
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

016  Torture

The night wind blew across the wilderness, the grass that had just emerged from the soil shivered under the night.The low beast hummed with the clatter of bones. The dark brown hair lengthened and shortened strangely, and the muscles of the back wriggled and rolled under the skin. It was Benjamin who was repressing his wolf nature.

In the distance, under the starlight, the white skin glowed with silver.The greedy sucking sound made people shiver uncontrollably.The rustling sound of the friction between the body and the ground added a chill to the night.

"What are you doing?" A flashlight shone from the direction of Anderson's house. Old Hank hunched over and walked to this side. The beam of light in his hand crossed the two younger generations: "are you going to give up 'Anderson's house'?"

"Ryan!" Old hank was wearing only a single coat, barefoot, his chest was rapidly fluctuating, and there were blood stains on his thin arm, "stop!"

Under the stars, the arched and shining back suddenly stagnated! Ryan pressed the arm of the person under him and moved forward to cover his bloody chin, and his dark red eyes began to fade. He turned his head slowly, and the light column of the flashlight was resting on his face.

"Hank." Ryan wiped his arm between his lips, facing the light. He narrowed his eyes and could only see the outline of old Hank, "I'm sorry."

The light of the flashlight shifted, and old Hank walked to the other side, staggering and hurried, "Benjamin! Don't give up..."

Ryan turned his head and looked down at the man whose eyes had been loosened. A faint breath came from his slightly open mouth. Ryan leaned over his ear. "You're lucky."

After returning to Anderson's house and settling down the two intruders, Ryan noticed the injuries on old Hank's body and the blood and bruises on his limbs after struggling under the rope. The vampire took out the cup, bit his wrist, and handed the old man the blood that could cure all the injuries. The old man pushed aside Ryan's kindness and went back to his room in silence.

I remember I said, this is a strange old man.

Benjamin was not in good condition. His clothes had long been cracked after Alpha skin had been removed. The red blood and sweat were mixed between his vigorous body hair. Kim, who appeared in James' image temporarily, wore gloves and pulled out metal cones with two fingers thick. The bloody wound began to heal slowly.

Ryan had changed his clothes and was standing at the door of Benjamin's warehouse.

The werewolf sniffed and did not look at the vampire. "Not now. I need to be alone."

Ryan nodded and stepped aside to reveal Alice behind him. The Banshee was still trembling, holding hot water and a towel in her hand, and walked to Benjamin, whose body was covered with blood.

A Werewolf fighting his own wolf sex, and a 'radiant' Vampire because of eating, Yes, the two should not be in the same space at this time. Why do they become friends? When Ryan is in a good mood, I'll ask for you.

Ryan stood at the door and made sure that Benjamin was all right. Then he left the warehouse and walked to the basement of Anderson's house. Two human beings were hanging there!

Ryan pulled the cloth from the mouth of the guy who was still conscious. Benjamin had always been the "kind" of the two "brothers", so there was no injury on this guy.

"You'd better kill us! You sucking bastard!! or I'll cut off your head..."

Ryan slipped back the cloth, went back to the office and dialled James' number.

"This is James Lance. Please leave a message."

Ryan hung up the phone and went back to the basement again, pulling out the man's cloth.

"You bitch..."

Half the cursing ended abruptly.

Ryan's finger was inserted into the man's left chest, and the strong agitation wrapped the vampire's elongated fingertip. The warm and rapid beating was introduced into the vampire's senses.

"Shhh ~" Ryan's fingers sank into the chest so steadily, took the cup rejected by old Hank and put it on the other party's trembling lips. "This is your choice. What would it be?"

The man felt the foreign body in his body. His lower lip was deformed by the cup brim. The light sound of "kakaka" was that his uncontrolled teeth were colliding with the cup brim.

Ryan's light green eyes looked at the other side, and the fine sweat continued to seep from the pores of the other side's skin, and Ryan's cold face was reflected in the contracted pupils.

Ryan's fingers began to pull back slowly, and the internal wound that lost pressure support began to overflow blood.

The voice of the breath was emitted from the mouth of the man who was hanged. The protruding throat at the neck was shaking constantly. Death was accompanied by more and more clear sense from the chest!

"Very good." Ryan smiled.

The suspended man stretched his neck forward and tried to tilt the cup in Ryan's hand so that he could reach the liquid that could heal everything!

Ryan cooperatively raised the bottom of the cup, watched the bright red blood be greedily drunk, and threw away the cup in his hand.

"A very smart choice." Ryan smiled at the man, but the finger that was pulling back stopped! The strong beating and warmth still wrapped around his fingertips!

"What are you doing?" The man's expression became panic! "Put your hands back!!"

"Why would I do that?" Ryan still smiled: "we have seen how much you are afraid of death, even if you want to drink the enemy's blood to survive. Then, wouldn't it be good if I gave you the right to eternal life?"

The man's body vibrated violently in the air! He's struggling! But old Hank seemed to release the hatred he had been tied up before. At this time, the man's struggle was as futile as the insect that hit the spider web.

"Get out of my body!" The bound limbs of a man can't move at all, and his trembling trunk can only accelerate the process of entering another form of life! The only thing he can do was continue to curse the vampire in front of him!

Ryan kept smiling. When the vampire's blood finds that the wound cannot be recovered, they will start the ultimate healing work.

If you have a fatal wound that cannot be healed, such as Ryan's finger in the heart. What can cure everything - vampire blood, how to save your life? The answer is simple, change. Can't heal the wound? Then turn you into a creature that can continue to live even if there is a hole in your heart.

"Get out! Get out!..." the man's face became very pale! A howl of tears reverberated in the basement.

"Relax, relax." Ryan's posture remained unchanged and his smile remained unchanged. "It will take some time. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You will want to feel it well."

"No! No!! I don't want to be a vampire! Don't let me be a vampire!!"

The man's hysterical voice was full of disgust.

This is the hunter's consistent attitude towards the alien race. Ryan decided to add some seasonings to it. As Ryan said before, he was a guy with a strong desire to survive.

"Why not?" Ryan's smile showed a trace of false doubt: "are you afraid that your companions will burn you to death?"

"No..." there was something more in the man's fear. He seemed to think of his professional skills.

"Don't worry, I will teach you well." Ryan 'comforted' the man whose heart was pierced by him (still pierced), "Maybe you can tell me about the hunter. We can help each other. In Porto, we will be the best friends."

The man seemed to feel a turning point: "I tell you! I tell you everything!! as long as you leave my body!"

Ryan's eyes were slightly bent. This was the vampire's sincere smile.

If you think that vampires can only rely on the pupil of charm, you underestimate Ryan's threeorfour hundred years of life.

This is the art of vampire torture. Do you want to die? Do you want to be the most disgusting existence in your life? Do you want to be your most hated existence and be killed by your own companions? Kind people please don't learn.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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