
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

023 Continue tracking shapeshifter (2)

"Then there is a second turning point in shapeshifter's behavior." James pointed his hand at the clue wall across a blank area and pointed to the side where the 'David' photo was nailed.

Detective Curson's clue wall was divided into two blocks. The first one was the part that James just analyzed. The victims were all hookers. The second one was completely around 'David'.

David's photo was studded with information, social relations, work authority, and property statements... At the bottom was a picture of a mutilated corpse. Beside the two letters' DM 'tattooed on his buttocks, Curson marked a line of words:' the real David's identity '.

The gap between the two blocks meaned that detective Curson was also thinking about the connection between the two. At the bottom of the cable wall, Curson wrote, "the means to deal with the victim are exactly the same. Is it imitation or the same person committing the crime?"

At the bottom of this line of words, there were Curson's messy erasures. It seemed that Curson had entered a dead end in the connection between the two events!

However, it was admirable that beside David's work authority information, Curson made a reasoning and connected David with the telephone line instability that lasted more than a week. However, Curson's conclusion was somewhat speechless: "the suspect has committed a series of murders. His means of committing the crime and the method of handling the body have formed a clear personal style. His distorted mentality wants to show such achievements, so he spreads this style mark through communication..."

James looked at Curson's conclusion. If he hadn't met Ryan and Benjamin, he might have come to the same conclusion. But now it seemed that Curson was only right for a small part.

"After shapeshifter completed the 'test' you said, he determined that there were no other alien forces in Porto, so he selected the target and began to spread the news! It should have been a week ago." James looked at the clue wall, frowned and said, "it was when I first came to Porto and was attacked. It was too fast. There was no time to connect!"

Ryan was still looking at the previous block, "No. the action of choosing David as the target should be in the days when Louise hid." Ryan pointed to several bodies found, "look, all the bodies found are people who have disappeared in the past half a month, that is, collateral injuries caused by the action against Louise. His test was completed half a month ago."

Ryan went back to the desk where the miscellaneous materials were stacked, searched for the police records, and nodded after a while. Ryan smiled and asked Kim, "Kim, why did you and Curson spy on Louise?"

"First, she is the only one who clearly sees shapeshifter but is still alive. Curson hopes to find clues from her." Kim said blandly, "second, I'm giving my friend a favor to help him keep an eye on this woman."

"Did you hear that?" Ryan went back to the clue wall, "Shapeshifter became arrogant after completing the test. He was no longer careful to hide himself. There was no news about the incident half a month ago. After half a month, his actions became much rougher. God punished the arrogant person, so he met the cautious Louise. Louise noticed his weirdness. Louise's two escapes and subsequent avoidance made him realize that her 'style' had been exposed, so he began to Look for help. So he replaced David and began to spread rumors. "

"And I was the first 'helper' to come." Kim seemed to think of something funny, laughed twice, and then returned to normal again.

"With social barriers, no friends or relatives, and the ability to control telecommunications and contact with the outside world at work, David is the most perfect goal." Ryan moved next to James. "Then he got your transfer information."

James frowned: "I have no relatives or friends in Porto, and my social relations are clean. No one knows me! I am also a perfect identity replacement target!"

"Exactly." Ryan patted Kim on the shoulder: "it's not easy to replace people's identity. Maybe David lived as usual for some time after he was targeted. In a few days, Porto had two David at the same time. Shapeshifter needs to learn his habits." Ryan looked at the photo of Fitz, the only one in David's social relationship marked with "colleagues and friends". Curson's character profile also marked with "social barriers": "David was really removed when shapeshifter confirmed that his replacement would not cause doubt."

James' face became more sombre: "and I, my life in Porto doesn't need 'habits'." James looked at Kim: "one of the first choices of shapeshifter's goals, outsiders!"

Kim nodded expressionless, "I really like your identity. You are rich and nobody knows you."

It seemed like praise, but James hated the feeling, "then why didn't you kill me?"

"I thought you were going to die." Kim replied, "it's an oversight. Everyone has oversight."

So, it's just Kim's negligence that James can live now. No, it's James' luck. A shapeshifter who doesn't like human taste attacked James when he first entered Porto. Such a small probability event allowed him to escape into the woods at the border of Porto with serious injuries. On the full moon night of Benjamin's transformation, he was so weak that the wolf Benjamin disdained to attack. The 'Kezier' trademark, which was still exist after he was attacked and remained in the woods for a week, made the vampire who had just added food interested in him and saved him.

God is definitely favoring some people. James should be proud of God's care for him.

"Hum." James snorted coldly, and his eyes fell on the side of Fitz's photo. On the marked information, Curson wrote down the whole process of Fitz's discovery of David's body. The absence of the game night of "dragon and dungeon" was the negligence of shapeshifter David!

Ryan put all the things he had moved back in place and said easily, "now that we know all the events, all we need is to catch this guy. Benjamin, did you catch his smell?"

After entering Curson's studio, Benjamin found the evidence collected by Curson from David's home and began to remember the smell of shapeshifter David.

Benjamin nodded: "I have written it down and can go."

"Make sure you write down his original taste, not just David's taste." Kim warned, "I can't guarantee that he will still act like David."

Benjamin frowned. "What do you mean? Didn't you say that the case was not made public? He realized that he was being investigated?"

Kim touched his face. All the movements and expressions of the shapeshifter were very stiff, which made people doubt whether he was not used to human body structure: "I told him that his identity was exposed."

"You, what did you tell him?!" James was angry again!

Ryan sighed. "When did it happen?"

"In the morning, when Curson was investigating the scene at David's house, I called him. Around noon, we met once. That's it." Kim replied, "this is when I want to keep a good relationship with him before I know Porto has you."

Ryan nodded. As long as Kim's loyalty was with him now, the vampire didn't care what happened before: "what did you tell him?"

"For the first time, I only told him that his identity might have been exposed and we would conduct a secret investigation. For the second time, I told him that his identity had been completely exposed. Fitz and Curson were together."

Benjamin thought for a moment, "so now the only people who know about this matter are detective Curson and Fitz, and Cologne, who ordered a closed investigation." Benjamin scratched his beard. "Curson and Cologne, who will be his next target?"

"Wait!" James stared at Benjamin in surprise: "the next target? Isn't it Fitz who found out his identity? Why is it director Curson and cologne?"

Ryan shook his head in disappointment: "detective Lance, the suspect is a shapeshifter, not a human. You need to think from his perspective!"

James stared, but his mind was racing. Yes, he realized that he had asked a stupid question. A suspect is a shapeshifter who can change his appearance! The investigation of the whole case was conducted in secret, which meaned that the simplest way to make all this disappear was to replace detective Curson who conducted the investigation or director Cologne who ordered the investigation!

As for that Fitz, nobody cares!

Ryan frowned. "I don't want Porto to be a shapeshifter paradise. It seems that I need to talk to Anthony."

Of course, Ryan didn't forget the rumors. As for the Porto police station, the disappearance and death of hookers have come to a dead end. David's identity and shapeshifter can be abandoned at any time. At that time, detective Curson's investigation will also come to a dead end. The only two people who remain suspicious are Curson and Cologne. Perhaps now, other shapeshifters who sneak into Porto have begun to observe their living habits under the arrangement of 'David'!

Benjamin sighed. "Well, I need more complete samples to identify the smell. Anthony needs to give us access to these bodies."

"Can shapeshifters have different smells?" James sadly found that the current problems had completely exceeded his ability to deal with them.

"Yes." Benjamin nodded. "Do you think normal people can stand Kim's eating speed? Shapeshifter has two sets of digestive systems. One can constantly change and adapt to the new body. The other is their original organs, which is their only identity."

James shook his head wordlessly.