
Different Dimension infinite Cheats

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs

Chapter 94 Limit Break

Entering the 6th Floor, walking for a while, looking at the light green and dark mix atmosphere around...


Eero raised his sword; instantly a long object appeared and struck his sword blade, revealing a frog shooter: a monster with one large eye that attacks by shooting out its long tongue.

He ran and appeared beside the frog monster, piercing its only eye, turning it into ashes, and collecting the magic stone. Then, noticing another three monsters standing in darkness: dark humanoid monsters with long arms with three claws that are sharp like knives.

Eero raised his brow, muttering, "So, it is the strongest monster on the 6th Floor, War Shadow."


Looking at their three claws attacking at a fast pace, he dodged and slashed in return, looking at the shadow, he called and backed away still alive after being slashed by him. Eero suddenly became interested, 'It means the next floors will start becoming a little challenging, but...'

[Lord of Light Element Activated]

Instantly, Eero's appearance changed, his hair started flickering in the air, turning white along with his iris turning pure white. The whole cave around lit up, a smile appeared on his face as he grabbed his sword handle.

Slash x16

White arcs flickered around Eero; instantly, the shadow warrior dissipated, leaving a magic stone on the ground. Arc-shaped marks appeared on the surrounding dungeon walls.

Eero's appearance returned to normal as he sheathed his sword intriguingly. 'Lord of Light Element can increase my dexterity and agility double; also, I can control light magic particles in the air for healing and other purposes. It's very effective against monsters with opposite attributes like dark and shadow. It seems I have to test all my other Lord of Element's forms.'

After a while...




Eero battled a few red ant monsters with four legs and two arms, dodging and killing them easily by breaking their joints. Because ant exoskeletons are very hard, leg joints and other body joints are their weakness.

Then, the ant bodies dissipated into ashes.

After killing the red ants and collecting the stones, he sat down on the stone feeling a little exhausted.

He already reached the 10th floor; on the way, he killed a lot of moths and rabbits with horns and collected their wings and tusks.

"Dungeon upgrade is harder than I thought," Eero muttered thoughtfully, feeling his attributes increase very little after hunting monsters, recalling the information he read from 4th to 12th Floors.

4th-7th Floor: Stronger monsters such as War Shadows and Killer Ants appear, and the monster birth time is faster, which is why these floors are where a lot of newbie adventurers start to die. It's recommended for Level 1 adventurers to have a status of at least D in their basic abilities to explore these floors.

8th-9th Floor: The number and size of rooms increase, and the length of the hallways between them becomes shorter. Also, the ceiling changes height from three to four meters from the floors above to nearly ten meters. Moss covers the brown-colored walls, and the ground below becomes a short grass plain.

The strong light from the phosphorescence above is similar to light from the sun. No new monsters appear; however, monsters from 1st-7th Floors reappear but stronger. It's recommended for Level 1 adventurers to have a status of at least C in their basic abilities to explore these floors.

10th-12th Floor: The 10th-12th Floors keep the same structure as the 8th-9th Floors; however, the light from above becomes reminiscent of morning mist. The mist on the 12th Floor becomes much thicker than on the 10th and 11th Floors. Large category monsters such as Orcs and Infant Dragons begin to appear on these floors. These floors are also where monsters use landforms such as trees as weapons for the first time.

The 11th and 12th Floors are extremely dangerous for Level 1 adventurers because stronger monsters like Silverbacks and Hard Armoreds appear here. Infant Dragons that are categorized as Level 2 and considered as floor bosses of the area also appear, though rarely.

It's recommended for Level 1 adventurers to have a status of at least A in their basic abilities to explore these floors. Parties that explore these floors are normally the ones preparing to venture into the middle floors for the first time.



While Eero was thinking, instantly he snapped out of his thought, his perception shook, feeling a crisis. He directly activated the Lord of Light Element and slashed at a direction behind him.


A flickering white light reflected in the air; visible red lines appeared on the bat-shaped monsters. Instantly, all turned into ashes, dropping inch-size magic stones.

'A dark bat monster that has sharp fangs and the ability to create sound waves that disrupt concentration,' Eero recalled the details of this monster, realizing that's why just now his perception was disturbed. Thankfully, his attributes are balanced; it didn't affect him too much, but his heart became a little vigilant against spirit and soul attribute opponents.

Then the magic stone disappeared; looking at the storage panel box filled with x 230 Lv.1 magic stone, he walked toward the depth, appeared on the 11th Floor. After hunting a few monsters and a large monkey monster covered in white fur with silver fur down the middle, which has great arm strength, along with Hard Armored, called Silverback, Eero stroked its eyes and stirred its brain in order to defeat it.

[Excelia gathered successfully]

[Please select: Level / Limit]

[Level: Increase level to 2]

[Limit: Break the limit to SSS]

Eero halted after grabbing the sword handle, pulling out the sword from the Silverback skull, it turned into ashes.

"Obviously, choose Limit; only an idiot will choose Level," Eero muttered amusingly, then felt a little warm current in his body. He didn't break through to Lv. 2, but his attributes increased a lot.

"Well, it seems this is the function of the balancer," Eero muttered, feeling all attributes increased in balance, reaching SSS 1300+.

Looking at more monsters spawning, he ran toward their direction, instantly feeling a difference, becoming a little more agile, slide dodging their attacks, slashing them one by one. After a while, looking at the empty 11th floor.

"This floor was a little tough, but it's nothing special, just took a little extra time. I should try clearing the 12th floor today," he muttered thoughtfully.