
Different Dimension infinite Cheats

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

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216 Chs

Chapter 93 Dungeon

Looking at her reaction, Eero smiled in his heart, 'She is a little naive and cute, though.'

"Well, how many familia do you have? If you have any familia before, then forget it. I don't want to take orders or obey any senior," Eero then said thoughtfully.

Hestia raised her head, feeling a little hopeful, replied hurriedly, "I don't have any familia."

Eero was speechless, looking at her anxious appearance, then nodded calmly, "Well then, it's okay. I can become your familia."

"Really?" Hestia said excitedly.

Eero nodded, looking at her. Basically, he was invited by other familia, but he rejected them because he doesn't like someone acting senior above his head.

He may end up leaving them, that's why he waited for her all these years without joining any familia. If she hadn't arrived herself, he would have visited her soon. A goddess with no familia is perfect for his personality.

After completing a ceremony,

"What's going on here???" Hestia exclaimed, extremely shocked, looking at the status details on his back.

Eero also smiled, looking at the status panel in front of his eyes,


Level 1

STR 1099 SS

DEX 1099 SS

AGI 1099 SS

END 1099 SS

MAG 1099 SS

Luck SS

Exclusive Talent: [Lord of Elements] [Dominate and Suppress any Element] (Note: Only Host can see exclusive talent)



Development Skill:


Eero became thoughtful, 'It seems she is shocked by my SS class attributes. All these years of hard work and force usage finally came to fruition.'

Hestia's eyes lit up looking at his status. Already have two skills before receiving Falna, Balancer is unknown and Smith is a growth skill.

Then she suppressed her excitement, hiding the status in Hestia Crest behind him.

Eero sat up calmly, wearing his shirt and looking at Hestia's excited expression.

"Eero-kun, you have amazing attributes and have all reached the limit of level 1. When you visit a dungeon and hunt more monsters, collecting enough excella, you will upgrade to the next level instantly," Hestia said, looking at him sitting on the bed, grabbing his arm excitedly.

'She became casual so soon, forgot I am her boss,' Eero became speechless, then didn't care, 'Maybe all goddesses are like this to their familia.'

Eero nodded in return politely, looking at her eyes filled with excitement, 'She is quite happy. Anyway, soon she will receive another one. It will take a year though.'

Next morning, looking at her lying on his bed, grabbing his arm, Eero became speechless, 'Why did she start living in my room?'

Eero then left after wearing his black slim armor and dual black swords, passed by the Babel Tower, looking at the huge tower built above the dungeon.

Stopped beside the guild building, walked inside, appeared in front of the reception.

"Eero-kun, what brought you today?" Eine wondered curiously, looking at his armor and sword.

"I am here to register as an adventurer. I am going to explore the dungeon," Eero said.

"What?" Eine exclaimed. "What about the blacksmith shop? Are you closing your shop?" she asked anxiously.

Eero shook his head, "Rest assured, I will supply equipment. It was just my dream to become an adventurer and explore the dungeon. Just tell me the information about the first few dungeon floors," he replied.

Eine sighed in relief, then registered his identity.

"What, you joined the Hestia familia?"

She exclaimed again in shock. Today is the most shocking day for her. She didn't expect Eero, in the end, to decide to join Hestia. Her expression became strange, 'Is he interested in that Loli goddess?'

Eero glanced at her strange expression, said calmly, "She is suitable to be my goddess." Eine became speechless.

After giving him the identity badge, she then gave him info about the first twelve floors.

Eero glanced at the info intriguingly.

"Eero-kun, you must be careful. I don't want this city to lose a talented blacksmith," Eine reminded solemnly, adjusting her glasses.

Eero nodded, thanked, then left the guild building.

After a while,

He appeared beside the Babel Tower, looking at it. He walked toward the 1st underground floor of the Babel Tower, after showing his identity badge.

Within the circular room are multiple columns at equal intervals, and above is a beautiful azure painting of the sky that resembles the real sky. Along the circle are gentle stairs that spiral down into the dungeon.

There are some other adventurers moving outside and inside.

Eero glanced at the light-blue walls around, walked through a wide hallway on the 1st Floor known as the Beginning Road.

"Grwwe!!!" Instantly, a sound fell through his ears, looking at the monsters that appear. A few green and plump humanoid monsters with large eyes.

Eero raised his brow intriguingly, 'Interesting the goblin looks like this in reality. It is considered to be the weakest monster in this dungeon.'

Dodging their attacks, Eero's figure turned unsheathed his sword.


Separating all goblin from the middle using one strike.


Monsters bursting into black-purple ash and leaving small crystals on the ground. Eero picked one up looking at the purplish color in the middle. 'This is a magic stone.'

[Automatic Collection Activated]

Eero raised his brow looking at other crystals that disappeared and appeared in his storage panel box as Magic Stone +3. Also, there is another item, Goblin Fang +1. Putting the one in his hand also, it becomes +4.

Eero then stood up, walked toward the 2nd floor, after slashing a few goblins, then glanced at the new monster that appeared. A dog-headed monster walking on hind legs; they are also in a group.

He reversed his step to dodge the Kobold bite then kicked his face flying him away, raised his knife, slashed all Kobold turning them into ashes, after collecting spoil, he walked toward the deeper floor.

After passing through first four floors, reached the 5th Floor,

The walls change to a light-green color, and the structure of the dungeon begins to change.

"All monster are same it's boring to kill them again and again, the upgrade here is also slow,"

Eero disappointingly complained, slashing similar goblins and Kobolds turned them into ashes, collected the magic stone and few Kobold Nails, then walked toward the next floor.

Just near the passage wall, he turned and pierced his sword beside him, pierced the head of a creature: a brown quadrupedal lizard-like monster with sucker discs on its feet. It attacks by climbing walls and jumping down at people, preferably from ambush.