
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

004 Benjamin's admirer

The slanting East Sun constantly stirred the earth, and the warm sunshine was dispersing the cold accumulated in a winter from the land. The temperature was getting warmer. The 'people' of Anderson's house were doing their daily work. It seemed that nothing had changed. No, it had changed a lot.

"What is he doing now?" Laura and Alice were lying on the hammock at the side of the warehouse. The girl's head was always on the side, looking into the distance.

Alice's new friend came to visit her early in the morning. Of course, it was just an excuse.

About a hundred meters away from the hammock, on the cleared open space, the frame of a new warehouse had been erected, and two men were knocking around with tools.

Benjamin was building a new warehouse for the stones dragged free from the Ford funeral home. And I was just an innocent coolie.The innocent reason is that the girl whose eyes don't turn for a moment was laura!

Alice tilted her head and looked this way. Because she was in the familiar Anderson house of the Banshee and had adapted to Laura's temperament, Alice was now very relaxed and had no usual anxiety. It's really good for Alice to get in touch with her peers. But now, Alice's face was a little helpless, and she answered Laura: "the hammer he held up hit the nail. The nail was nailed. He went to the other side, took out a new nail and fixed it on..."

In this warm and calm morning, Laura's eyes were shining with stars. She loosened her raised mouth and gently bit her lower lip: "he is so handsome, with a wide back and solid arms..." Laura adjusted her posture, and her eyes were still staring at Benjamin's every move: "I wish it was summer..."

The spring of a sixteen year old girl... I hope you can understand what I am talking about. Summer is the season to strip.

"Oh!" Laura realized that she had just said this about her psychological activities. She turned her head in embarrassment and looked at Alice, who was already blushing. "I'm sorry! I forgot he was your brother!"

What is rare is that the girl still retains a bit of sense, taking into account Alice's feelings.

"It doesn't matter." Alice played awkwardly with her hair.

"Tell me more about your brother!" Laura took her eyes away from Benjamin and said to Alice, "of course, it's not your other brother. I want to listen to Benjamin!"

While Benjamin in the distance, at the moment when he noticed that her eyes were disappearing, his skin was covered with fluff and turned into a brown shadow. In the blink of an eye, the three beams were nailed!

Now you know why I am an innocent coolie. The work that could have been easily done by Benjamin alone with 'alpha skin' had to be slowed down because the girl was always staring at Benjamin!

Alice reluctantly began to tell Laura the story of Benjamin in the army. This is not a lie. Benjie clearly participated in the army, met Ryan and Anthony, then settled in Porto with Anthony, and met the Banshee on the street.

Of course, Alice would not tell the later story. She searched her memory and recalled what she had heard that Benjamin was still in the army.

"What are you talking about?" Benjamin had recovered his normal appearance, but his cuffs were torn to reveal his strong arms. He walked up to the two girls and asked casually. It seemed that he wanted to change his clothes.

"Alice is telling me your story in the army!" Laura sat up sensitively from the hammock. "Have you ever been in a war? I mean the war ten years ago?"

Benjamin frowned, but he immediately realized that maybe this was an opportunity to let Laura realize the age gap between them and make her withdraw automatically! Although, age doesn't mean anything to werewolves.

"I did." Benjamin said and walked.

"Cool!" It seemed to have the opposite effect. Laura ran to Benjamin excitedly and followed him like a koala: "then you must be a hero!"

Benjamin opened his mouth and did not know how to answer.

"Benjamin." Louise pushed open the back door of Anderson's house. She was barefoot and covered only with a blanket! There was still some cool temperature, which made the beautiful woman, even without any makeup, hold her shoulders tightly and ask Benjamin, who was walking to the warehouse, "have you seen Ryan? There's a call."

"Isn't he in the office?" Benjamin seized the opportunity to escape and said to Laura and Alice, "stay here and I'll go to the office."

Laura watched as Benjamin and Louise disappeared, pulled Alice's clothes with vigilance, and asked, "who is that woman?"

Alice sighed and said, "don't worry, Laura. She's after my other brother."

Laura breathed a sigh of relief.

Ryan's office. Benjamin answered the phone. It was the city hall. Anthony's angry voice rushed out of the receiver: "where is that guy?! I need an explanation! Who the fuck is Madison!"

Benjamin sighed, another troublesome thing. "I'll find Ryan, and you can wait."

"Hey! Hey! Benjamin! Ben..."

Benjamin ignored Anthony roaring at the other end of the receiver and took a deep breath. All kinds of smells in the air were eliminated one by one in the werewolf's sense of smell. A trace of rotten smell that only wolves are particularly sensitive is captured by Benjamin - the smell of vampires. Benjamin raised his eyebrows, left the office and walked to the basement of Anderson's house.

"What are you doing?" Benjamin frowned. For example, Anderson's old warehouse was a werewolf's' nest ', so the basement was the real resting place for vampires. As for the bedroom on the second floor where Louise woke up in the morning, it was just a decoration before Louise appeared.

Werewolves seldom come to this place where the smell of vampires is too strong. If Benjamin enters here three days before the full moon, he may not be able to resist the stimulation and become a wolf.

Ryan's room was very clean, but when he walked past the room and entered the storage room, It was a mess before his eyes

Ryan frowned and stood in a pile of opened old newspapers. "I remember, it was in the report of this month. But I can't find it now!"

"Are you looking for a story about Ript high school?" Benjamin picked up a newspaper and looked at the date. It was three years ago.

"Of course! You also remember the report of 'sudden drug death of players of the Ript beavers'" Ryan looked at a pile of scattered newspapers in front of him and said seriously, "am I too old? Recently, I always feel that there is a problem with my memory."

Benjamin slapped Ryan on the shoulder. He didn't want to listen to vampire nonsense here. "Anthony called and asked about Madison. Go explain. I'll find the report."

Ryan shook his head helplessly: "why is it always my turn to do such a troublesome thing?"

Benjamin raised his mouth slightly with a smile, "you are my brother."

It's time to tell you why vampire is brother and werewolve is young brother in Anderson's family. This has nothing to do with their real age. A few years ago, in the discussion of deciding who is the eldest son of the real old Anderson and who is eligible to accept the inheritance, the Vampire 'luckily' guessed the coin Alice tossed.