
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

026 Clear shapeshifters (1)

Benjamin was standing on the fourth floor of the telecom building. No one passed through the two meter wide corridor. Behind the wall on his right side, there was a sound of "Di, di..." coming out. This was the communication hub of Porto! The sound that can be transmitted in the rubber wrapped wires will converge here and then spread!

The werewolf's eyes were closed, and his nose was shrunk. The mixed smell floated invisibly in the corridor, and the werewolf's closed eyelids open. A smell spreaded in the air like a winding ribbon, the smell of David the alien. But.......

Benjamin turned and stood at the corner. A short man was suddenly hit by the body in front of him.

"Sir? What's the matter..."

Benjamin 'gently' pinched the unlucky guy's neck. The man's eyes rolled over and he lost consciousness.

The werewolf grabbed his head and thought for a while, but he picked up the guy and threw him into the dustbin in the stairwell. This was really a unlucky guy. In the werewolf's perception, there was only David in the whole fourth layer.

However, don't worry about this guy. When he wakes up, he will only feel that he has been hit in the head by a baseball. Just take a day off.

Benjamin stooped down and took off his boots and socks. After hesitating for a while, he took off his coat too. Then he entered the fourth floor again.

Benjamin's appearance was reflected on the clean ground. He was a tall, thick and plush upright creature.

Suddenly, sharp toenails hit the ground, making a soft noise. The "Di, di..." noise from the electronic instrument seemed to make the creature a little uncomfortable, and the two cocked ears shook slightly. The open lips were covered with dark brown fluff. Under the scarlet gums, the sharp teeth reflected the cold light!

Benjamin, have you become a wolf? No, no! The only time that a werewolf can turn into a wolf is on the night of the full moon. Benjamin was once a ALPHA, so he has the ability to turn into a wolf in the three days before the full moon. Now Benjamin was not a wolf. He was still walking on two legs, and his thinking was still Benjamin's thinking! I remember, I mentioned that wolf personality and human personality are two different things. Benjamin himself, good! Benjamin's wolf, bad! Very, very bad!

This half wolf half human form is called 'alpha skin' by werewolves! Is another privilege of being a wolf! It's just that Benjamin hasn't used such a complete alpha skin for a long time. At most, he stretches out a finger and picks some carvings.

Benjamin didn't waste any more time. The second half of his' camouflage 'pants had been torn, and the upper half of his tight' camouflage 'pants had been bent and stretched several times. The corridor of 20 meters came to an end in less than a second. Benjamin turned around, and his predecessor directly crawled to the ground. The flashing electronic instruments confused the werewolf's vision. The smell clues were very clear. David was here.

Benjamin bounced his limbs several times, and had silently bypassed a large number of instruments. A person's back appeared in Benjamin's field of vision.

Messy, red hair, thin body. Benjamin knew that this guy's face must be covered with freckle! This was the shapeshifter he missed at the Ford funeral home!

David was wearing some big and outrageous earphones, and he didn't realize that behind him was a half wolf who was raising his upper body and extending his huge palm to him!

"I need a shapeshifter to replace Frey Cologne!" David's arm was waving in the air. He seemed very angry, "why do you want to listen to me? Hehe! Why! Because I was the first to come here! I called you guys here! I am a pioneer! I am the king here!"

"Are you sure?" Low, with the unique buzzing of wild animals, Benjamin put one toe of his hand on David's disheveled red hair.

Shapeshifter David turned around fiercely. There should be no other talents here! His pupils contracted violently after seeing the things behind him!

"Ah, alpha!" The earphone worn on the ear fell off in the process of turning around, and there was a confused and different sound from the microphone, "what? What alpha?..."

Benjamin was stout, covered with brown black hair, and much longer than normal human beings. He stretches out his arms, catches the falling earpiece, and approaches the protruding jaw in front of the shaking and retreating shapeshifter. It was also the unique buzzing sound of the beast: "reptiles, listen to the voice of the real king!"

Residual shadow, violent crash sound!

Benjamin's limbs were arched like steel tongs, and his sharp toenails are buckled into David's arm and thigh muscles, directly embedded into the bones! Strong body oppressive death hold David down! A loud howl came from Benjamin's raised head!

David's whole body was pressed on the ground by the werewolf. His eyeballs burst out. The bright red blood was spread on his eyeballs. His rough red hair began to fall off. His trunk was twisted rapidly. The protrusions of his bones rolled under his skin and clothes! It's so big that it's in its abnormal jaw that it makes a sharp whistling sound like a lizard!Exposed to the outside of the neck, pieces of gray black scales began to cover! He's trying to survive!

Benjamin felt his hands and feet contracting under his palms. He raised his howling head and crossed a virtual shadow from the air!


There was no movement of the creatures under Benjamin.

Benjamin's eyes turned to the earpiece that fell to one side. His thick neck was tight, and his jaw was forced again! Clank!The bone numbing crisp sound appeared again! Benjamin loosened the things in his mouth, and there was blood on his sharp teeth! So the werewolf crawled close to the earphone on the ground and looked into the microphone: "you heard the voice of King. Now, get out of my city!"

A series of hanging up voices came out, and Benjamin nodded with satisfaction. His black and brown hair receded. Benjamin wiped the corners of his mouth with his torn cuffs, stood up and looked at the things on the ground.

The work clothes printed with the 'Porto Telecom' logo were collapsed on the ground, soaked with shapeshifter blood, and the arms and legs at the cuffs and trouser legs disappeared. From the marks of the clothes, only small bulges could be seen at the elbows and knees. The tail of a lizard protruded from a trouser leg. Outside the collar of his coat, the neck covered with scales had been completely torn. The conical lizard head fell to one side with its mouth open.

Benjamin sighed and began to clean up the scene.

Detective Curson's case was doomed to a dead end.

Oh, yes. Alpha is the name for the head wolf in the wolf clan. When you say this name, you must be in awe. Of course, whether he ends your life or not has nothing to do with whether you are in awe. Everything depends on Alpha's mood.

You see, David is just like this. Even though he has expressed his awe for the wolf king with his most primitive posture,Now he still had to pack his blood soaked clothes into a bundle and put them into Benjamin's trunk.

"Do you want to eat?" Benjamin asked Kim.

"I hate bones." Kim shook his head.