
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

026  Herman's commission

On the side of the gravel road in front of Anderson's house, the Porto Police Department's police car and the Porto's limousine were parked. Banshee Alice stood in front of the porch worriedly, watching Laura get into the limousine being led by the unsmiling butler. After all, the surname is Porto, so Laura was treated differently from ordinary people who are arraigned.

Ryan was already neatly dressed, and comfortably hugged the banshee's shoulders: "Don't worry, she's just making a confession."

The worry on Alice's face didn't disappear, but it got heavier. The vampire took too long to revive, and by the time she finally let Ryan out of the basement, the police had already knocked on the door of Anderson's house, accepting old Hank's unreasonable complaints. So, vampires hadn't had time to use Charming Eyes yet.

Laura didn't know what was going on, and got back into the car with a puzzled look on her face. She waved to Alice from the car window, telling the nervous friend not to worry.

Calm returned to the Anderson home as the two vehicles left. Old Hank closed the door again and returned to his room with a cold face. Old Hank was not used to the life that people often come to the Anderson House to disturb recently.

He wasn't the only one who didn't get used to it. The vampire comforted the banshee for a while, but did not go back to the basement to continue dormancy. Ryan was woken up twice today and it was already making him feel irritable. Assuming that Mrs. Porto's phone call was coming, the vampire went straight back to the office.

The ledger of the Anderson House was placed on the table, and Ryan continued the work he had left off the day before - adding the income from the 'side business' to the legitimate income of the Anderson House.

It didn't take long before the phone rang. Ryan took a few deep breaths to clear his groggy head and picked up the phone.

"Ryan Anderson." Mrs. Porto called Ryan by his full name.

"It's me, Mrs. Porto." Even if it wasn't face-to-face, Ryan smiled respectfully, making his voice sound even calmer.

"Do I need to worry?" Mrs. Porto's voice was equally calm over the receiver.

"Is Madam talking about Conor Herman's disappearance?" Ryan was fiddling with a check from Mrs. Porto. "I heard from Alice that Kyle is being grounded."

There was silence on the receiver for a while, "Yes, Kyle hasn't left the house since Friday, and has left Porto now."

"Then, I don't think Madam has anything to worry about." Ryan put down the check, still smiling.

"Okay. But I should warn you."

"What, ma'am?" Ryan heard a hint of playfulness in the other's tone.

"I recommended you guys to that old Herman." Mrs. Porto said with a smile. "You should think of this as 'Customer after sales service'."

Ryan raised an eyebrow, and it was normal for Mrs Porto to be worried. After all, Connor was the protagonist in the 'plan' he forged by imitating Kyle's handwriting.

"Then, I would like to thank Mrs. Porto for the recommendation." Ryan's slightly curved eyes flickered. He was thinking, maybe it's time to give James Lance a shove.

"hah-hah, no need." Mrs. Porto in the receiver smiled. "Herman is not as generous as he looks. Good luck, then."

The phone was hung up and Ryan closed the open ledger and retracted the drawer. After thinking for a while, he picked up the phone again and called the 'mill' which was still being renovated.

Yes, hungry vampire, not ready to stay at the Anderson House. A two-day plus one-night diet is his limit. Ryan was going to hang out for a while and miss Benjamin's transformation. So, he's recalling Madison from the mill to temporarily oversee the closed Anderson House.

Accounted for the affairs, put down the phone, a new phone came.

"[Anderson Funeral Home]?" A man's voice, obviously impatient, came from the receiver.

"Yes. This is Ryan Anderson, can I help you?" Ryan responded.

"You know who I am! Herman! Porto recommended you!" The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be in a bad mood: "This is your work phone? What secret detective organization would use a work phone to talk about things! Is the old woman playing with me?!"

Ryan opened his mouth and smiled helplessly, not ready to make any explanation: "Mr. Herman, what do you need us to do?"

"What?! You don't know?! Porto didn't tell you?! Ugh, I shouldn't have made the fucking call!"

"Wait! Mr. Herman!" Ryan stopped the call that was about to be hung up: "I know, Mrs. Porto has briefly described what happened." Obviously, Ryan was lying, "because of Master Connor's Missing?"

"Since you know! Then what else are you asking!" The person over the receiver was very irritable, but understandable. Did I mention that William Herman was fifty years old when he had Connor, his only son, uh, Didn't I mention it? Now make it up.

"Mr. Herman, I don't think you understand what I mean." Ryan thought about the words. Herman was in a state of anger and anxiety, and it didn't seem like a good time to tell him directly that Connor was dead: "I was asking, why did you want from us, sir? Do you want to find Connor? Or punish the criminals? The one who committed the crime?"

The voice on the opposite side of the receiver was lengthened, and it seemed that the other party was surprised that the conversation with the Anderson House went so fast. At least according to Herman's understanding, the other party should ask for more detailed clues to determine whether to take over: "Uh. Of course, finding my Connor is the most important!I still don't know which son of a bitch kidnapped my Connor! I have not received any extortion calls.."

"Mr. Herman!" Ryan interrupted the man who said a lot of nonsense: "I just need to know what you want us to do. Now I know, In two hours, I will contact you again, please tell me your contact information."

"Okay! It doesn't matter! I don't have any hope for you anyway!"

Ryan wrote down the phone number and address on a sticky note, said goodbye politely, and hung up.

"Run, Run!" the vampire shouted the Earthbound Spirit's name.

As dusk approached, in the dim office, the mist-like Run was condensed in the air. He hugged his shoulders, and his translucent face was gloomy: "Why don't you tell my father that I am dead, and then let you deal with those hunters!"

"Your father?" Ryan smiled and looked at the Earthbound Spirit in front of him with a joking tone, "Your adaptation to your new identity is unexpectedly quick!"

"Look at me!" Run waved at Ryan. "After my body was burned, Connor was all I had! I am Connor!"

That's the truth, Run has nothing to do with the 'Run Gust' he once was, which is why his undead appears in the form of Connor.

"One step at a time, Run." Ryan shook his head. This is an unfortunate child, and Ryan didn't want to stimulate him more: "Are you really ready to take revenge on the brother you once admired?"

Run's face was cold and he didn't speak.

"If you want me to say, take it step by step." Ryan smiled: "Now, I need you to recall carefully."

Ryan leaned back in his chair, two hours, he had enough time. Ryan's lips parted. "Where were you? When you were burning."

It was William Herman's request to find Connor, wasn't it? Even if it was already a charred corpse.