
Die Hard Brothers Alpha And Toreador

The federal dark tide is surging. A pair of DIE HARD brothers Ryan Anderson---the Vampire's Last Toreador and Benjamin Anderson ---the lonely Werewolf Alpha hiding in Porto, have to deal with the continuous influx of non-human forces, and a bloody storm is coming. Moreover, to integrate into human society, they must deal with the relationship with local upper-class people, protect the safety of human friends and save ordinary people who have been hurt by supernatural events. In this book, you will see Vampires, Werewolves, Banshees, Shapeshifters, Bounty Hunters, and so on. Let's take a look at how the brothers face this complex and difficult situation.

michael_lyu · Fantasy
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113 Chs

005 Two brothers were trapped in love

When Ryan returned to the office, the phone had been hung up, but Louise was still wrapped in a blanket, holding her curled up legs, and was bored in a daze on Ryan's special chair.

"I told him to wait a moment." Louise saw Ryan coming in, pointed to the phone and said, "but he seems to be in a bad mood. He said to meet you this afternoon." Louise had a curious look in her eyes and asked, "who is he?"

"Mayor Porto." Ryan smiled, walked to his seat and signaled Louise to get up.

Louise blinked, and with one hand holding the slipping blanket on her chest, gave way to her seat. But the other smooth arm was placed on the back of the chair and stroked back and forth. It seemed that it didn't mean to leave.

While enjoying the scenery, Ryan sat back in his seat, picked up Louise's' wine 'that had been poured for him in advance, and looked sideways at the woman hanging around: "you should go and put on some clothes."

Louise moved her body and sat down on the desk. Her smooth legs protruded from under the blanket and overlapped on Ryan's side. "Why bother? Anyway, you'll take them off as soon as I speak." The slender fingers were making circles on the desktop at the side of the body, as if thinking about something.

After the aliens' crisis was resolved, the charm pupil imposed on Louise had no effect for a long time, but the 'single woman' did not leave, but completely moved here. No one in Anderson family objected to Louise's stay, except that old Hank occasionally complained that there were more beautiful women here.

Ryan licked the bright red on his lips and smiled: "it's easy to solve. Just don't ask me questions I don't want to answer." The corner of the vampire's mouth curved, "unless you like my way of blocking your words this morning."

Louise blushed and jumped down from the desk. "Then why do you want Benjamin to tell KiM, no, tell James, you want to create offspring."

Louise's tone was unfriendly, her slender eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and now we knew what caused the strange atmosphere between them.

Ryan put away his smile. It was obvious that the topic was very close to the question he didn't want to answer. Ryan said lightly, "that's Benjamin's own behavior. I have no right to interfere with him. James will tell you that just to protect you, you should thank him."

"Why should I thank him?" Louise didn't like Ryan's blandness. She got excited. The blanket on her chest was fluctuating and was in danger of slipping at any time. But obviously, this was not the time to care about such details. "If James didn't tell me, I wouldn't know, and I wouldn't think about that! He disturbed my mind! Now, what I think every day is, 'what are the descendants of vampires' and' how to become the descendants of vampires'!"

Louise's random hair shook around with her questions: "and 'your offspring'? I don't know what kind of relationship we have now! Are we normal? Will I be in any danger?" She stared at our Vampire: "and you, you won't tell me anything!"

Ryan looked at the excited Louise. This beautiful and smart woman seemed very vulnerable now. Ryan realized that his silence on this issue had disturbed the woman's heart.

Although Ryan was accused of being 'silent', for some reason, she pushed this anger on James who 'told her about it'. I'm afraid only women have such complicated emotions.

Ryan had a slight complaint about Benjamin's talkativeness.

Ryan looked away from Louise, thought for a moment, and asked softly, "are you worried about your safety?"

Louise watched Ryan's eyes slowly widen, which seemed to be some incredible concerns of Ryan. But at the same time, she seemed to regret saying her fear.

Ryan grabbed Louise's tongue and said, "if you don't feel safe, you should trust your intuition and get out of here."

Louise hugged her shoulder and her lips opened and closed several times without making any sound. A moment later, Louise, who was biting her lower lip, turned and rushed out of the office, stepping on the stairs barefoot, and the sound gradually went away. Ryan sat in his seat in silence, listening to the voice from upstairs, louise dressed, opened the wardrobe, took out the clothes, stuffed them into the suitcase, dragged the suitcase downstairs.

"Hum!" Old Hank's voice: "beautiful woman, you hate the old man. Are you leaving?"

Benjamin pushed open the side door of the office, still sideways, watching Louise dragging her suitcase down the stairs, she didn't seem to want to see Ryan again, ignored the door Benjamin pushed open, almost bumped, pushed open the back door at the side of the staircase, steps out of the porch and rushes out!

On the second floor of the warehouse, Alice, who was holding Benjamin's photos and telling Laura stories, saw these and rushed out, but Louise had already left the backyard of Anderson's house and embarked on the road. The Banshee wandered anxiously on the roadside, but did not dare to chase out.

"What happened to Louise?" Benjamin closed the door puzzled, holding an old newspaper in his hand, and asked.

Ryan shook his head and did not answer. Instead, he looked at Benjamin's newspaper: "did you find it?"

Benjamin nodded: "yes, we have. Shall we investigate? It doesn't seem easy." Benjamin handed the newspaper to Ryan.

Ryan took it, glanced at the poor man's last name on the report and shook his head. He folded the report and put it in a drawer. "It can be proved that the thing that entered Porto was not because of the rumors of the shapeshifters. Don't worry about it for the time being."

Benjamin nodded and sat opposite Ryan, fiddling with his fingers.

Ryan frowned. What's the matter today? Everyone seemed unwilling to leave his office!

"You should go and change your clothes." Ryan pointed to Benjamin's torn jacket sleeve and reminded him.

Benjamin tilted his head. "Laura."

Ryan nodded knowingly. It seemed that the two brothers of the Anderson family had encountered similar problems.

"Yes." Benjamin drew a long finale, trying to find a topic, "how was your conversation with Anthony?"

Ryan shook his head. "He'll go to the mill this afternoon. We'll talk about it later. Do you want to go with me?"

Benjamin thought for a while and shook his head. "I'll forget it. There are still some stones at [Ford funeral home]. I have to go several times."

Ford had promised to give the useless stones to Anderson's house. Although they were gifts, they did not lose anything, because these stones were once bought with the money of the municipal government. After privatization, these useless things had no value except occupying space. No one is willing to buy the stones for making tombstones for household use.

However, the Anderson family was also too frugal. They were not willing to pay for the transportation of the motorcade. They relied entirely on Benjamin's old truck to tow them. Ford was already dissatisfied with the competitor's constant access to its territory and urged Benjamin to hurry up.

"All right." Ryan nodded. "I have nothing to do now." Ryan was upset and didn't want to stay here: "I'll go first. You can take Madison and me to the mill."

"OK." Benjamin stood up. "I'm going to change my clothes first." Benjamin thought he had found an excuse to avoid Laura.

Today was Sunday. Laura, who didn't have to go to school, had reason to come here. After five days of campus life, Laura may not remember this little admiration. Benjamin underestimated his charm.

While waiting for Benjamin to change clothes, let me introduce the mill.

The mill is where I, Madison, will go to work.

Anderson's family successfully got the project of cooperation with the South Branch of Porto police station. However, as you might expect, Porto south, which was considered to be a suburb and a rural area, had a small South Branch. In previous cases, if a victim needs forensic expertise, they were directly sent to the General Administration of the North District. After all, Porto is still a young city and is considered to be a suburb. It is understandable that the public facilities are imperfect, and the 40 minute drive is not too far.

The municipal government took the opportunity of the privatization of funeral and interment to upgrade the South Branch, requisitioned a piece of land not far from the South Branch of Porto police, and set up standard appraisal facilities.

Not far from the identification facility to be built, Anderson house purchased an abandoned mill, which was the branch of Anderson house. While cooperating with the South Branch of Porto police, they established cremation facilities. Vampires will never allow themselves to live in a place where there is such a terrible thing as an 'incinerator' for the sake of psychological stability of themselves and their 'brothers and sisters'. So this was a good opportunity.

However, Ryan didn't take out any money. He just turned over the check signed with the police station and sent it back to the municipal government. I, with such good luck, became a middle-class person with my own industry from the bottom of the society.

Well, this is what made Anthony unhappy. After all, at this moment, Anthony didn't know that I'm just a harmless supporting role.