
did i mention i love you? (j potter)

In which the young Polaris White a Slytherin forced into a family similar to the Black's falls for the one and only disgrace to the Sacred 28 James Potter.

MalachiteZomp · Movies
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9 Chs


0.8 (They know)

Polaris woke up in James arms and smiled sadly. The atmosphere was peaceful but she knew it wouldn't last long. She held on to him tighter making him smile while waking up.

"Morning love how'd you sleep" James asked pressing a kiss to her forehead causing a slight blush to appear on Polaris face

"T'is ok it was nice to be with you but I can't stop thinking about the future" she said with a sigh

"Hey look up it's gonna be ok because I'm here and we can work through this" He said as Polaris gaze slowly shifted from the window to his eyes

His eyes glittered with hope and desire while hers looked dull and sad. He hasn't and probably won't accept the facts like she has. Their isn't an escape for people like her. James didn't see it that way but she hoped he would eventually.

They both got up and got ready heading down to their first class skipping breakfast for the day.

"Welcome students get a cup get your tea leaves" Professor Trelawney said smiling

"Remember what I've taught you" she said walking around the class as students sat down looking into each other's cups

"This class is stupid" Sirius muttered to Polaris as she laughed

"Is not you just don't appreciate the art of Divinasion like most" Polaris scoffed

She really liked the subject it wasn't silly she liked the idea of seeing her future. She liked reading the leaves and seeing what it meant for her. She especially loved the crystal ball practise as she found it intresting. Both muggles and witches alike used divination in their life's and that fascinated her.

"Says you" Sirius responded looking at his tea cup seeing "the grim"

Trewlaney walked over to the table with the Marauders and Polaris

"You see the grim in your futures and you young lady see betrayal and a child" Trewlaney said darkly making Polaris shiver and the others role their eyes

As the Professor walked away Sirius commented immediately "What a load of rubbish I'm not going to die soon I'm to beautiful for that"

Polaris pulled on his hair making him yelp.

"NOT MY PRECIOUS HAIR" he exclaimed getting looks from the class which he ignored

"James grab your woman she's aggressive" Sirius said making Polaris roll her eyes as James just threw his arm over her shoulder

"Yeah I know that's why I like her so much" he said with a proud smile making Polaris roll her eyes as she kissed his cheek

Evan walked over smiling. He accidently bumped into Remus and he instantly started apologizing

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" he said making Remus laugh

" Chocolate and a kiss on the cheek might make me feel better" Remus joked which Evan didn't understand so he pulled out a bar of chocolate he kept in his backpack handing it to the boy and kissed his cheek before sitting next to him

"I was joking but that was wonderful so I'll accept it" Remus said blushing while smiling

"Bloody idiot" Evan mumbled making Remus laugh and pulling him into a hug

They laughed as the bell rang getting ready to leave, Professor Dumbledore walked in to the classroom.

"Mrs. White, Mr. Potter, Mr. Black, Mr. Rosier Mr. Pettigrew and Mr. Lupin I need you in my office now please" Dumbledore said calmly before walking out making the group look at each other confused

"What the hell did I do" Peter asked confused making the group laugh

"I don't know Wormtail maybe he finally caught your stack of snacks in our dorm room" Remus joked making them smile as Peter rolled his eyes

"Bloody wankers" Peter mumbled walking to Dumbledores office making the others laugh

The group walked cautiously together as they made their way into Dumbledores office.

"Please have a seat Mr. Potter and Ms. White, everyone else may wait outside" Dumbledor said with a kind smile.

The others left and Polaris and James were terrified of what was happening.

"I know you guys are having some parental troubles especially you Ms. White as I know your origin and your supposed to marry Mr. Rosier correct?" Dumbledore stated making the teens look at each other

"Yes sir, my parents don't approve of me and James and would rather me marry Evan but Evan is dating a boy yet his parents are very homophobic and it's been a lot" Polaris confessed looking down ashamed making James frown and put a hand on her leg comfortingly.

"Well your parents would like to talk to you Ms. White is it ok if I bring them in?" The older man asked with a smile

Polaris panicked but nodded yes. She knew what was about to happen but she wanted to get it over with anyways.

Her parents walked in with a disappointed glare.

"Polaris you already know what we have to say about this but this disgrace next to you doesn't so I'll repeat it just for this waste of time" Elara White spoke with a strong demanding tone

"He's not a disgrace" Polaris mumbled making her father look at her

"What did you say girl" Cyrus White asked

"I said he's not a disgrace father is that a problem" Polaris said looking up with a matter of fact tone

"Yes actually" He put his hand to his wand in a threatening manner

Elara White was yelling at James for his waste of a family name and how he could never be good enough and never be apart of the true sacred 28. Dumbledor stepped in to calm her down leaving Polaris open to her father's cruel demeanor.

"Crucio" the man cried out pointing his wand on his daughter

Everything went quite for Polaris as she shrank in her seat shaking in pain crying silently.

James was held back by her mother as she laughed.

One minute and Twenty Seven seconds.

That's how long it took for the pain to stop.

Dumbledor stopped the man and kicked them out as Polaris held herself in pain. James had felt his heart physically hurt like nothing he had experienced before. He felt useless and disappointed he couldn't stop those people she's supposed to call parents from hurting her.

He walked over and offered his hand slowly scared of how Polaris would react. She immediately threw her arms around him getting up and clinging to James for dear life.

"Help me" she whispered before passing out on his shoulder making him react quickly catching the girl and picking her up bridal style. And running out of Dumbledores office and sprinting to Madam Pomfreys office. The Marauders and Evan running after him scared for what they saw.

"Help I need help" James yelled as he rushed into the office

Madam Pomfery look fearful as she took the poor girl from his arms.

"What happened" She asked calmly

"She was hit with the Cruciatus curse" James spoke anxiously as he watch Madam Pomfery rush around the hospital wing. The others soon bursting in gasping in shock as they see the unconscious body of Polaris White on a hospital bed.

"Mate I'm so sorry" Evan said standing next to James as he cried

"I was so weak it was fucking stupid I couldn't even protect her! WHAT KIND OF BOYFRIEND AM I" He screamed out crying dropping to the floor

"You did your best I'm sure of it now when your ready you can explain to us what happened but for now she needs you" Evan said softly

James nodded getting up and sitting next to Polaris with a sad solemn look.

The only think he could think for sure was they know and he was scared.

What was he going to do? Wait? The war wasn't going to end soon it was only getting started. He fell asleep while questioning his life.

A/N Next chapters gonna be longer sorry this ones only 1.3k words