river god.

According to He Shen's work handover matters, Mia had to demonstrate the work process to him first. So the two of them sat at the bottom of the river cleaning and sorting the pile of items while waiting for the things to fall.

I just don't know if it was because it was night, but Mia was so sleepy that she dozed off before she dropped a gun from the water. Although she didn't think it was good to ask with a gun, this was the only thing that dropped during this period. Something came down.

So after taking a deep breath, Mia floated to the surface. She was mentally prepared to see a tall and thick member of the gang, but unexpectedly, what she saw was Batman.

There was a fainted man lying at his feet, looking at her with doubts in his eyes.

"Ahem," Mia

didn't pay attention to his expression. She coughed twice out of professional ethics, then raised the gun in her hand with a serious look and asked him whether he dropped the gold or the silver gun. □□, or this ordinary □□.

Batman:? ? ?

"Ordinary." Batman answered after a while.

"Very good, you are an honest person. To reward your honesty, these three guns are yours." Mia nodded and continued, and she happily placed the three guns in his hand. , and then greeted him and told him that she became the river god today.

"River God?" Batman asked.

"It's what you just saw, but I have successfully found the next River God. Now is the handover ceremony. I have to go through the work process with him before I can hand over the River God's job to him," Mia said, As if she suddenly remembered something, she took out another pearl from her pocket, which was also found in the pile of items. When she took out something, it fell on the box containing the record.

Because it was beautiful and expensive, she put it in her pocket and prepared to hand over the pearls to them when she placed the guns at the door of the police station. Unexpectedly, when she arrived at the police station, I completely forgot about it until just now.

"By the way, Batman, can I ask you if you know who the owner of this pearl is? I originally wanted to hand it over to the police, but I accidentally forgot about it." Mia continued.

She handed it to Batman, and it took a long time before she heard the answer from him, "These are Martha Wayne's pearls."

"Are you sure?!" Mia looked at him with wide eyes. She had never thought that this would be her grandmother's pearl.

Batman nodded silently. He looked at the pearl. Of course he couldn't mistake it. He and his father had been choosing for a long time just to find a perfect pearl necklace for his mother, but they didn't. Thinking of that necklace, it actually became a reminder for them.

The alleys at night, gunshots, blood, scattered pearls, those things were as clear to him as if they happened yesterday, even though they had been for decades.

After he returned to Gotham, of course he also tried to look for those scattered pearls, and his children also looked for them. They traveled through the sewers of Gotham, but they did not expect that one of them was discharged into the Gotham River along with the sewage. , and finally sank to the bottom of the river.

"Then are you going to give this to Bruce? I mean you can give it to him in person, after all, you are a couple." Mia said, she looked at Batman with some worry, he didn't look very good.

"I'll give it to him." Batman replied, his voice was hoarse, and there was emotion in it that Mia couldn't understand, which made her even more worried, but she did everything.

So she just silently returned to the bottom of the river after Batman left. At this time, the boy was looking at her with admiration. He didn't expect that she actually knew Batman.

"He is the best superhero, bar none." He shouted excitedly, but in the middle of his sentence he asked again, "By the way, I just saw you asked about the owner of Batman's pearls, what about that?" Is it also the job of the river god?"

"No," Mia shook her head, "I just don't want those things to sink to the bottom of the river. They should be returned to their owners." Just like that suitcase, that record , that pearl... They should never just lie at the bottom of the river, but should return to those who need them with the love, memories, and longing they represent.

The next day, while watching the news, Mia discovered that the reporter reported that a large number of guns suddenly appeared at the door of the Gotham Police Department. "Officer Bullock firmly believed that this was a warning against the Gotham Police Department. The prisoner wanted to This is a way to tell them not to interfere with Gotham's affairs..."

Mi. The prisoner who placed the gun at the door of the police station. But in fact, he simply thought that it would be better to hand this dangerous item to the police.