
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

022 Continue tracking shapeshifter (1)

It's four twenty in the afternoon.

"My little sweetheart! Here!" Curson stopped the car, half stretched out of the window and waved to several little girls looking at the school gate!


Curson turned around and said to Fitz, "sit down." he pushed the door open, got out of the car, squatted and opened his arms to meet the six or seven girls running.

A girl with two pigtails rushed directly into Curson's arms, "Daddy! Mommy said, daddy will forget ~"

Curson wiped the sweat from his daughter's forehead. "Well, she was wrong! How could I forget it? I promised my sweetheart."

Little girl showed two front teeth that hadn't been fully formed: "I knew it! I believe in Daddy!"

Curson wiped the sweat from his forehead, stood up, opened the back door of the car and looked forward to it: "now, who wants to go to Lisa's birthday party!"

"Oh! Oh!..." cheers sounded.

"Lisa and my sweetheart, you can sit in the front ~"

"Oh! Oh!..." cheers sounded.

Watching a group of little girls rush into the car and squeeze Fitz into the corner, Curson breathed a sigh of relief, took several deep breaths, disguised his tired face as excitement, sat back in the car and raised his voice: "now, fasten your seat belt! Lisa! Where are we going?"

"My house! My party! Uncle Curson! Let's go!"

"Yes, sir!" Curson started the car.

An old, stained van pulled up at the corner of detective Curson's street. The four jumped out of the car and walked in the direction of detective Curson's house. Fortunately, today was not a weekend. The working people hadn't come home yet. The housewives were picking up their children at school, so no one had noticed the four strangers with different styles.

Benjamin and Ryan follow behind two James Lance, or two Kim Anderson. But don't be confused by their faces. They were very easy to distinguish. The person with food and Benjamin's clothes was shapeshifter; Wearing a custom suit, but with countless mimeograms on it, was the real James Lance.

Now, we can officially change the names of the two people.

When he came to Curson's house, James looked at the closed door. "Are we going to invade illegally?"

Kim swallowed the last egg roll. "Your left pocket."

James reached out and took out a bunch of keys. "He gave you his keys? He never doubted you?!"

"Why should you doubt me? I didn't do anything wrong." Kim replied coldly.

"I... you, you attacked me! You stole my identity!" James said excitedly.

"You are still alive and your identity has been returned. What else do you want?" Kim was still cold.

Benjamin impatiently took away James' key, opened the door and stepped in first. "Don't waste time, Kim, where is the clue wall?"

"Backyard." Kim no longer cared about James, who was still excited, walked into the house, went through the living room kitchen, and opened the backyard door. Of course, when passing the kitchen, Kim took one fruit prepared by Mrs. Curson.

Ryan raised his eyebrows, patted James on the shoulder, put his foot on the eaves of the door, and nothing happened. He entered detective Curson's house.

When they came to Curson's studio, the first thing they saw was the clue wall filled with photos.

James put aside his hostility to Kim for a while and studied these materials carefully.

Ryan glanced and found Louise's picture. Ryan frowned. Had the effect of the enchanting eye disappeared?

On Louise's photo, there was a red line connecting two missing women. The red line was marked with 'friend relationship'. According to the corresponding label, Ryan found Louise's record in Porto police station on the messy table. The body of one of Louise's two friends had been found and dragged to another place by the red line.

Ryan was relieved that the essence of the effect of the enchanting pupil was to implant a false memory. Although the memory implanted by Curson lasted for one night, before that, the vampire added food, and it was not too hard to release the enchanting pupil.

Ryan looked through Louise's notes. Louise didn't omit anything about her temperature, but the police officer who took the notes only attributed this special point to the cold weather.

"Well, let me go over it." James stared at the clue wall, The arm started to move in the order of the red line: "Everything started a month ago, and the hookers began to disappear. Half a month ago, Louise's friend became a victim, and then because his target was Louise, he launched an action again. But obviously different from the previous action, the former people belonged to all blocks. Although they all targeted hookers, from half a month ago to the next week, his target was obviously Louise In the neighborhood. "

James seemed to have a talent as a detective. He soon noticed the first turning point of shapeshifter behavior change from the clue wall made by Curson.

"My first question is, why hookers?" James looked disgusted and asked, "does he have any special preferences?"

"You don't understand." Ryan looked through Louise's notes. "Kim, tell detective Lance how shapeshifter usually chooses food."

"People who nobody notices." Kim chewed the apple on his hand. "Tramps, hookers, bottom workers, outsiders."

James frowned. "Well, hookers were the simplest target at first. You said shapeshifters were monsters with a strong sense of purpose. Why is Louise still alive?"

"Because she's smart enough." Ryan ignored the awkward turning point in James' words, and being able to change it represened his efforts. Ryan turned to the last page of the record, "after escaping for the second time, Louise hid until the body was found four days ago and Porto police station launched an investigation. After taking notes, she realized that the police were already paying attention to this matter, so she reappeared and began to work." Ryan handed the notes to James with an appreciative expression on his face. He looked at James jokingly, "you see, she took the initiative to take notes."

James took the record and went through it roughly. He knew that Ryan was obsessed with Louise's behavior of not calling the police before satirizing him.

James put down his notes, rediscovered the clues he had seen before, and summarized: "before the second turning point, a total of 12 hookers were missing, and only three bodies were found." Photos of three women's mutilated corpses were posted on the clue wall. The most recently found one was the one in the Porto Daily that Ryan 'bought' yesterday.

"Where are the other bodies?" James seemed to think of something bad. His lips turned white.

Ryan looked at Kim and made a gesture of invitation, which meaned, please explain to the detective.

"In Porto, each place has special environmental characteristics." Kim's bland explanation.

"Do you know the location?!" James stared at Kim: "why didn't you report?!"

"Why should I say that? Detective Curson never asked me." Kim frowned. He didn't understand what James was excited about. What he had taken had now been returned to James. James was not satisfied. Human beings are really strange guys.

A flash! Ryan was already in front of James and pressed his hand on the holster. Staring at James: "James Lance, you should know that we are helping you now. Benjamin and I need to prepare for Mr. Quinn's funeral. As for Kim, he can be anyone, and then walk away. We won't stop him. The only reason the three of us will be here is your 'Lance' surname and your current identity!"

James' eyes stared angrily at Ryan. His hand was caught by a vampire. It was impossible to move his finger, let alone take out his gun and shoot! His nose wings opened and closed violently, and his chest heaved and fell, forcing down the anger in his heart.

Ryan was right. The vampires did not use the "enchanting pupil" to change his will, nor did they directly make him disappear in the world. The reason was that the vampires listened to shapeshifterkim's words. The vampires' eyes always looked at the upper class of human society. Anthony was Ryan's ally in the upper class. Now they needed a person who can pay attention to the lower class, and this person was James Lance.

James Lance must be a human being, not a shapeshifter suffering from bulimia!

Ryan repeated what he did to Anthony more than ten years ago. Save someone, then reach an agreement and become an ally. But now, the new alliance was still very fragile.

"Have you calmed down?" Ryan looked at James' gradually flattened chest, released his grip, and then turned to Kim: "go on."

Kim gLanced at Ryan and continued: "I don't know the specific location, but I can guess the environment. This is just a test for the first shapeshifter in Porto."

"Test? Test what?" James asked as calmly as he could.

"Whether there are other alien occupied tests in Porto." Kim said blandly: "werewolves prefer mountains and forests, water demons like humid environments, wizards like places with mixed races, hell dogs haunt churches, and Phantom-men are more powerful in places with developed commerce... Vampires." Kim gLanced at Ryan and said, "vampires are not in the sun."

James looked at Ryan and frowned. "He's in the sun."

"Because I am more noble." Ryan slightly bent the corner of his mouth, tidied up his tie, and opened the topic: "James, now you should realize that he has already obtained the results of such a test." Ryan finished tidying up his tie and began to fiddle with his hat: "it can be predicted that in the future, a large number of aliens will enter Porto. You don't want this, nor do I. We can help each other." Ryan's eyes turned to James.

This proposal was put forward by Ryan when they were still at the Anderson house. At that time, James did not promise much sincerity in order to get back his identity. Now, James began to think seriously.

"You said before that Mayor Porto knew who you were?" Asked James.

"You can ask him yourself." Ryan didn't care.

"Yes." James nodded. "Now, at least in this case, we have a cooperative relationship! Later, I can't guarantee that I will discuss it with the Mayor in person!"

"I can accept such an answer." Ryan smiled and looked at Benjamin. Benjamin smiled too.

James made them very satisfied with his prudence, sense of justice, and attitude of personally confirming everything. He would be a perfect ally like Anthony.