
Different Dimension infinite Cheats

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs

Chapter 169 Fair

"Very well." Sebas replied, raising his hand in a stance, green marking spreading through his whole body all the way to his fist, "As a dragonoid, my body is my weapon."

Both moved,



A huge crater appeared, along with cracks spreading through the whole street.

The Gezef figure flickered and materialized behind Sebas; his bone sword cracked.

On the other hand, Sebas fell to the ground; there are six slash marks on his heart and body.

"You were indeed a tough opponent." Gezef spoke, raising his hand instantly. Bone spurs and spikes protruded out of his whole body, then they turned dark along with Sebas body.

"So this is the end; at least I didn't betray my Lord." Sebas spoke, relief spreading on his face, which turned dark, and cracks spread through his whole body, turning into darkness mixed with bone dust.

Gazef glanced at the dark dust; his body returned to normal human form. He sighed, looking at his palm thoughtfully, 'Does the power I have is for good or bad?' Then he turned around and left.

While inside the Tomb of Nazarick,

Ainz was instantly alerted by Albedo, sitting inside the throne room, looking at the faded name of Sabestian on the guild status report.

His body flickered a few times, then calmed down. 'Why? How? ' a thought flashed through his mind.

Then he turned and glanced at Albedo beside him. "Albedo, summon all the floor guardians in the treasury and emergency alert and secure the whole tomb of Nazaric. We are going to revive Sebas and Solution in order to find the cause of their deaths."

"Yes, Ainz sama," Albedo replied respectfully, then left the throne room.

Ainz then waved his hand; the status panel disappeared. 'Who can kill Sebastian, whose strength almost rivals those floor guards'?' His expression became thoughtful and a little alert.

After a while,

Inside the Tomb of Nazarick, Treasury Hall, looking at the gold coins gathered and then a humanoid figure materialized,

Just as Ainz was relieved, a crack spread through the whole golden figure, then it burst into pieces, amidst the surprised expressions of everyone.

Ainz clenched his fist; his body flickered in anger. 'Damn, why can't resurrection work for him?' amidst the doubtful expression of the floor guardian. 

He left the treasury with a dark, chilly eye socket as if an abyss were going to be unleashed through them. 'World item, and it's definitely a powerful world item, which is preventing him from resurrection.' A dark vibe flickered through his body.

While on the unknown place above the ocean, dense clouds are floating in this area all year around. 

Inside the huge clouds, an island is floating, with a huge palace adorned with silver. 

"Ha ha ha, that guy must have been pissed off by now." Eero laughed, then spoke wickedly.

"Brother, why don't you kill him at once? You can just use world items in stacks and remove the tomb of Nazarick through the world map." Ada, standing beside him, asked with a helpless expression on her face.

Eero shook his head and asked, "Do you think I am doing everything for fun?"

Ada nodded. Eero then said, "Fun is indeed a reason, but it's not the main one. I am relaxing people in this world from his scheme. Think about it: if he hadn't had an opponent like me in this world, what would he do to this world? "

Ada was startled, then said thoughtfully, "He will destroy and create chaos; he will also take this world under his rule." 

Eero nodded then said wickedly, "You are half right; think about his subordinates; they are heteromorphic and they hate humans. In the beginning, if we assume, he will be able to control them, but later, when he conquers this world, he will probably hand this world to his subordinates, and they will use humans as livestock or even sex toys, etc."

Ada was startled and then said, "That's why, but why don't you kill his subordinate directly?"

"It's not that I can't kill them; I just don't want to. I have no enmity with them, but if I give the humans in this world the same power as those guardians, then it will be a fair struggle," Eero replied calmly.

Ada nodded thoughtfully, looking at the lake and garden outside the palace, filled with colorful fruits and marine life.

Demiurge gathers the Pleiades, Mare, and Shalltear, deciding to attack the Re-Estize kingdom and bring out the culprit who killed the Sebas. 

Concluding his plan, Demiurge receives contact from a shadow demon that an unknown individual is found in the capital. 

He hurriedly alerted the teammates.

Fearing that Ainz might grow weary of the Floor Guardians should they fail him again, Demiurge finalizes the operation and vows that failure is not an option.

Meanwhile, inside the Royal Palace of Re-Estize,

Queen Renner was sitting and playing piano, while Climb was standing beside her, listening to the tune.

After a while,

"Climb, how about Minister Reck?' Renner asked,

"I have removed all those whom you deemed unworthy." Climb replied, 

Renner then stood up and appeared beside the window, looking at the kingdom in the darkness.

"Climb darkness is a mere front; soon we will usher in true peace," Renner said.


Instantaneously, her eyes brightened. Six huge red mushrooms became visible in her eye's, and the and the whole palace windows shook.

Both Renner and Climb were shocked, looking at the six different areas that ushered in destruction instead of peace.

"Interesting. You humans even know the meaning of peace." A female voice sounded.

Climb instantly appeared in front of Renner. "Who are you? "Solemnly, looking at Shalltear in red and Demiurge in mask,

"Tell me, was it you who killed our Maid and Butler?" Demiurge asked, looking at Climb. His expression behind the mask became surprised.

'They are not normal humans.' both of them thought in surprise looking at Renner and Climb.

Shalltear also raised her brows thoughtfully and instantly summoned her weapons and armor.