
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

006  The Box that Sebella left to Run

At the junction of the Paisiying district and Newton City, to the west is the woods, to the east is the dilapidated Paisiying, to the north is the Paisiying River from Newton City, which will eventually converge with Charles River, and to the south is the Southern District of Porto. Here's a motel you suspect will never have business, 'Pine's rest station'.

The vampire had red eyes and said something to the old man behind the counter. The old man handed him a key and gave him a room number.

Benjamin sent the two people who were still unconscious to his room. Ryan 'borrowed' the phone and called Qwest.

"Mr. Qwest, I have found them. They are now at Pine's rest station, address..."

"Are they all right? Are they hurt?!"

Ryan sometimes admires human's optimism. Even though he had hinted when accepting the entrustment, and he had no intention of finding two people alive, the entruster still seemed to believe that his brother and his wife were still alive.

"They are not injured, but they are still in a coma." Ryan frowned. He had tried various ways to wake up the two but failed. It was strange. Ryan didn't want to discuss more things he didn't know. Before the other party asked more questions, he said, "you can pick them up." Then hung up the phone.

The old man behind the counter kept looking at Ryan with vigilant eyes. Ryan smiled at him, arranged his memory with the charm pupil again, and left this 'Pine's rest station 'with Benjamin.

Drive South from the motel to the Anderson house.

Ryan was sitting in the passenger seat, hands playing with the metal box that Sebella prepared for them ten days ago. This was a very old password box. The patterns on the box surface had long been corroded by rust. The four-digit password wheel seemed to be smooth because of frequent touch, but the numbers have become a little worn. If you don't look carefully, you can't see what is engraved.

Ryan patted off the rust on his hands outside the car window, casually found a piece of rotten clothes discarded by Benjamin, and wrapped it in the box, "what do you think this is?"

Benjamin shrugged, "it should be for Run."

Ryan nodded. During the few days when gust and his wife lived in Anderson, Run disappeared in the dark and became quiet. The two elderly Indians had never asked Run to show up. The "contradiction" of this Indian family was more serious than Anderson imagined.

It's about eight o'clock now. With the change of seasons, the sun was warm and comfortable at this time. Ryan felt the bottle in the exit bag and took a sip. "Do you think the Gusts will come back?"

Benjamin shook his head.

Maybe when Sebella was willing to let Ryan into their home, the two decided to leave Porto.

Sebella had been silently protecting Run who became an earthbound spirit. Maybe when Revenge came to Porto, she had already predicted the future. The wizard tried to change the fate of Run with her own power but apparently failed. Connor's body was found and burned by Revenge, and the vampire and the werewolf joined the event in a strange way.

When Ryan and Benjamin first came into contact with 'Connor', the Gusts realized that things had gone irreversibly wrong.

When Ryan visited Gust's house at night, Sebella was not surprised. She already knew the direction of things and called Papa Midnite to make the last effort. However, Run had been completely integrated into Anderson's alien family. Perhaps at that time, the Gusts gave up the idea of continuing to live in this city.

It's just that Papa's dead man appeared, delaying the time of their leave.

"I hope it's her spell book." Ryan raised his eyebrows and began to think positively as a human being.

Benjamin smiled. "Maybe it is."

When they returned to Anderson's home. Matthew, carrying a cloth backpack and riding his old bicycle, arrived at the same time as the two.

Matthew parked his bike, went directly to the office, and handed the weekly work report from Madison to Ryan: "Mr. Madison said that the price of the urn they ordered was higher than that of Allen's funeral home, and the other party refused to give in."

While sitting at the office, Ryan had already picked up a glass of 'wine' and nodded, "is there anything else?"

Matthew looked at Ryan. Every time he saw a vampire replenishing food, his heart would get irritable. But the honest young wolf thought it was because he knew that the thing in the cup was blood. If normal people knew the truth, they would be uncomfortable!

Ryan squinted, looked at Matthew, put down his glass, and asked again, "is there anything else?"

"Oh!" Matthew calmed down. As a guy who can turn into a wolf, he doesn't think he is qualified to think that others are 'weird'. Matthew bowed his head in embarrassment. "No, Mr. Madison would like you to take time to have a look. That's all."

The vampire suddenly had something in his mind. He waved to the young man and asked him to sit down: "Matthew, did Benjamin tell you the origin of werewolves?"

Matthew didn't expect Ryan to suddenly ask this. He shook his head: "not yet. Now he just said some transformation, such as alpha and wolves."

Ryan's fingers fumbled on the brim of the wine glass, showing a thoughtful look. "Don't you wonder why people turn into wolves when the moon is full?"

"You mean why there are werewolves?" Matthew was stunned for a moment. It seemed that the young man had never thought about this question. "Is it a very important thing?"

Ryan touched his chin. "Define the importance."

"Well." Matthew scratched his head: "for example, it will make me earn more Doll, or make my father's back pain better, and make my mother's work easier..."

Ryan smiled and waved, "well, compared with this, it's really not important."

"Oh." Matthew looked at his boss. He really didn't know what his boss was going to say.

"Matthew, do you want to earn more extra money?" Ryan asked.

"Yes!" Matthew's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ok." Ryan nodded. "I want to install a new phone. Anderson's house has only one phone, which is very inconvenient. I'll leave it to you. How about it?"

"OK!" Matthew nodded, unconsciously stood up, and agreed seriously.

"Don't be so happy." Ryan smiled helplessly, "this is a very troublesome thing. You need to change our Anderson home phone. The newly installed phone will become our work phone. The business card, telephone directory, and the way customers contact us need to be updated."

"No problem!" Matthew's eyes were shining. The more trouble there was, the more extra money he can earn.

"Well, you go out." Ryan waved, "let Run in."

"Oh." Matthew's face suddenly looked ugly. Run was the most incomprehensible 'person' in the Anderson family for Matthew. When he saw this guy for the first time, Matthew almost fell down in the toilet!

"I'm here. Don't shout."

The light and shadow gathered in the office. When Matthew heard the sound, the hairs on his back neck stood up. No matter how many times, he could not adapt to the way the earthbound spirit came out.

If Matthew could really tell the reaction of ordinary people to strange things from his reaction to Ryan, he would realize something. Obviously, This guy was a little sluggish on this one.

Matthew said goodbye nervously, leaving two people behind.

"Benjamin told me I had a package." Run floated in front of his desk and posed as if he were sitting down, but his translucent ass was still a finger away from the chair. The vampire was not ready to remind him.

Ryan took out the box wrapped, put it in front of the table, and corrected Run's statement, "it's not yours, but for us."

Run rolled his eyes impatiently. He was just like Matthew, but his character was obviously the opposite of Matthew.

"Open it! What is it?"

Ryan reluctantly untied the clothes, revealed the rusty iron box inside, and turned to run.

The earthbound spirit has no weakness in itself because it's just soul and consciousness of people who are dead can still exist in the world. There is no weakness and no 'strong' point. But some substances can affect them, such as iron. Iron will make them lose consciousness temporarily.

Run's face showed a complicated look. He stretched out his transparent finger and seemed to want to touch the iron box, but the moment his finger touched it, it turned into scattered light and shadow to dissipate, and the light smoke continued to spread upward at the finger where Run disappeared.

Run retracted his hand, shook his body a few times, and his hand returned to its original state.

"Do you know this thing?" Ryan looked at Run. "Do you know the password?"

Run nodded. "It's mother's box. There are diaries, mantra books and potions in it." Run seemed to enter the memory mode.

It seems that it's right to keep an optimistic attitude. Ryan raised his eyebrows and looked at Run in derision, "So you peeked inside and killed yourself?"

Run's face was overcast, and the edge of his body seemed to beat unsteadily. The earthbound spirit was enraged. But different from real life, the anger of the earthbound spirit has no effect except to affect his own consciousness.

"All right, all right." Ryan stopped stimulating Run. "Here is your mother's diary. I think you want to read it. Tell me the password."

Run's body stabilized, his face was still overcast, then he reported several figures.

Ryan turned the box around and flipped the code disk. The lid of the box bounced up with a crisp click, and the iron filings at the corners fell on the desk under the vibration. Ryan looked through the box and there was a letter at the top, which said 'to Run'.

Ryan rang the bell on his desk, and the Banshee Alice walked in. Ryan tapped Alice on the shoulder and passed the box. Alice looked at the contents of the box, then at the complicated expression of Run, took a few deep breaths, nodded, and left with the box in her hands.