
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

009   Mrs.Porto's Commission

"It's the same here as before." Mrs. Selena Porto leaned her crutch against the chair, sat opposite Ryan's desk, and looked at the Anderson house office. "I thought Quinn's generosity would at least let you decorate this place!"

Ryan motioned to Alice to leave the office, and nodded to the Banshee who came in with the old lady. Talking to such an old lady from upper class is very difficult, and Ryan needs to concentrate on it.

"Mrs. Quinn is really generous, but everything here is left by my father. We don't want to make any changes. Including the chair you're sitting in now, do you think whether it is comfortable?"

Mrs. Porto's wrinkled mouth was slightly raised, and she remembered her complaint about the church chair at Quinn's funeral: "Quinn reminded me that you are a wonderful person. Sure enough! This chair is very comfortable, and I like it very much."

"If only Mrs. likes it. I wonder if Laura has told you that Alice is a great cook. What would Mrs. want to eat? I think Alice is very willing to cook some for her friend's elders." Ryan kept smiling and tried to find out what the big woman who suddenly came to visit wanted to do.

Mrs. Porto smiled and shook her head. Her eyes became serious. "No, I don't care who Laura is friends with. I have something to ask. I hope Ryan Anderson can answer honestly."

Ryan quickly stood up, smoothed out the wrinkles on his clothes, and bowed slightly: "Ryan, Mrs. Porto, just call me Ryan."

"All right, Ryan." Mrs. Porto waved her hand and motioned for Ryan to sit down. "I want you to introduce your three Anderson brothers and sisters."

Ryan went back to his seat, said calmly: "I am Anderson's eldest son. Because my father failed to give my mother a name, I have been living with my mother in the west of the Union and running some small businesses. The war has made our life difficult. After my mother died of illness, I came to Porto to find my father. Benjamin is my brother with my father and mother, but we have many differences in character. He joined the army early. His mother died when he retired, so he came to Porto with my contact.Our sister Alice, an orphan of Porto, was adopted by my father. But both Benjamin and I take care of Alice as if she were my own sister. "

"Very good." Mrs. Porto nodded expressionless and glanced at Ryan: "as recorded in the citizen's file, you are very honest."

Ryan didn't answer. I believe Mrs. Quinn did the same thing. Honesty? Not at all. They didn't care what Ryan's real identity was. What they care about was whether Ryan's tone was tight and whether he had the awareness of keeping the story consistent.

Ryan looked at Mrs. Porto's face. He and Benjamin realized that there would be such a day sooner or later when they were at Mr. Quinn's funeral. As an alien, they had to passively infiltrate into human life.

"I, Quinn, everyone." Mrs. Porto fiddled with her crutches. "We are all very satisfied with your results in dealing with Porche. Don't be nervous." Mrs. Porto looked at Ryan: "we are not curious about how you did it. When you live long enough and have seen enough things, you will lose interest in what happened. You just want the result."

Ryan thought for a moment and nodded. It was not that Ryan was trying to please Mrs. Porto, but that he had reached the same conclusion based on his age.

Mrs. Porto chuckled again. "Don't go along with me."

Ryan tilted his head and smiled helplessly: "what is the reason why madam is here this time?"

"Because Kyle." Mrs. Porto's face became serious again, staring into Ryan's eyes: "if you can make a person from normal to insane, then the reverse should be OK."

Ryan raised his eyebrows. He didn't think Porche Quinn had a real mental problem. But Ryan's attention immediately deflected and his eyebrows wrinkled. Alice once reported Laura's worry about her brother, but according to what Alice 'saw' and Ryan and Benjamin's judgment on 'Connor', Kyle should be able to return to normal soon.

"Did Laura talk to Alice?" Mrs. Porto looked at Ryan's expression and said, "then I don't need to say anything more. I think my explicit request is much more direct than Quinn".

Ryan was surprised that there was nothing to talk about in the circle of these old ladies?

"What? Can't you do it?" Mrs. Porto looked at Ryan's surprised face and frowned.

Ryan reacted and withdrew his surprise. "No, madam, do you think there is something wrong with Kyle's spirit? Laura didn't say that. She just mentioned it last weekend because the performance of the football game and the demands of Mr. Porto (Kyle's father) are a little stressful."

Hearing that Ryan did not refuse, Mrs. Porto loosened her brow: "I thought so before, but obviously not. He always repeated a certain sentence alone, and his temper became more and more irritable. In addition, Kyle also quit the team, regardless of his studies. This is completely different from the Kyle I watched growing up. It should be something that he can't understand."

Ryan frowned. He was thinking about why.

He opened his mouth and just wanted to ask something more, but Mrs. Porto stopped: "I said, I just want the result." Mrs. Porto took her crutch, leaned forward and was about to stand up. Ryan quickly stood up, bypassed the desk and picked up Mrs. Porto.

"I have said what I know and what I want." Mrs. Porto held Ryan's arm and walked out of the office. "No matter what happens, you solve it!"

Now that he had been asked to do so, Ryan can only nod his head.

"Don't look unlucky!" Mrs. Porto looked at Ryan with a helpless expression: "I am more generous than Quinn!"

Ryan smiled. He already knew that. On the third day after Quinn's funeral, the church on the west side of the tomb area received a donation from Mrs. Porto, indicating that all seats would be replaced. For this reason, the priest of the church specially came to thank Ryan. If it were not for the Anderson family, he would not receive a grand ceremony, nor would he let the richest old women in Porto gather here.

Opening the door of the office, the young maid took over Mrs. Porto. Under the escort of the bodyguard in black, Mrs. Porto left the Anderson house.

Watching Mrs. Porto's car leave, Ryan frowned. Alice can't wait to run to Ryan and fiddled with her hair.

Louise's departure also restored the Banshee who was not good at makeup to her original appearance. The deep outline made her eyes cast a small shadow under the sun, always giving people a feeling of low spirits.

Ryan touched the Banshee's hair. "Don't worry, it's not about you and Laura. You're still friends."

"Really?" The Banshee raised her face, and the shadow disappeared. In the sun, her blue eyes reflected the sun: "Mrs. Porto doesn't mind Laura making friends with a girl like me?"

"Yes." Ryan smiled and talked with the Banshee. One thing must be confirmed to reassure her.

Alice breathed a sigh of relief. Laura of her age thought it's cool to receive family education at home without going to school. It's cool to grow up in a funeral home, but old Mrs. Porto didn't necessarily think so. At least Mrs Quinn thought it was bad for the growth of girls. So Alice was worried that Mrs. Porto would restrict Laura's contact with her.

The Banshee who was happy for a while suddenly thought of something and looked at Ryan suspiciously: "then why did Mrs. Porto come?"

Ryan's smile became a little bitter. "It was Kyle. Kyle didn't seem to come out of the shadow of 'accident', and it was even more serious."

Alice was stunned. It took only a moment for her to think more seriously about Kyle. The Banshee's expression became worried. She was worried about her friends. she wondered if Laura was more worried about her brother becoming like Porche.

"Are you worried about Laura?" Ryan looked at the Banshee's face, reached out and touched Alice's back, and asked softly.

"Yes!" Alice nodded.

Ryan thought for a while, "let's go and see how Laura is. She should still be in class now. You can accompany her."

Alice nodded hurriedly, but at once she shook her head with some hesitation. Ript high school, Laura's school, was a densely populated place. Alice was worried that she would not adapt to such an occasion.

Ryan was not in a hurry and looked at Alice struggling.Whether Alice will go or not, Ryan will go. He needed to get in touch with Kyle and figure out what made Kyle abnormal.

"I'll go!" After a few hesitations, Alice made a decision. "Did Mrs. Porto ask for anything?"

"Yes." Ryan nodded: "she wants Kyle to return to normal. Maybe that 'Connor' has influenced him. Benjamin also wants to watch him."

Something flickered in Alice's eyes, and she hesitated. "Mr. Anderson..."


Ryan frownED. Alice didn't usually call vampires MR. After all, they existed in this society as brothers and sisters. In fact, their feelings were the same as those of their own brothers and sisters. But once Alice had something to fear, she would use the honorific name. This is the behavior of the weak praying for protection from the strong!

For example, when the cemetery was recycled by the municipal government, and the Banshee thought that vampires and werewolves were leaving Anderson's house to find another place to live, Alice called Ryan Mr. (Volume I, Chapter VIII)

"Alice." The vampire pressed the Banshee's shoulder and said seriously, "don't be afraid, we are using a new method to integrate into the world..."

Alice looked into Ryan's eyes and finally nodded.

Before that, the supernatural "Others" of Anderson's family only occupied three legal identities and received the wages issued by the municipal government, but actually lived in seclusion. All these had disappeared with the change of the times, and they had entered people's lives in an inexplicable way.

As Mrs. Porto said, she gave requests and generous rewards without asking, and the Anderson family was responsible for the middle part!