
Different country different rules? JJK x SL

A 20 year old man got tranmigrated into jjk world after he died drowning in sea. His new name Osutin Hikari, turned out he started his journey form jjk plasma vessel arc as Riko childhood friends. watch no... let read his journey together.. Anime world 1. jujutsu Kaisen 2. Solo leveling two for now you can recommend but not on big scale anime just some slice of Life anime...

Abyss_Light · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter-29 Jin death.


Words counted - 1500.

Need review to motivate me and inform me about more mistakes.

Now enjoy (*_*)


"Come on in," said a voice as the car door opened.

Kaori sighed and got into the car, settling into the passenger seat beside the driver. She glanced at the person next to her. "Urame, what's with this car?" she asked.

"Nothing much. I just bought it for Master. He will wants to see how much humans have evolved technically before he destroys them," Urame replied nonchalantly.

"Did you spend money buying it?" Kaori asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Hah, why should I? I used those insects' ways to get what I want," Uraume scoffed.

"Then how did you get this car?" Kaori pressed.

"Oh, I just killed its owner yesterday and took it for myself," Urame said with a chilling smile.

After talking for a while, Urame looked at Kaori with a discusting grin. "So, what are you going to do about that insect following us?" she asked, glancing back at Jin, who was tailing them on his scooter.

Uraume was disgusted by Kenjaku's ways of doing things, but she didn't show much dissatisfaction. She knew that what Kenjaku was doing was to revive her master, and it provided an advantage for her.

"I'll handle him," Kaori replied coldly. "I also need to return. My work here is done, and I need to prepare a big surprise for the sorcerers."

Uraume, while still driving, scoffed. "Do as you wish. Just remember, we can't afford any mistakes in reviving my master, or else I will kill you."

"Let's go to a hotel and let him follow us inside. We can finish him there," suggested Kaori.

Uraume didn't say anything, merely nodding as she drove to a nearby hotel. She maneuvered the car into an underground parking spot.

Stepping out, they made their way inside. As they entered, they were greeted by the receptionist.

"One room," Kaori said, her tone curt. She knew if she let Uraume handle the transaction, the receptionist might end up with a slit throat before they even got a room.

The receptionist handed over a key. "Your room will be 111. If you need anything, just call us." She then gestured to a helper to guide them to their room.

"Have a good day, sir," the waiter said as Kaori closed the door behind them.

As the door closed, Kaori walked in and saw Uraume sitting on a chair. She moved closer, sat on the bed, and asked, "How is the pool doing?" The pool she was referring to was a blood pool that Uraume had built for her master, consisting of many cursed spirits, humans, and newly discovered monsters.

"Surprisingly, those monsters are a perfect ingredient for the pool," replied Uraume.

"Are you still raiding dungeons?" Kaori asked, wondering whether Uraume was still pursuing her new job as a hunter.

"Yeah, it's a nice job. I get to kill as many as I want inside the dungeons, and there are no jujutsu sorcerers to stop me," replied Uraume, a hint of satisfaction in her voice

Smiling, Kaori said, "Good for you that you're enjoying yourself."

"Enough with your babbling. Is the plan for the Culling Game in motion?" Uraume asked sharply.

"No... I haven't gotten my hands on that curse manipulation kid yet. I'll try other methods to take his body if possible," Kaori replied, her voice tinged with frustration.

With a thoughtful pause, Kaori continued, "But I'm also thinking of studying the dungeons. What if we, along with releasing the cursed spirits, open the dungeon portals in Japan like those dungeon breaks? It would be more fun, right?" she asked, looking at Uraume.

"I don't care about any games. My only goal is my master. I'm sticking with you because we're walking the same path, nothing else," Uraume said, her tone annoyed, unable to hide her disdain at seeing Kenjaku's face inside a woman's body.

As they were talking, a knock came at the door.

*Knock *knock*

"It looks like he can't hide anymore. I'll open the door, you stay here," Kaori said, rising from her seat. She walked over and opened the door.

Outside, Jin was waiting anxiously. He had followed them discreetly, trailing behind as they made their way into the hotel. When he saw them with the guide, he had opted to use the stairs, watching as they entered their room. He lingered outside, conflicted about what to do next.

His hesitation turned to frustration as time passed. Unable to take it any longer, he knocked. If there was no answer after a few knocks, he resolved to break in if necessary.

As Jin waited outside for a response, the door opened, and he saw Kaori smiling at him. Her unsettling smile made him uneasy, but determined, he stayed.

"Come in, Jin," Kaori said, still smiling. She turned and walked back into the room, leaving the door open for him to enter.

Hesitantly, Jin stepped inside, closing the door behind him. He followed her into the room and saw another person sitting there. Observing closely, he couldn't determine whether the person was male or female.

Looking around for a moment, Jin finally fixed his gaze on Kaori and asked the question that had been bugging him, "What are you doing here?"

Kaori, sitting casually on the bed, replied, "I came here to discuss some matters with a colleague of mine. Is there any problem?"

Jin's anger boiled over as he stepped further into the room. "Is there any problem? You ask?" he shouted, his voice trembling with a mix of confusion and hurt. "What is wrong with you, Kaori? You've been acting so strange lately. Did I do something to hurt you?" His voice broke as he pleaded for answers, his frustration turning into a desperate plea for understanding.

Kaori remained eerily calm, her demeanor detached. "There's nothing wrong, Jin," she replied coldly. "It's just that your time is up. I had some business with you, and now your purpose is fulfilled. Don't worry, Jin. I'll take care of Yuji. You can rest now."

The words hit Jin like a ton of bricks. His eyes widened in shock, struggling to comprehend the gravity of her statement. Before he could react, blood splattered across the room. Jin felt a sharp, excruciating pain in his neck. In an instant, his vision blurred, and his head was severed from his body.

As his head flew through the air, Jin saw Uraume standing behind him, her expression one of disgust. Time seemed to slow down as his consciousness lingered, his thoughts racing. He saw flashes of his life, moments of joy and sorrow interwoven. Regret washed over him like a tidal wave. He regretted ever getting involved with Kaori, regretted trusting her despite all the signs, but most of all, he regretted leaving his son, Yuji, behind.

His mind replayed memories of Yuji's innocent laughter, their family moments, and the promise of the picnic. He remembered how Yuji had insisted that his grandfather join them, how his little face had lit up with excitement. Now, Jin's heart ached knowing he wouldn't be there to see his son grow up, to protect him from the dangers of the world. The weight of his regrets was crushing, and his final thoughts were a desperate hope that Yuji would be safe.

Uraume's face contorted in disgust as she looked down at Jin's lifeless body. She stepped over the pooling blood, her cold gaze shifting to Kaori. "You better make sure everything goes according to plan," she said, her voice devoid of any sympathy. "No more mistakes."

Kaori nodded, her expression unchanged. She didn't flinch at the sight of Jin's blood or the lifeless head that had rolled across the floor. "Everything is under control," she replied, her voice steady.

Uraume scoffed, wiping her hands on a cloth. "It better be. Remember, this is all for Master. There is no room for errors."

Kaori watched as Uraume turned and left the room, her footsteps echoing down the corridor. Alone, she took a deep breath," time to wrap things up." She shrugged and followed uraume leaving the death jin alone.


Jin's father, Wasuke Itadori, sat in his room, unaware of the tragedy that had just unfolded. He was playing with Yuji, trying to keep the boy's spirits high. Yuji's innocent laughter filled the room, a stark contrast to the grim reality that was just beginning to unravel.

"Grandpa, where's Daddy?" Yuji asked, his big, curious eyes looking up at Wasuke.

Wasuke forced a smile, hiding his worry. "Daddy just had to take care of something important, Yuji. He'll be back soon."

Yuji nodded, accepting the answer for now, but a shadow of concern lingered in his young eyes. He missed his father, and the tension between his parents hadn't gone unnoticed.


There is no mension of jin itadori death or alive info so I will go with flow now death n if he had a big role in the coming manga I will just adjust.

Don't ask me how? After all I am the author here jehahaha---
