
Different Dimension infinite Cheats

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs

Chapter 168 Sebastian

A few days later,

Sebas Tian enters the Magician's Guild inside the city of Re-Estize, the royal capital of the Re-Estize Kingdom. 

He asks the clerk about a spell in the directory, and the clerk tells him that it is a 1st-tier spell called Floating Board, which is used to transport items. 

Interested in the spell, Sebas Tian leaves after buying a magic scroll for that spell and walks outside the building. He decides to walk to a different part of the city and tells his shadow demon to inform Solution Epsilon that he will be late.

As he is walking through the alleyways, he spots a man throwing a sack out the door of his establishment. The man walks back into his house, so Sebas has Shadow Demon cut open the sack's knot to determine if it is dangerous. Finding no danger, he begins to walk by it, but a badly bruised, injured person grabs his ankle, forcing his attention. Sebas Tian sees that it is a woman that is inside the sack, politely asking to let go of him. When he is met with silence, he then asks if she needs assistance. 

The man who threw the sack out comes back and asks Sebas what he is doing. Irritated, Sebas pockets his scroll and then grabs the man by the shirt, demanding to know who the woman is. 

The man states that she is one of his employees, but Sebas doesn't believe him due to the extent of the woman's injuries. Sebas decides to take her with him, but the man protests by saying that if Sebas Tian takes her, then he'll be killed by the criminal organization called Eight Fingers. 

Remembering his creator's motto, Sebas gives the man money to flee the country before taking the woman with him back to the mansion.

While he didn't know, a dark shadow was following him secretly.

Back at the mansion, Solution greets Sebas and notices that he is carrying a human. 

She asks Sebas about the severely injured woman, and he says that he found her and asks Solution to assess her condition. Solution inquires why he did not simply leave her for the temples; he makes an excuse and still has her treated. 

Sebas leaves Solution to her work, wondering why he saved the woman and if Touch Me's lawful, good view of helping people is a curse or not. 

Sometime later, Solution returns and tells Sebas that the woman has syphilis and two other diseases: several cracked ribs and fingers, tendons in her arm and leg torn, teeth that had been forcefully pulled, an anal fissure, and that she may be addicted to some form of drug. 

Sebas asks Solution to heal the woman, who also asks if it is alright to call Pestonya Shortcake Wanko. 

Sebas refuses to tell Solution to use the healing scrolls she possesses. She hesitates at first, but ultimately complies and asks if Ainz should be notified, which Sebas refuses to do. 

Sebas leaves to go buy food while Solution heals the woman. Solution notes that she could eat her before Sebas returns, but she ultimately doesn't do it out of duty.

Just coming out of the room, Solution was surprised to see the young man with golden hair and silver armor standing beside the door. She licked her lips. "Young Knight, what do you need from me?"

Climb turned and glanced at her and spoke calmly, "You are not the noble from the Baharuth Empire; we know your real identity, you monster's." 

Solution was surprised to look at him, then a smile materialized on her face. She licked her lips and replied, "Interesting, you have found out our real identity, which means I can eat you now."

"He He He," Evil laughter spread,

Solution figure flickered, instantly reaching in front of Climb, raising her hand toward his face.

Grabbing his sword, 

Five Flash!!!

A silver star materialized in the air in front of him, and the and the next moment Climb pressed his blade inside his sheath.

"Impo…" Solution eyes widened, looking at Climb in horror. Silver lines became visible on her body and separated her into six pieces.

Pieces fell to the ground. Climb was surprised to see her body becoming a slimy liquid, then his silver magic power spread through that liquid and evaporated it.

Climb then raised his hand. A diagram appeared on the ground, and silver slime materialized in front of him. Then it turned into a humanoid shape similar to the solution but with silver hairs.

'I can summon the monsters I killed. It seems I have to inform Queen Renner.' Climb thought to himself,

While a little distance away from Climb,

Sebastian was looking at the dark figure in front of him. Both moved.

Thud!!! Thud!! Thud!

Fist-to-fist bump sounds echoed around; an intense collision happened in the whole street.

After a while,

A gazef figure flickered beside him; a dark slash flickered. 

Slash of Solace!!!

Sabestian dodged it narrowly; still, his cheeks were injured, and blood flowed on his face, rendering his beard red.

"I didn't expect to meet an Abyssal creature in this kingdom. Who are you working for, and why did you attack me? "Sebastian asked solemnly, 

"I saw you help a woman, but it can't stop me from hunting you, as I have been ordered by my master," Gezef replied in a burly voice.

"Gazef San, do you need help?" Climb appeared to be walking from the end of the street.

Sebastian's pupil shrank, his expression becoming solemn, looking at Climb's silver eye's, 'Another strong human.'

"No, you go and find the eight fingers and remove them completely; clean up the mess in this kingdom, according to Queen Renner's orders." Gezef replied,

"Okay, Gezef San."Climb nodded, glanced at Sebas deeply, then turned around and walked away.

Gezef turned and glanced at Sebas, then said, "Let's settle it once and for all."

Raising his hand, two dark bone swords appeared in his both hands.