
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

022 Big Brother Hunts Younger Brother (2)

The Anderson House was wrapped in dim light. Benjamin, who was lying on the dome, squinted, watching the sun disappear under the horizon little by little. The first day three days before the full moon passed so peacefully.

Benjamin jumped off the dome and lay back on the bed on the second floor of the warehouse. The werewolf closed his eyes, and his chest slowly rose and fell, driving away the accumulated dryness, calming his senses of the cluttered outside world, and gradually falling asleep. At this time, the vampire's heart began to wriggle, his sense of the world gradually recovered, and Ryan opened his eyes.

Ryan looked at the dark basement ceiling and slowly adjusted his heart rate. He needed to save, try his best to slow down his heartbeat, and make the blood flow slower.

Among the vampires, some unknown clans advocate penance. They only eat 70 milliliters of blood a day, which is the blood needed for one heartbeat, to maintain their own life with a minimum amount. Apparently, our vampire, Ryan, is not that kind of person, he's already hungry.

Ryan walked out of the basement slowly, knowing that this hunger would get worse until the full moon, this thought made Ryan feel a little more irritable.

"How was your day, Hank?" Ryan walked out of the stairwell, pushed open the back door of Anderson's house, and saw old Hank sitting on the porch in a daze.

"Normal." Old Hank snorted, turned, and walked to the bedroom on the second floor.

Ryan shrugged helplessly, and turned to enter the house, he wanted to see Alice. Now Alice was watching TV in the bedroom on the second floor. At seven o'clock every day, Alice will be watching a cooking show called "Cook's Kitchen", which is the banshee's favorite.

The phone rang, Ryan turned around with a sigh, pushed open the side door of the office, and answered the phone: "Anderson House..."

"Ryan? Ryan! Help me!" The other party's voice was very low, and it could be heard that the other party was nervous.

"Who are you?" Ryan didn't remember who it was for a moment.

"Run! Run! I'm Run! My brother, Ray! He's hunting me! Help me!"

Ryan frowned. "Where are you?"

"Becky East Street, Ivy Club!" The other party's voice was full of panic.

"Why should I help you?" Ryan frowned and said calmly. Well, the vampire didn't have any feelings for this earthbound spirit, Especially after knowing that the opponent died because he could drink his own potion. Before, it had been kind to remind him not to touch his brother, is it any good to take the risk to help him now? No.

"I..." The other party's voice seemed to be choked, "I don't have anyone to ask for help! You must help me!"

"You can ask your parents for help."

"No...There's nothing they can do! Ray burned my body! Connor! Connor is the only thing I have left! Please! I didn't ask for much! I know my brother! He won't stop until he destroys me completely!!"

Ryan frowned again, thinking, and the event became clear. It turned out to be so, what a twisted family.

"Are you ready?" Ryan asked.

"Okay!" The other party seemed relieved when he heard Ryan's question: "I have everything ready, Ivy Club, the second floor, the third staircase from the top down."

Ryan hung up.


Ivy's club sign, dotted with stars and a row of small print below" NOT WINE", on Betsy East Street, west of Ript High School, separates it from other bars for real adults. The club's street-facing front door and front window were covered with Ript's posters - 'Beaver Party! ! '

Revenge and James pushed open the front door. Boys and girls in different dresses held red paper cups and danced to the music. The bar had been occupied by a row of huge plastic buckets, 'soda water', this was the sign affixed to the wall of the bucket. But James had seen teenagers with Marshat hair secretly pouring an unlabeled bottle of liquid into a bucket.

James frowned and pushed the 'Mashat' away, took the bottle, and smelled it. Under the glare of a bunch of teenagers, he threw the tequila with the torn label into the trash!

"You're so strict." Revenge glanced at James. "Some of these kids are over eighteen. Don't be so strict."

"But they are still high school students." James said coldly, "They can wait until college!"

"Yes." Revenge smiled: "I like your strictness."

"Don't talk to me in that tone!" James looked very bad. "Where is the 'monster'? If there is nothing! I have more important places to go!"

Revenge's gaze turned to the corner of the club, where a teenager was standing with a paper cup: "There, that's the 'monster' you're looking for."

James' eyes immediately became alert, "Which one? The kid in the quarterback coat?"

"Haha." Revenge patted James on the shoulder. "He's not a kid."

"Don't touch me!" James moved his body away: "How to deal with 'him'?"

"It's a bit of a hassle." Revenge curled his lips: "Prick his heart with a coffin nail and burn it all."

James frowned, the method Revenge said made him a little uncomfortable, and he looked at the boy's face, which corresponded to the photo on the poster. This boy was not an ordinary person, but a quarterback of the Beavers. Connor Herman, son of Porto auto tycoon William Herman!

"Are you sure?!" James was really curious about the hunter's skills and hoped to learn them, but now he really couldn't see what was so special about that guy named Connor. If Revenge is wrong, then instead of protecting the citizens, he murders!

"Oh! I'm pretty sure! Do you want to know why? Look it up." Revenge had a strange look in his eyes, and he took a few steps forward and yelled into the corner, "Hey! Run! Miss me?"

Run in the corner shook his body, his eyes quickly turned to the man with Poirot's tie, then turned and ran away!

The dancing teenagers looked at the man who was suddenly shouting in surprise. Someone noticed that their quarterback was pushing the crowd away and running back.

"Hey! Connor! Where are you going?!"

The eyes of the boys shifted, and the man moved. He pushed aside the boys and girls who were in the way, and chased after him!

"Hey! What are you doing!"...

The chaotic screams spread through the crowd, and Revenge stared at the escaped teenager and chased after him!

James froze for a moment, 'Run', 'Run', he remembered the name. Don't forget that James investigated Revenge! Run Gust, the younger brother of Revenge Gust who died suddenly three years ago! Like the first two, James pushed aside the teenagers who didn't know what was going on, and chased after the two!