
Dies irae:The apathetic God

Dies Irae: The Apathetic God is a light novel series set in a world where humans develop special abilities called Gifts. The protagonist, Yuuya, possesses the unique and all-encompassing power of Instant Death. Unlike others who manipulate elements or control minds, Yuuya can simply erase anything from existence with a thought, be it a living creature, a physical object, or even abstract concepts. Despite the immense power he wields, Yuuya is a lazy and unmotivated teenager who只想做个咸鱼 (zhǐ xiǎng zuò ge xián yú) - just wants to be a salted fish, a Chinese internet slang for someone who is content with doing nothing. He finds his power to be more of a burden than a blessing, as it disrupts his peaceful life of sleep, video games, and minimal effort. The only person who can motivate Yuuya is his childhood friend, Elena. A vibrant and energetic girl with the power of Lightning Manipulation, Elena is the sole person who can pierce through Yuuya's apathy and drag him into action. The series follows Yuuya as he navigates a world that craves his power while he just wants to be left alone. It explores themes of apathy versus responsibility, the burden of extraordinary abilities, and the importance of friendship.

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2 Chs

The apathetic God

The hum of the air conditioner was a lullaby, its cool breath coaxing Yuuya further into the depths of his beanbag chair. Sunlight, a persistent annoyance, streamed through the gap in the curtains, illuminating dust motes dancing in a slow waltz. Yuuya swatted at them with a lethargic hand, his eyes barely open.

The world of Aethel divided people into neat little categories based on their "Gifts." Pyromancers who painted the sky with fire, Cryokinetics who sculpted ice from the air, Telekinetics whose minds wielded objects like unseen hands. Yuuya, however, didn't fit neatly into any box. His Gift was a chaotic anomaly, a cosmic glitch in the system.

He possessed the power of Instant Death.

A simple thought, a flicker of intent in his mind, and anything, living or not, ceased to exist. It could be a pesky mosquito buzzing by his ear, a mountain blocking the perfect view, or even a rogue gust of wind ruffling his hair. All gone in an instant.

This power, coveted by many, was a burden to Yuuya. It wasn't the act of killing itself that bothered him, it was the sheer inconvenience of it all. Killing a fly meant having to get up and sweep it away. Obliterating a bothersome noise meant the silence would eventually be broken by something else equally annoying.

At 16, Yuuya was a master of inertia. His entire life revolved around minimizing effort. He navigated the world through a series of meticulously crafted shortcuts, strategically placed furniture, and a carefully curated stash of snacks within arm's reach. School was a distant memory, a place deemed too energy-consuming. His parents had long since given up the fight, resigning themselves to their son's unique lifestyle.

The only person who could penetrate his apathy was Elena. His childhood friend, with eyes as vibrant as a summer sky and hair the color of spun sunshine, possessed the power of Lightning Manipulation. She could crackle with energy, summon bolts from the heavens, and move with the speed of a storm. To most, she was a prodigy, a future hero. To Yuuya, she was… well, Elena.

A loud crash from downstairs shattered the afternoon tranquility. Yuuya groaned, the sound an earthquake in his peaceful world.

"Elena?" he called out, a sliver of curiosity piquing his interest. He knew Elena wouldn't cause trouble, but her visits usually involved less… collateral damage.

Footsteps thundered up the stairs, and Elena burst into his room, a whirlwind of worry and displaced furniture.

"Yuuya, thank goodness you're here!" she exclaimed, hair slightly singed and a sheepish grin on her face. "I… uh… may have had a slight mishap with your parents' antique vase."

Yuuya surveyed the wreckage. The once-prized vase lay shattered on the floor, a casualty of Elena's electric enthusiasm. He glanced at Elena, then back at the debris.

A sigh escaped his lips. "Again?"

Elena stuck out her tongue playfully. "It wouldn't happen if your dad didn't have such terrible taste in interior decorating!"

Yuuya closed his eyes, the familiar warmth of irritation blooming in his chest. Here it was, the inevitable disruption. He could spend five minutes erasing the vase from existence, or he could listen to Elena complain about his parents' taste for another hour. The choice was clear.

"Just… get rid of it," he mumbled, picturing the vase dissolving into nothingness.

Elena's smile widened. "Thanks, Yuuya! You're a lifesaver!"

She dashed out of the room with the speed of a lightning bolt, leaving Yuuya to the silence he so desperately craved. A small pang of something akin to loneliness tugged at him, but he quickly squashed it. Having Elena around meant more effort, more things to break, more potential chaos. Yet, her visits were the only things that stirred even a flicker of something resembling interest within him.

Suddenly, a loud pounding echoed through the house. Yuuya frowned. Not Elena's usual method of entry. More like…

"Yuuya Aizawa!" a gruff voice boomed from downstairs. "Open up!"

Yuuya recognized the voice. Mr. Takeda, a man perpetually radiating the air of suppressed fury and questionable fashion choices, stood at his front door. He was a recruiter for the Crimson Knights, the most powerful organization in Aethel, specializing in capturing and controlling powerful individuals like himself.

Yuuya rolled his eyes. They wouldn't be the first, and they definitely wouldn't be the last one.