
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

007  Father Constantine's visit

Outside Anderson's house, there was the buzzing of the engine, from far to near. A moment later, old Hank walked into the office with a man.

Hank surprisingly didn't scold or humiliate the guest. After that, he silently returned to the exhibition hall and continued to wipe the coffin.

The visitor was all in black, with only white cuffs, a silver cross pinned to his round shirt collar, and a little gray hair combed meticulously. This is a priest, Father Constantine, who is resident in the northwest Church of Anderson's tomb area.

Ryan stood up, opened his seat for the priest, and apologetically put away the wine glass on the desk.

Constantine smiled and saluted Anderson's master. He sat down. "Mr. Anderson doesn't have to change his habits because of my arrival. Just don't drink too much that has a negative impact on life."

Ryan glanced at the silver light on the priest's collar, smiled, and said, "still, this is not a good habit." After sitting back at his desk, Ryan inquired, "what's the matter with the priest today?"

Today was Sunday. Most of the people who will worship in the Southern District were old people who do not need to work. When there is nothing to do, faith has become the most important part of life. Of course, they did not go to the church next to the cemetery, but to the Gospel Church in the East where the church was located.

For a long time, only father Constantine, two priests, and several nuns were stationed in the church in the northwest of Anderson's tomb area.

Constantine's face was apologetic. "I'm afraid the funeral this afternoon will be postponed. In the morning, when the nuns were preparing, they found that the altar had cracked and collapsed. We have called the church to ask someone to repair it, but today is Sunday. They can come here this afternoon."

Ryan was a little surprised. The altar is a stepped wooden cabinet, which is placed on both sides of the altar with the statue of the son of God. Rows of candles are usually placed on it, "no one was injured, and the statue of the son of God was not damaged?"

Constantine smiled and nodded, crossed his chest, and thanked Ryan for his concern. "No one was hurt, and the statue of the son of God was not damaged. It was just that the altar was a little rotten because of its age."

Ryan relaxed a little, opened the drawer, and pulled out a document, which was the information about the funeral scheduled this afternoon. Ryan did not offer to help, because all the items in the church were in the charge of the church. Ordinary people could help, but they were not eligible to change, including maintenance.

Ryan smiled at Constantine, "let me explain to the clients. I think they will understand."

Constantine's face was still apologetic. He knew that the recent funeral was not a real funeral, but a tomb removal. Most of the grave-moving clients were directly transferred to the East Branch (mill) of Anderson house for cremation. The people who will come to Anderson for burial were all famous celebrities.

In recent days, there had been such a pseudo-funeral ceremony every day. As the director of the church, father Constantine himself knew that their church appointment had been scheduled for next week. One delay means that everyone will be delayed.

Ryan looked at Constantine and smiled: "father, don't worry. It's not difficult for those people in the west side to temporarily fix a new church."

Constantine raised his eyebrows, thought, and nodded helplessly.

Ryan began to call the customer. The process was not as easy as Ryan said. After all, the funeral was decided at least three days in advance. The invitation letter and arrangement had been arranged in advance. The sudden change on that day made this unpleasant event even more unpleasant.

Father Constantine didn't make Ryan too embarrassed and explained it himself. No one would be angry with a priest, so this matter was settled satisfactorily.

Although Ryan, our vampire, did not play any role, father Constantine thanked him before leaving.

Seeing off the priest, Ryan breathed a sigh of relief, and the afternoon was also free. Although Qwest's "additional" Commission had not yet come, it was understandable that the vampire investigated in advance.

Ryan wanted to go out with Benjamin before noon to investigate the names on the list given by James. However, before Ryan could drag the sleeping werewolf out of bed, the owner of the list came.

Benjamin narrowed his hazy eyes, glanced at James with a gloomy face, and lay back in bed. "Don't talk here, go out."

Ryan reluctantly left the warehouse and walked to the office. "James, as a detective, you always seem to leave your partner alone. Is that really good?"

James' nose was stuck with a band-aid. He said, "today is Sunday. Curson went to church."

Ryan raised his eyebrows. "Is Curson a Catholic?"

"It's none of your business." James seemed to realize now that he didn't have to explain his actions to the vampire.

Ryan squinted at James, turned around, and did not enter the office.

"Where are you going?" James was already standing on the back porch, but he saw Ryan walking directly to his car parked in the backyard.

"Keep up, James." Ryan didn't look back and opened the rear door. "You drive."

James frowned, but he couldn't do anything to the vampire, so he got on obediently.

"Where to go?" James subconsciously looked at the vampire sitting in the back seat from the rearview mirror. Obviously, he couldn't see anyone except his own back seat, so he pulled his seat belt and turn around.

Ryan took out the list and pointed to one at random: "here."

James frowned, started the car, and drove away from Anderson.

"The disappearance of Mr. and Mrs. Qwest was caused by an alien race." James looked at the blank space in the rearview mirror and shook his head, trying to get rid of his irritation.

There was no sound behind him. James thought there was no one in the back seat for a moment.

"Answer me!" It seemed that shaking his head could not dispel his agitation, and James' eyebrows frowned tighter. The car had already started. He didn't want to turn around and stare at the vampire. He could only stare at the empty rearview mirror. "Can't you sit beside me!"

"Sunshine," Ryan said lazily.

James was unable to speak for a while, and it took him a long time to speak again, "Mr. and Mrs. Qwest..."

"Come on, James." Ryan's voice came from behind, "I really don't have anything to tell you, because I don't even know myself, otherwise I won't rely on your list."


"I know, I know." Ryan didn't seem to have much energy to play with James. "Do you want to say that the way they appear is too weird? There are not many things that can do this, but there are also many. For example, Papa's midnight witchcraft and even Sebella can do it. So James, don't ask me. You can save your energy for the guys we will meet next."

James took a deep breath and stopped asking questions. The reason was not how much he listened to the vampire, but that he had heard the swallowing sound behind him. The vampire was supplementing food to dispel the feeling of sleepiness. James knew that the best food for vampires was humans.