
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

015 James Lance was attacked, too.

"Hey! You're back!" The girl in her twenties stood on tiptoe, stretched her arms, and tried to reach the pull ring of the roller shutter door above her head. Seeing James passing by, she quickly pulled some messy hair behind her ears and shyly flattened the coat.

"Hi." James nodded and noticed the girl's situation. With a smile, he came forward and helped her pull down the roller shutter door. "Are you off duty?"

This is nonsense, but please understand that the dialogues between young men and women who have good feelings for each other but are embarrassed to speak are piled up by nonsense.

They looked at each other awkwardly for a moment in front of the coffee shop that was about to close and said goodbye to each other.

James clenched the file under his arm and walked to the back of the coffee shop. Between the two closed stores, there was a small three-step staircase. James held the guardrail and waved to the girl who looked back. The girl waved shyly and turned the corner.

With a smile on his face, James stepped up the stairs and entered the aisle about three people wide.

This was the "Liszt Backstreet", which was different from the "Liszt Street" dominated by clothing and boutiques. There were many cafes like James' downstairs, providing a temporary rest place for people tired of shopping. So when night fell and the stores on [Liszt Street] closed one by one, the stores on the back street also closed for the day.

If you don't understand James Lance 'wealth, maybe his home in Porto can give you an intuitive feeling.

James' home was an attic on the third floor. It was not a half high isolation floor in an ordinary house, but a duplex apartment with three or four floors. Such a 200 square meter loft was located in Liszt street, the most expensive land in Porto.

James went to the innermost side of the aisle, pulled open the fence of his elevator and pressed the button to rise.

The sound of chain pulling sounded. James took out the achievements of this afternoon, lifted the lock on the folder, and looked serious.

With a crash, James shook his body in the elevator, closed his folder, pushed open the fence, and stood in front of a iron door.

James frowned. His door lock was pried open. There was a suspicious crack between the stretched iron door and the eaves.

James drew out his gun with one hand, stepped back slightly to open the iron door, and looked through the cracks by the light in the corridor.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement. James kept a vigilant posture, with his index finger on the trigger in his right hand and his folder in his left hand. He avoided the light of the lift passage behind him and used the folder to probe into the crack of the door.


James' left hand trembled! The great power from his wrist forced him to loosen the folder! He clearly saw a silver conical steel needle piercing his folder!

The sound of the mechanical spring twisting!

James had no time to think about it. He squatted down and fell forward!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

A continuous penetrating sound came from above James' body! Several silver two finger thick steel needles penetrated the iron door, shot horizontally from the back where James had just fallen, penetrated the lift passage, and nailed to the wall on the other side!

James quickly turned his body forward, facing up, his right hand still kept the shooting posture, his left finger hooked the lower eaves of the iron door, and pulled the door open! His back rubbed against the ground and he entered the room and pulled the trigger!

With the roar of gunfire, the lights of the lift passage instantly occupied the room . The Indian with the cracked crossbow rolled sideways, and the blood mist from the exploding canopy on his left shoulder made his movement a little slow!

It's him?!

James' daze made him lose his advantage!

The silver knife light pulled James back from his stupor! James just wanted to turn the muzzle of the gun, and the brown leather boots kicked on his wrist! Then his gun was kicked off and fell into the gap between the elevator and the floor! James, who was lying on his back,was unable to move.The silver dagger hit toward his throat directly!

James only had time to protect his neck, and his arms crossed to hold the pressed arms! The blade of the dagger had pierced James' chin!

The Indian who pressed the dagger down with the weight of his whole body looked ferocious, and the wound on his shoulder was bleeding because of the strength of his muscles!

James' teeth clenched tightly, and the blue veins on his forehead showed that James had tried his best to resist the power of the other party! Anthony reminded him that he wanted to tell the guy who saved his life last night that he was not a shapeshifter! However, the novels are all deceptive. Now he can't speak at all!

Not that he can't, but that he dare not! When a dagger tried hard to insert into your throat, no one dared to spare a trace of strength to speak!

"Hum, er..."

James was disappointed to find that the Indian was quite strong! Even if the other party was injured, if it goes on like this, he will not survive until the other party loses too much blood!

James decided to fight once! He glared at the iron door at his feet, and their bodies produced a small displacement in an instant! There was a short-term imbalance in the Indian body on him! James' right hand rapidly extended to the wound on his right shoulder!

"Er ah!"

The brief pain and relaxation gave James a chance to cross his body. The sharp dagger cut a blood mark on James' chin and embedded it deep into the ground!

James didn't dare to relax any more. His four fingers on his right hand tightly clasped the Indian's left shoulder, and his thumb pressed into the Indian's cracked wound! James lift his body from the side and push his right leg hard against the other side's abdomen. Push away! Temporarily opened the distance between the two!

"I am not..."

James found his chance, but he hadn't finished his sentence yet! James was surprised to see the finger of the Indian's right hand snap into the buckle on the dagger handle inserted into the ground. Under the dim light, the buckle broke away from the dagger handle, and the glowing steel wire was pulled out between the buckle on the other's right hand and the dagger handle held by his left hand!

Then the Indian pulled the wire and jumped up again!

James wanted to stand up, but the Indian didn't give him a chance at all. It was like a beast bumping into James who was still try to keep balance!

James, who was knocked down again, faced a greater crisis! The dagger in the left hand and the steel wire between the two hands were deadly weapons! James had been passive and can't stopped the Indian at all!

The steel wire was wound around James' neck! The only thing James can do was to put up his arms and block the rapidly shrinking steel wire!

James was in a dead end. If he stopped the dagger, he could not break the shrinking steel wire. He can't stop the dagger that will stab his throat at any time when he breaks the steel wire!

James had felt the steel wire embedded in his skin, and his windpipe had been oppressed by the tight steel wire and his defensive arms!


After the gunshot, the strong Indian man disappeared and fell to James! James, who was able to relax, coughed violently, pushed away the man who was pressing on him and looked ahead.

Louise shook a gun and looked at James in horror.

"Hey, hey... You, you're okay, okay?"