
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

027 Birthday party

Anthony's car drove to the west of Porto North District. On the map of Porto City, at the east end of Charles River like a mouse tail, there was Porto's largest stadium [Fenway stadium]. However, Anthony's destination is not the stadium, but the north side of Fenway stadium, closer to the back bay of Charles River. Cologne's sister lived here. He was going to a birthday party for a ten - year-old girl. Anthony was invited by Cologne. In fact, the chief of Porto police was worried about boredom, so he forced a person to be his companion.

The surrounding scenery gradually became monotonous, and the single family residential area replaced the bustling commercial area. Anthony opened the window, and the child's noise came. Anthony looked at the front yard of a fairy tale castle, "here we are. Ryan, you stay here!"

"What?" Ryan sat in the driver's seat, just turned off the engine and stared at Anthony in surprise: "can't I go to the party?"

Anthony curled his lips: "no! Keep an eye on the situation around you! And if you find anything, keep quiet!"

"Yes, Mayor." Ryan tilted his head in disappointment and leaned against the back of the chair, but his light green eyes had begun to look around.

A somewhat familiar figure with clown makeup on his face performed miscellaneous plays among a group of children. Ryan chuckled. This Curson was quite hard to spell. Ryan remembered the confrontation with detective Curson in the hotel last night. He may be a good guy if he goes in and out of life and tries to please his boss.

"Lance!" Curson with clown makeup saw his partner at a glance! "James, why are you here! Uh, Mr. Mayor!"

Anthony glanced at Curson and nodded slightly. This is the greatest etiquette that a Mayor can give to a person who has never heard of a name before today.

James stopped beside Curson. This was actually the first time he had met this partner. He was a little embarrassed.

Curson led a group of girls to the slide, took the opportunity to get away and pulled James aside: "Why are you here? Why did you come with the Mayor? Did you say anything? Didn't you say anything about the case?"

James was confused by a series of questions. He answered according to the pretext discussed before: "I want to see the bodies of hookers, but the privatization of funeral gives me no authority. When I went to the hospital, I just met the Mayor, and then..."

Detective Curson was stunned. The procuratorate and the city hall were not far away. Curson accepted this explanation.

"Well, Fitz, Fitz is in the backyard. You go and watch him." Curson thought for a while and added: "you can eat anything here, but don't touch the cake! The cake is for the children!"

James stared at Curson, speechless.

Curson summoned his wife, led James to the house, and continued to accompany the girls. James looked back at Ryan hidden in the Mayor's car, took the biscuits from Mrs. Curson, and followed him to the house without a word.

Inside, Anthony had already met with Cologne. They have a drink in each hand. Looking at their faces, they seemed to be discussing something serious. Their eyes floated to this side. Director Cologne's eyes had obvious doubts. After walking back to the backyard, Curson saw Fitz sitting alone on the porch with a soda and a biscuit.

"Anthony, I really don't like that kid." Cologne took a sip of special soda from the straw and drank at his niece's birthday party. He needed a bit of disguise. "He doesn't understand etiquette and looks very stiff! The only thing he deserves to say is the word 'Lance' after his name!"

"Give that kid a break." Anthony also took a sip of 'Cologne special soda', "he just retired. We have all experienced this period of time. He needs some time to adjust. That's all! And this time, he did us a favor!"

"All right." Cologne nodded: "the credit really belongs to him. We don't want to wait for any other cases to discover the loopholes in the privatization of the funeral industry." Cologne's eyes were on the face of his good friend Antony, Mayor of Porto. He was testing whether Anthony knew about David's case. But it seemed that James didn't let it out.

"So, what do you think?" Anthony took a bear shaped biscuit with him: "do you want to establish a cooperative relationship with the funeral industry in the form of a contract, or do you want to set up your own shelter facilities?" Anthony carefully turned the topic to the direction he wanted: "first of all, I don't have any money for you to build new facilities!"

Cologne gave Anthony a supercilious look, this guy! Isn't it obvious that you can only find existing funeral homes to cooperate with! Also hypocritically give me a choice!

Cologne snorted, "after a while, we will gather the people from the funeral homes and invite public bidding. It will be more convenient to negotiate terms."

Anthony was a little proud in his eyes and nodded, "That's up to you. In terms of funds, you will talk to the financial department at that time."

"Stop talking about me." Cologne changed the subject: "how are you today? I heard that those two senators are not easy to deal with!"

"That's it." Anthony shrugged: "you know, politicians. However, they all mentioned that piece of land in the Southern District, which seems to be called the Anderson house. It seems that the federal government is also taking a wait-and-see attitude towards the private pilot system. Should I support the Anderson house or something?" Anthony said, frowning as if he were immersed in his own Mayor's world.

When it comes to politicians, Anthony is just one of them. There are no flaws in the performance.

When Cologne was feeling bored, he saw his sister's face, which had just changed from boring to happy, and immediately collapsed

"Brother! This is a party! Don't always hide in the kitchen!" Cologne's sister approached with a tired man in her arms.

"Yes, yes! It's a party! A tenth birthday party! What am I going out to do? Roll on the lawn with a group of girls!" After complaining, Cologne looked away and stared at the man held by his sister, his legal brother: "what's your reason this time? Someone was hit by a car? Or someone had a terminal illness? I can take time to attend your daughter's party! But you're late!"

"Hello, Mr. Mayor." Cologne's sister nodded politely to Anthony, but she changed her appearance in the blink of an eye!

"Brother!" She punched her eldest brother in the stomach! "He is a doctor, he needs to save lives! The lives of Porto citizens!"

"Oh!" Cologne bowed, his expression twisted, but his mouth was still not relaxed: "it sounds like my job!"

Like all his brothers, Cologne hated his sister's husband" "Doctor", Is the doctor great?! I'm the chief of Porto police! What is he? Just a doctor in charge of a hospital! "

"Honey, come on." The man was embarrassed and apologized to the two big men in Porto: "something happened suddenly and it took some time."

"Hum!" Cologne straightened up, pointed at the man's ferocity and said, "you didn't miss the cake cutting time this time! You're lucky!"

"Cologne!" Antony seemed to be a little tired of Cologne's strong desire to protect his sister: "it's like you've never been late for a family party!"

Cologne trembled slightly and frowned at his friend. The knife was too hard to mend!

"You're lucky!" Cologne emphasized again and left.

"Thank you, Mayor!" Sister Cologne smiled happily at Anthony, took up all kinds of strange food and left the kitchen.

"Don't worry about Cologne. He just doesn't want his sister to be at home alone." Anthony nodded to the tired man and comforted him.

"I know. I don't want to miss my baby's birthday either." The man smiled back at the Mayor.

"I remember, you work at [Porto Memorial Hospital], right?" Anthony thought about it and asked.

"Yes, sir."

"How are the Quinnes?" Anthony asked casually. After all,like Quinn, the famous person in Porto, as the Mayor, must pay attention to him.

The man shook his head slowly: " Mr. Quinn has..."

Anthony stopped the straw at his mouth. He was stunned for a moment and shook his head. "When?"

"This morning." The man replied with the same sadness.

Anthony sighed, "hasn't the news been made public yet?"

"Well, Mrs. Quinn hasn't officially held a press conference. She wants to wait until the funeral schedule is confirmed. But many people already know that the hospital is full of reporters who ask for information."

Anthony shook his head again. He could already foresee the headline of tomorrow's newspaper: "Mr. Quinn died, and the funeral itinerary was exposed in advance". However, Anthony's prediction was wrong, because no one expected that the remote Anderson house received the cake!

"How is Mrs Quinn? Is she all right?" Anthony continued to ask. Of course, he didn't want to ask about anything. Based on the doctor's professional ethics, the most ambiguous official answer was' she is fighting against pain '.


"She, she is very good... Mrs. Quinn is very, very good..." the man's face replied strangely.

Ryan tapped the steering wheel in the car with a smile on his face. Of course, Mrs. Quinn is very good. Vampire blood is a universal cure, even if the object has died. It's just that vampires don't do this easily, because choosing descendants is a very cautious job!

The night gradually shrouded Porto, and the vampires felt that their sense of sleepiness had gradually faded. Girls frolicking in the front yard were led into the room by adults. It's time to make wishes and cut cakes!

Ryan's eyes moved with several shadows shaking in the lights, took off his hat, took off his gloves, folded his coat and put it on the passenger's seat, and pushed the door open.