
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

025 You are a murderer,too!

In the backyard of Anderson's house, about a fist-sized piece of land clearly shows signs of refurbishment, and under the dirt, there was a sealed glass vial. Originally the small jar Alice used to pickle the cucumbers, but now there was a small clump of tied hair and a spell-cast soul grass seed inside.

This was Run's only support in this world now, and the Anderson family has since added a new member who will not consume food.

The Earthbound Spirit means Run's first accidental death, tying him to the rugby locker room in Ript. It can now be guessed that in order to preserve his consciousness and prevent him from becoming a lost soul, his family was silently protecting his 'survival'.

As written on the self-burning oil paper, Run had countless questions, but he couldn't ask. Because he was now bound to the Anderson House, all he can do was to float behind James with fierce eyes and use his own words to attack Detective Lance's tangled heart.

"Yes! Just leave with guilt! Hope you sleep peacefully at night! Detective!" Run's range of movement reached its limit on the gravel road away from Anderson's house. He stared at James' back and shouted wantonly, no one could hear him except James anyway.

What else can you expect? Run was just a boy who didn't have time to graduate from high school. In the face of the five-part series of death and grief, he had spent three years in "denial" and was between "anger" and "hate". James, who did nothing, was the perfect person to blame.

Benjamin lying on the warehouse dome chewing hay stalks he got from nowhere, the hungry vampire seemed to be too harsh. Talk to Ryan after tomorrow.

In the afternoon, another visitor came to the Anderson House, Laura.

Laura's eyes were puffy, and the banshee didn't know how to comfort her other than to prepare healing snacks for her friend. Kyle was forced to get into the car to [St. John's Middle School] this afternoon, and Laura "refused" to say goodbye to her brother, so she ran out again.

Laura, who was holding a plate, had no appetite today. The elder acted faster than she expected. Her fork was slowly fiddling with the plate in front of her, but she didn't eat a single bite.

"Humph! There are still people who care about such a guy!" Run folded his arms and looked at Laura, who looked depressed.

Of course, no one responded to him.

"Kyle should have left Porto by now." Laura sat down on Benjamin's bed, "I won't see him for the next year."

"Perhaps, you can visit him." Alice tried to comfort.

Laura shook her head, "I asked, and the visitor must get permission from the guardian. It's the same as a prison!" Laura was a little angry, and it seemed that she had understood the meaning of 'boarding school'.

"He should go to prison!" Run snorted coldly, "He's not a good person at all!"

"It's all that Connor!" Laura deflected her anger. "If it wasn't for him, my brother wouldn't have quit the football team, and it wouldn't have happened! I want him to die!"

"Humph! Your wish has come true, are you happy?!" Run, who nobody cares, swayed his limbs in front of Laura...

The Banshee was a little embarrassed, and silently found a pair of scissors in Benjamin's drawer, and secretly slashed Run's transparent body a few times. The figure of the earthbound spirit flickered and disappeared. Fortunately, Laura kept her head down and didn't notice Alice's strange behavior.

"Don't say that." Alice sat next to her friend. "That's not what you meant."

The Banshee is the one who knows the most about 'death from the mouth' in this world. Although Laura's willful words are already true, the banshee doesn't want her kind friend to feel guilt in the future because of these unintentional, willful words.

Laura leaned on Alice's shoulder and sighed softly: "I know. I didn't mean that, but I was really angry." Laura hugged Alice and thanked her friend for reminding her, "After the game yesterday, I have been Looking for that guy Connor! I think, at least help Kyle out! Why is my brother going to 'St John' and he's a 'star'! I'm not convinced!"

Alice patted Laura on the back, Laura was just mentally unbalanced.

"But that guy is so annoying!" Laura took off Alice's shoulder. "I managed to find him at the celebration party, and before he said anything, he pushed me away!"

Alice frowned. At this point in time, Alice seemed to be getting dangerously close to something.

"I always knew that Connor was not a good guy!" Laura seemed to be relieved in an instant: "Who knows who this guy has messed with, I saw a tall and strong man grabbing him! Humph! I hope that guy can fix it..."

"Stop!" Alice nervously stopped her friend's narration, "Stop talking, Laura!"

Laura was stunned, looking at Alice whose shoulders were shaking slightly: "What's wrong, Alice?"

"It's nothing..." Alice shook her head, her eyes flashed past Laura's searching eyes, and she stood up: "Laura, wait a minute, I'll go out."

"What's wrong?" Laura didn't know what was going on, and stood up in confusion, "I'll go with you."

"No, no." Alice turned her head in a panic and refused Laura to follow. The Banshee held the guardrail on the second floor of the warehouse in one hand and her long skirt in the other and ran down the stairs anxiously towards the Anderson House.

Benjamin on the dome frowned, thought for a while, stood up softly, and jumped away from the Anderson House. Why? Since Alice was looking for the vampire, the werewolf might as well keep some distance.

Why did she look for Ryan? Because it is foreseeable that tomorrow at the latest, Porto auto industry tycoon William Herman will use the disappearance of his precious only son to fall out with the Porto police station. At that time, Alice's friend, Laura, will realize that her wayward behavior is the most direct cause of Connor Herman's disappearance!

"You!" Run's still blurred body floated in front of Laura, who was still confused. "You saw me being caught! You didn't stop him! You! You are also a murderer! You! A murderer!"

Alice pushed the back of the Anderson house and ran straight to the basement. She asked Ryan, the vampire, to use the Eye of Enchantment so that Laura would forget everything she saw so that she wouldn't fall into the guilt that she didn't belong...

Here's a question, why would a banshee remind others of death? Because they couldn't ignore what they saw, the guilt, unbearable. No sixteen-year-old girl should face such guilt.

The phone in Ryan's office rang.

"Anderson House, we can't answer the phone right now, please leave a message."

The answering machine began to spin with a click.

"This is Porto Police Station. We are investigating the disappearance of Connor Herman. The investigation shows that Laura Porto will be helpful in the case. Now she is with you, our police officers are on the way, please cooperate..."