
Dies irae:The apathetic God

Dies Irae: The Apathetic God is a light novel series set in a world where humans develop special abilities called Gifts. The protagonist, Yuuya, possesses the unique and all-encompassing power of Instant Death. Unlike others who manipulate elements or control minds, Yuuya can simply erase anything from existence with a thought, be it a living creature, a physical object, or even abstract concepts. Despite the immense power he wields, Yuuya is a lazy and unmotivated teenager who只想做个咸鱼 (zhǐ xiǎng zuò ge xián yú) - just wants to be a salted fish, a Chinese internet slang for someone who is content with doing nothing. He finds his power to be more of a burden than a blessing, as it disrupts his peaceful life of sleep, video games, and minimal effort. The only person who can motivate Yuuya is his childhood friend, Elena. A vibrant and energetic girl with the power of Lightning Manipulation, Elena is the sole person who can pierce through Yuuya's apathy and drag him into action. The series follows Yuuya as he navigates a world that craves his power while he just wants to be left alone. It explores themes of apathy versus responsibility, the burden of extraordinary abilities, and the importance of friendship.

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Chapter 2: Apathy vs Authority

The pounding intensified, a relentless drumbeat against Yuuya's carefully constructed haven. He gritted his teeth, the annoyance a physical weight pressing down on him. Ignoring it wasn't an option. Mr. Takeda possessed an earth-shattering temper to rival his equally earth-shattering neckties.

With a sigh that could curdle milk, Yuuya willed himself out of his beanbag. The familiar ache of exertion shot through his unused muscles, a dull throb that mirrored his mood. He shuffled to the window, peeking down at Mr. Takeda through the dusty blinds. The man, a walking advertisement for over-starched suits and perpetually furrowed brows, was joined by two others.

One was a woman, all sharp angles and steely determination, clad in Crimson Knight armor that gleamed even in the fading sunlight. The other, a hulking brute with arms the size of tree trunks, wore a bored expression that Yuuya couldn't help but sympathize with.

They weren't sending in the rookies this time. Looks like Mr. Takeda was getting serious. Yuuya supposed his little stunt with the vase had finally pushed them over the edge. He couldn't decide if he was impressed or irritated.

A flicker of movement caught his eye. Elena, perched precariously on the roof across the street, was waving at him, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Of course, she was enjoying this.

Yuuya scowled. Having Elena around was supposed to be his escape from chaos, not the instigator. He sent a silent message willing the window to open, a minor exertion compared to the alternative of using his legs.

"What do you want, Takeda?" he drawled, his voice heavy with disdain.

The recruiter puffed up his chest, his face turning the color of a particularly bruised eggplant. "Aizawa," he barked, "we know about your little… incident with your parents' antique collection. That kind of power is too dangerous to be left unchecked. You're coming with us."

Yuuya raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "And what if I say no?"

The woman in armor stepped forward, her voice laced with barely contained authority. "Then we'll be forced to take you in," she said, her gaze unwavering. "We won't tolerate threats to public safety."

Yuuya snorted. "Public safety? The only threat I pose is to your precious decor."

The hulk shifted, his boredom momentarily eclipsed by a flicker of annoyance. "Just come quietly, kid," he rumbled. "This won't be pretty if we have to do this the hard way."

Yuuya considered his options. On one hand, facing the Crimson Knights head-on was an unnecessary hassle. On the other hand, the idea of being cooped up in some glorified cage, forced to use his power for their gain, was even more unbearable.

A slow, sly smile spread across his face. "Alright, alright," he conceded, feigning surrender. "But I have one condition."

Mr. Takeda's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What condition?" he growled.

Yuuya's smile widened. "First," he said, his voice dripping with mock seriousness, "you have to get me some new snacks. These are all stale."