
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

025 James Lance - vampire's new ally?

When Benjamin left, Anthony had opened his notebook and quickly wrote down 'public funeral resources have been transformed into private resources, and the permission to obtain resources originally belonging to the municipal government has been changed...'. Some problems arising from the privatization of the funeral industry have been exposed. As a mayor, he needs to solve them.

James saw Anthony's notes and had a new understanding of the Mayor who was friends with vampires and werewolves. This understanding is good and reassuring. Anthony is on Porto's side, not an alien.

Anthony drew a key mark under his notes and closed his notebook. "Then what? After all, rumors have spread out. I can't let our citizens face these possible lower creatures! Cologne and Curson, they need protection! Ryan, you need to protect them!"

"Even if you don't ask, I will go." Ryan leaned back into the seat and put his hand on James' shoulder: "in order to win the trust of this James Lance, it is necessary to protect his boss and partner."

"Hum." Anthony rolled his eyes. "You are right. There are too many limitations in what I can see. I can only guarantee that the upper class of Porto will not be invaded. You need someone to look after the middle and lower classes for you."

Anthony stood up, leaned forward, supported his desk with both hands, leaned over to James, and said seriously, "I know you must have countless doubts about why I met vampires, or even friends! However, I must say that he is good for Porto! I don't ask you to trust him or me, but, for Porto, we have to cooperate!"

Ryan smiled, "Oh! Thank the Mayor for speaking for me. But Anthony, James is very similar to you. He doesn't trust me so easily. However, I am very confident in my charm. He will understand, just like you."

James frowned. Why did Ryan's words give him the illusion that he was not here! The vampire was going to gain his trust, so he said it in front of him without fear. Does this' noble 'vampire really want to cooperate sincerely?

Anthony's seriousness turned into helplessness, Shake his head: "you know, Ryan, this is your problem! You are always like this, giving people the impression of uncertainty! You suck blood, you have a long life, does not mean you are superior to us! James is the son of General Lance, you say we are similar, but we are all former soldiers, cautious and fearless! However, you should know that his background will not allow him to have the patience to slowly understand you like me!"

James looked at Anthony, who was somewhat annoyed in frustration, and Ryan, who was immersed in thinking, and began to think himself. Indeed, Anthony was right. Ryan didn't give him a good impression. Even though he was saved by Ryan, he can hardly be grateful. What's more, he has wronged cooperation. The fearlessness of the soldiers made him have the courage to complete this event with 'creatures' completely beyond his own understanding. But after that, James carefully made him never want to have anything to do with vampires!

"All right." Ryan replied from thinking, "Anthony, my friend, you are right." Ryan turned to James, and there was no consistent smile on his face: "James, I put forward a proposal to you to cooperate and protect Porto, but I never said why. As Anthony said, I think I am higher than you, and I have no need to explain to you. But now, with the reminder of my friend Anthony, I realize my mistake. Now, I can tell you." Ryan said coldly, "I don't care about Porto. No, I don't care about any human beings."

James' brow suddenly frowned. He thought he would hear something touching. however, he heard the exact opposite!

"Let him finish." Anthony sat back in his mixed Roman chair, leaned back, and nodded blandly to James.

"I only care about myself, Benjamin and Alice." Ryan looked at James: "it's not my turn to tell their story, but I can tell you my story. I'm an exiled vampire. I'm expelled from most of the land. Porto is the only 'home' I can live in."

Anthony frowned slightly, his disappointment flashed across his face, and the vampire lied! However, James was paying attention to Ryan, and he didn't see Anthony's expression. The military training made him distinguish whether the speaker was lying. However, looking at James' shocked look, it was obvious that his lie detection skills had not found Ryan's lies!

"I don't care about other people, but I care about Porto. I can't lose this only shelter. Therefore, I can't allow this land to be occupied by other aliens. Every wilderness starts from a weed. I won't allow any weed to appear in Porto!" Ryan's expression had become serious and cold. There was a trace of red in the light green pupil!

James quickly lowered his head and did not look at Ryan: "don't try to control me!"

"I don't want to control you." Ryan said coldly, "if I want to control you, you won't have a chance to resist. It's just that I'm serious."

James breathed a sigh of relief, but what he heard was so strange that he was not prepared to believe it: "what do you mean when you say you were expelled by land?"

Anthony gLanced at Ryan and decided not to expose the vampire's lie: "the vampire's first weakness. The vampire cannot enter the area he is not allowed to enter. He can be in Porto because the city government recognizes that Ryan Anderson is a citizen of Porto. If I refuse his identity, he will die here immediately." (note at the end.)

Ryan turned his eyes to Anthony. On the side face that James can't see, the corners of his mouth bend slightly. Vampires were thanking their friends for their support!

Anthony ignored Ryan's thanks. When there are only two people, he must ask why Ryan lied! But now, as a friend and Mayor, Anthony needed Ryan and James' help. Therefore, Anthony had to help the vampire to create a "vampire image with nowhere to go, in a state of despair, the only thing to rely on is Porto, and firmly controlled by the Mayor of Porto"!

James looked at Anthony. Anthony's seriousness allowed him to confirm that the Mayor was not lying! To be honest, this is great news for James! The powerful vampires were actually checked and baLanced by Mayor Porto, and the strengths and weaknesses of both sides of the cooperation were instantly reversed.

James nodded and looked at Ryan: "I can accept your statement. We can cooperate to eliminate the aliens who have come or are about to come to Porto, but I still won't trust you!"

Ryan looked sideways. "That's all I need."

"Well, the trust between you two can run in slowly in the future!" Anthony waved: "in addition to protecting Curson and Cologne, I think I can also get the entry list of Porto this week. Ryan, James, you need to find out those aliens who have mixed into Porto."

"That's why we came to you." Ryan regained his usual appearance, with a faint smile on his face, "one more thing, I need an identity, 'Kim Anderson', and there is another person in the Anderson family."

Anthony stared at Ryan. The volume suddenly rose. It can be seen that the Mayor was very angry! "Must he be a person? Isn't he a shapeshifter? Can't he become something else?!"

Anthony's anger is understandable. Will it be a little good for the future cooperation between the two to openly say these illegal things in front of James?

"Oh!" Ryan raised his eyebrows: "I didn't think of that! Thanks for reminding me!"

When the three reached an agreement, Benjamin's truck also came under the Porto Telecom Building.

Benjamin parked his car, bought Kim some rolls at a roadside stall, and then entered the Porto Telecom Building. In the hall, Benjamin recalled the floor where David worked on the Curson clue wall. According to the sign on the wall, he found the stairwell, hummed a song and ran briskly to the fourth floor

At this time, a man wearing an old coat and carrying a handbag walked out of Porto's railway station. He said, "Baker Street, the public telephone booth at the corner of the East Street."

Well, he is me.

I looked at the passers-by confused and found the sign of the street. I was relieved that Baker Street was in front. I quickly ran two steps, found the phone booth, picked up the receiver, casually dialed the number, and got through.

I was very happy: "I'm here! Thank you for your news! I don't know how to thank you..."

"Shut up! Now listen to me. Go find a man named Frey Cologne and replace him!"

"Who? Replace him? How?"

The phone was silent for a while. "Who are you? You are not a shapeshifter."

"Well, no, I'm not a shapeshifter."

Bang! the phone was dead. Left me messy in the wind.


I once asked Ryan what the meaning of the so-called "vampires cannot enter without permission" is. At least I have seen vampires enter other people's homes without the permission of their owners countless times, which is what James called "illegal invasion".

Ryan smiled at me: "you know, 500 years ago, the current Federation was just a colony of the British Empire."

I nodded.

Ryan continued: "therefore, in the Federation at that time, there were two different laws imposed on colonists and aborigines of different ancestry. This weakness was caused by aborigines' refusal to allow colonists to occupy their legitimate land."

I nodded vaguely. "Oh, that's right. So even if Anthony really denies your legal identity, you won't die suddenly?"

"I'm sorry." Ryan shook his head. "I will turn to ashes. Because Anthony is a quarter aboriginal."

I silently added this point to the 'how to kill vampires' note.