
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

020   Ryan's Bait

The new civil servant seemed to be more responsible than Wells, it just seemed. Because Ryan was right, it only took him one day to receive the results of the work that Wells had done for almost two weeks, so he had to be careful not to let Wells' mistakes fall on him too.

The civil servant pulled Ryan and asked about the progress of Wells' work in detail. Ryan had to use the Eye of Charm again to get him to give up the entanglement. The investigation had already come to an end, and the rest of the funeral records were basically the cemeteries of people who were powerless decades ago. What could be wrong?

Asking old Hank to watch the civil servant, Ryan called Alice and asked if she had noticed anything unusual about Wells these days. In fact, this is just an insurance move. Banshee's ability is not foreknowledge, but a kind of psychic. Different from ordinary psychics, because they only focus on the matter of 'death', this allows the banshee to 'see' much more accurately and clearly than ordinary psychics. This is the unique sense of the banshee.

Since it is the senses, there will be moments of being deceived. And Papa-Midnite, who created witchcraft, is a master in this area, so the process of becoming a dead apostle is something that Alice can not 'see'. But Alice could still 'see' the death after becoming a dead apostle, because the dead apostle's 'suicide' had apparently escaped the control of Papa-Midnite, and was no longer within his blinding range.

Alice carefully recalled the recent contact with Wells. Although it was a small matter such as delivering coffee or snacks, if death was very close to Wells, she should be able to perceive it.

Alice shook her head and pursed her lips, feeling a little guilty that she couldn't be of much help.

Ryan patted the banshee on the shoulder comfortingly, "Is it a bad thing Wells won't die?"

Alice pouted, knowing that the vampire was teasing her on purpose, and turned to find Louise.

After confirming that Alice didn't see anything, Ryan felt a little relieved, not because he cared about Wells' life.

If Wells had become a Dead Apostle, Ryan would have dealt with him without the Gusts doing it. It's not difficult for a vampire to find a dead apostle who already knows his identity in a city, it's just a matter of two or three days. This has entered the perception range of the banshee.

But the banshee didn't find anything, which meant that this guy was not a dead apostle at least now, Wells' contact with the recruiter had not ended, the contract had not been completed, and Ryan can still use this bait to catch fish.

After leaving the Anderson house, Ryan drove Benjamin's van directly to the cemetery to the west. The last time he acted alone to hunt hunters, the werewolf felt that there was no 'sense of participation', and the cold war lasted for more than a week. So this time, the vampire wasn't going to make the same mistake and decided it was better to call Benjamin along.

In the former cemetery, except for the North Cemetery, which was often maintained for prisons and hospitals to send 'corpses', the other three gardens were similar to the wilderness. Because of the funerals of Mr. Quinn and Connor Herman, The East Garden was almost finished a month ago. In anticipation of the wave of grave removal in the future, the Anderson House paid a lot of money this time, and the surrounding farmers were basically brought in to tidy up the cemetery when they had time.

Ryan saw Benjamin sitting in the cemetery, chatting with a group of resting farmers, greeted him, explained the situation, and the two drove to the North District.

With Benjamin driving, Ryan naturally sat in the co-pilot, but Benjamin seemed to have something on his mind today. The most direct manifestation is that he did not ravage the radio.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked.

"It's nothing," Benjamin replied with Ryan, seamless.

Ryan raised an eyebrow. Of the two brothers in the Anderson family, the vampire is occasionally sentimental and needs someone to bring his flying thoughts back to the ground. And the werewolf sometimes hides too hard, so people have to expose it.

"What's wrong?" Ryan continued.

Benjamin frowned, tapped the steering wheel with his thick fingers, and thought for a while, "They said (the farmers), last full moon day, they saw a bear-like creature running down the road."

Ryan opened his mouth, he knew it should be corrected, it was a wolf, just a wolf the size of a bear. But he also knew that now was not the time to care about it.

The werewolf glanced at the vampire: "What worries me is that I don't remember anything."

Both fell silent, and the van went along Route 27 into the North District and headed for Wells' home.

When it was almost noon, the vampire looked at the wooden door in front of him, raised his hand, and groped on the door frame. Ryan smiled at Benjamin behind him, took a key from the door frame, and opened the door to enter.

There's nothing new about the Wells home, which was where most people in Porto's north who can't afford their mortgage will opt for an apartment. Ryan and Benjamin entered the apartment and looked around. Wells wasn't there.

Garbage bins were stuffed with junk food bags, and pizza boxes were turned over on the wooden dining table. It wasn't Wells' bad eating habits that really mattered, because at least it didn't make the Banshee 'see' that he was going to die in a hospital bed. What really mattered were the lottery tickets scattered on the table.

Ryan picked up a scratch-off of Erdol, available at any retail store, and the scratched-off coating said 'Congratulations! Five Doll! ' Ryan raised his eyebrows and picked up another, 'Congratulations! Five Doll!', and picked up another 'Congratulations! Five Doll! ' Pick up another...

There were a total of thirty-two five-doll winning scratch cards. If they were all bought at the same time, it would be enough to make people believe in some incredible things. Ryan didn't have to guess, every day, he used the eye of charm to let Wells report his life. Ryan hadn't heard anything about Wells' winning streak, which can only mean that the winning scratches were purchased last night after Wells' 'off work'.

So this should be the temptation of the recruiters of Papa-Midnite.

Benjamin hit the answering machine, no accident, nothing, either scrubbed or Wells' life was a tragedy. Benjamin preferred a combination of the two.

There was a stack of sticky notes next to the phone. Benjamin picked up the sticky notes and looked at the light. There seemed to be uneven marks. He found a pencil and slashed it in black. Wells' handwriting was revealed. It was the time and address.

The two frowned at the handwriting displayed on the note.

"Isn't this near the courthouse?" Benjamin, looking at the time, was almost there.

Ryan thought for a while, but nothing came of it, "Go and have a look."

The two searched the room for a while, but found nothing except that Wells had poor living habits. The two left the apartment, and Benjamin drove the van towards the court.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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