
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
113 Chs

021 Big Brother Hunts Younger Brother (1)

In the afternoon, after eating the sumptuous lunch that Alice prepared to comfort her friend, Laura waited for Benjamin's 'come home' while calculating how much exercise she would have to do to lose the calories from these foods.

Benjamin lay on top of the warehouse dome, wondering what he was thinking, and there seemed to be a smile on his face.

The Porto's limousine was parked in front of Anderson's house to pick up Laura.

Under the frown of old Hank, the serious-looking butler said this to the girl who was determined not to leave.

"Watch the Beavers vs. Sea Lions and you'll get extra-curricular credits. You'll need those credits, miss, if you don't want to go to first grade twice."

Laura was speechless and got into the car with her head down. Old Hank hunched over, lifted the closing sign in front of the door, placed it in the middle of the road, and then came back and closed the blue-black door. Well, weird old man.

Porto's limousine kicked up the dust on the dirt road, turned to Route 27, and drove towards Porto North. The always serious butler, anticipating the road conditions, gave up the idea of sending Laura back to school, and instructed the driver to drive directly to Fenway Park.


Neither had the opportunity to play cheerleading, nor did his brother play on the court. Laura sat in the friendship seat at Ript High School purely for the credits.

As the countdown cleared under the scoreboard above the center of the court, Laura jumped and cheered from her seat, infected by her peers around her.

"Beaver! Ript! Beaver! Ript!..." Laura waved the colored ball in her hand and temporarily forgot her troubles. Er, this "temporary" disappeared. When the name "Connor" began to appear in everyone's cheers!

The Beavers in the field ran with joy, and they rushed up to their quarterback as if they were going up once, wrapping Conner in the center, and then I don't know who lifted Conner's ass, and Connor was lifted to the sky.

"Connor! Connor!..." The energetic boys carried their captains and waved their fists in the air, leading the cheers from the audience!

The game commentators followed the enthusiasm of the stadium crowd and shouted excitedly: "Connor! Conor Herman! Captain of the Beavers! The star of the whole game!"

"My God, who knows! William Herman's son is a real gifted boy!"

"This year's league is destined to surprise us! It seems that old Herman can get rid of the scandal of 'donating a quarterback' to his son!"

"It's the truth! Haha! Plus last week's game, this kid has shown us his abilities! I told you last week, that this kid must have a future!"

"Yes yes yes! You are right! I just want to say, I am a loyal user of 'Herman' (Car brand)! My old car has been with me for twenty years!"

"You're too cunning! I'm also a big fan of 'Herman'..."

When the commentary had turned into flattery, Laura brushed aside the crowd and left the stands. She's going to the players' lounge to avenge her brother!

Well, Laura heard a lot more than what she told Alice last night. For example, she heard that the real reason her brother Kyle gave up football was because Connor moved Kyle to the least important place! For example, Connor provoked her brother before the game!

But she didn't tell Alice this, because, in her mind, Alice was going to apply to Ript High School. She had already figured out her friend's personality, and she didn't want Alice to think that high school was a place for intrigue!

This time, Laura had no reason for the player's family. Even with Porto's last name, the stout staff shook his head and pushed her and a group of crazy fans out of the lounge door, leaving room for reporters.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Laura backed away, knocking off a woman's handbag. Laura looked at the woman behind her in an Indian-style scarf, apologized quickly, squatted down, picked up the handbag, and returned it to her.

"It's okay." The woman smiled, but her face didn't look good. High cheekbones, sunken eye sockets, and the outline of Indians are deeper than ordinary federals, especially women. Therefore, once they're a little tired and don't use makeup, they will give the impression of being haggard and Alice is such an example.

Laura looked around, it was strange to see such a woman in her fifties in a place occupied by young people. But she didn't think much about it, in the crowd, she was beside the woman.

"Thank you." The woman noticed that the girl beside her was helping her and smiled gratefully at the girl: "I heard what you said to the staff just now, you are looking for Connor, are you his fans?"

Laura shook her head in discouragement. She had heard everyone around her shouting Connor's name: "I'm not, I came to trouble him!"

The woman snorted, her eyes dimmed. We don't know what she was thinking.

Under the call of fans and reporters outside the lounge, the players of the Beavers finally walked out of the lounge, and it was naturally 'Connor' at the forefront! The crowd shoved again, and Laura was caught in the middle, and after a while, was buried in the cheering crowd. She didn't forget the woman beside her, but when Laura looked back, she had disappeared!

Connor, oh no, Run Gust took over Connor's body, his face was still excited. The spotlight was flickering in front of this not-so-spacious lounge hallway.

This chaotic interview lasted for twenty minutes, and the stadium staff began to push the crowd away, making a way for the players to leave.

Run walked behind the stout security guard, he had realized that all eyes were on him! As the previous commentary said, in this game, he was the star!

This is natural. In the game against the Goats last week, he had not yet adapted to his new body. His on-the-spot command played a role, but his ability didn't show much. This week, he had completely adapted to his body. Today's game was his real strength!

In traditional Indian customs, the name is the most important description of a person, and the name Run (run) stands for 'running'. This is what Run is most proud of! In fact, in the interview just now, someone started to compare the current 'Connor' with the regrettable 'Run Gust' three years ago!

Run's face was filled with excitement, his head looked back from side to side under the flash of the spotlight, and he stretched out his still sweaty palm to slap with the enthusiastic fans, but he didn't know which lucky guy touched his hand. . In the last part of his life, he had not been able to experience such a scene of being faced by countless cameras, and now he was very satisfied!

Run's hearing was filled with loud shouts, "Connor! Connor! …"

He could no longer see the people around him, his vision was replaced by the blind spots caused by the spotlight, but he still kept an excited smile, and opened his hands, countless fingers overlapped, separated, and overlapped with his palm, separate...

Run felt a cool palm grabbing his wrist and pulled himself to one side!

"Run, run, run, run! My son! run!"

In Run's ears, the shouts of "Connor" all over the world disappeared at this moment and a voice that truly belonged to Run sounded! "Mom? !"

Run turned his head, but there were only patches of mottled blind spots in his field of vision!

"Run! run!"

Run felt a small wad of paper shove into his hand, held his fingers, and let him hold it!

The teammates behind Run pushed him, and the bodyguard in front of him turned around, pushing away the crazy fans!

The coolness on Run's wrist disappeared, and he was pushed forward by the teammates behind him in a sluggish manner, and the sound of "Connor" came back again. Run clenched the paper bag in his hand. He wanted to look back at the woman, but everything in his field of vision was still blocked by the blind spot...


James frowned, he looked at the man beside him, "Why did you call me here! You should rest in the hospital!"

"Stop joking!" Revenge with a Poirot tie patted James' shoulder with a smile, but the sutured wound was affected, and he grinned: "The hunter has no time to rest!"

"I'm not a hunter!" James frowned, he followed Ryan's advice and didn't touch the hunter, but this guy found him! This is for the hunter named Revenge Gust who knows James' phone number, James' job, and James' home! James really doesn't know how to avoid this guy!

"No one is born what." Revenge smiled, "You should be a hunter, I'm very optimistic about you!" "I don't need to be favored by you, like I said before, I'm a police detective, I only care about things that threaten the citizens! People, or monsters!" James was a little annoyed: "I don't need to be a Hunter to do this!"

"Unfortunately, your ability is not enough to deal with the monster in your mouth." Revenge chuckled and looked at James: "I don't know how you dealt with the shapeshifter who attacked you for the first time, maybe you were just lucky. At least the second ghoul, if it wasn't me, you wouldn't be standing here! Am I right?"

James could not refute.

"You are very good. Also, you seem to have some knowledge about aliens and hunters, but you don't know enough." Revenge smiled and looked at the team walking out of Fenway Park, and raised his hand reluctantly: "Look there, look,can you see a "monster" there?"

James looked at the football players surrounded by a crowd carrying banners that read 'Beavers'.

"Did you see it? Detective Lance, you are blind!" Revenge's face turned gloomy: "But I can tell you right now that there is something in there that replaces the identity that doesn't belong to it!"

"Why do you say that!" James had already seen the excitement of the group.

"That's the difference between you and me, I'm a hunter!" Revenge snorted softly, "You're a detective who keeps other people safe, but you can't see the threat, how ironic, isn't it?"