
Diaosi Taoist priest

DaoistgtGqVM · Fantasy
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200 Chs

Chapter 73 The monster ranked 71st

Sister Xiaoling and I walked for more than two hours and finally found the creek. There were fish in the water. The water should be drinkable. I took a sip first. After more than ten minutes, I didn't feel any discomfort, and then let Xu Xiaoling drink.

The stream flowed slowly, and a few fish swam by from time to time. However, these fish were slippery and very difficult to catch. It took a full hour to catch five small fish as long as the length of a hand.

Then I used Hidden Energy to grill the fish. Due to my lack of experience the first time, the fish was burnt, but the second one was much better.

After roasting, Xu Xiaoling carefully picked out the fish bones and fed them to me. Most of the fish meat went into my stomach. I knew this was because she cared about me, so I didn't tell anyone.

After grilling five fishes, my hidden energy was almost used up. You know, I kept my palm burning for more than thirty minutes, which is already very powerful.

As for how to replenish hidden energy, don't worry about it, it will slowly recover on its own.

After eating and drinking, I squatted by the stream and washed my face, but as I was washing, I suddenly felt a yin energy approaching! I know, a ghost is coming!

I looked around cautiously, but didn't notice anything unusual. Just when I was about to walk back to Xu Xiaoling, I suddenly felt something grabbing my foot, but when I lowered my head, I saw nothing. Needless to say, it must have been done by ghosts. !

The ghost wants to drag me into the lake!

The mud beside the creek was very wet and slippery. I fell and rubbed the wound on my back. I groaned in pain.

"Xiaolong, what's wrong with you?" Xu Xiaoling saw me falling and wanted to come over to help. I quickly stopped him and said, "Don't come over!"

I struggled desperately, but fortunately I was strong enough and finally broke away from the ghost and ran back to Xu Xiaoling.

When I went out to look for Xu Xiaoling yesterday, I didn't bring a black backpack at all, nor did I bring the Shadow Sword with me. The only thing I brought with me was a few charms, but they were soaked with sweat and blood and couldn't be used, so I can't use them now. Seeing the appearance of that ghost.

Seeing that I was covered in mud, Xu Xiaoling hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?"

"Let's go quickly." I put my arm around Xu Xiaoling's slim waist and said as I walked: "There are water ghosts here."

"Xiaolong, aren't you a very powerful Taoist priest? Why are you so afraid? The water ghosts played in the movie don't seem to be as powerful as my eldest sister."

"It's different. This water ghost is a very powerful ghost. According to the Niu Sect's demon subduing records, the water ghost ranks 71st among the 100 most difficult monsters to subjugate. And the bleeding sister cannot be ranked in this list at all. List, those who can be on the list are very powerful monsters!"

Xu Xiaoling asked: "Fixedly ranked 71st? There should be powerful ones among the water ghosts."

I explained patiently: "This question is very simple, just like height. The height of an adult man is between 160 and 185. Less than one percent of men exceed 185. The same is true for water ghosts. Due to certain restrictions, the height of Taoxing is Pretty much, there are very few existences that exceed limits."

As I answered, I quickly recalled the records of demon subjugation in the past generations of Niumen. According to records, water ghosts are very deceptive. Once they identify a person, they will pester him until the person dies. Moreover, the conditions for becoming a water ghost are very difficult. Difficulty does not mean that a drowned person will become a water ghost, but that other factors are needed to form it. For example, Qin Mingjia was thrown into the river and drowned, but she did not become a water ghost. .

There is another doubtful point. How can there be water ghosts in this wilderness? Are water ghosts related to antiques?

What I'm more worried about is how to deal with the water ghost.

You know, I don't have any props on me now, and I also have to beware of attacks from the perverted village chief. I thought things here would be easy to deal with, but I didn't expect them to be so troublesome. Even the annoying water ghosts came out. It seems When you return to the village this time, you should call the bitch over. After all, you have an innate "eye of the sky" and can see ghosts under any circumstances. With him around, it will be much more convenient.

The most important question at the moment is how to get rid of the water ghost. After all, we are in the light and it is in the dark.

"Xiaolong, what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about how to deal with the water ghost, but sister Xiaoling, you don't have to be afraid. You are wearing an amulet, even the water ghost can't hurt you."

I carried the shotgun and walked hand in hand with Xu Xiaoling in the forest, trying to avoid places with water, but I could feel that there was always a cloud of yin energy following me. Needless to say, it must be a water ghost! It can exert its maximum ability in the water, but it is much less powerful on the ground. The Akaya Life is really powerful. I was injured like this, but I can still encounter the water ghost. This damn thing is trying to kill me!

I just felt a yin energy coming towards me, but because I was very close to Xu Xiaoling, the yin energy was bounced away by the amulet. Fortunately, there was a talisman, so the yin energy attack could not do anything to us.

After walking for about two hours, the sky became completely bright. It was now around seven o'clock in the morning. We circled back to the cave. We had to find the location of the cave first before I could confirm the way back to the village.

But when I got near the cave, I faintly saw a person sitting beside the cave. He also noticed Xu Xiaoling and me, and pointed his shotgun at us. However, the distance between us was more than a hundred meters at this time. The homemade shotgun , it seems that it cannot hit such a long distance. Even if the sand can reach this position, it has long since dispersed.

But for the sake of safety, I asked Xu Xiaoling to hide behind a tree, and then I pointed the shotgun at him. He shouted and asked: "Fuck! What did you do to my elder brother?"

His eldest brother? Are you referring to the big man just now? So, he was among the three people last night.

Just when I was about to answer, I felt a yin energy brushing my body and flying towards the big man opposite!

 not good! The water ghost wants to take advantage of him! But now I have too much time to take care of myself, so how can I care about him? But if a water ghost gets on top of him, my situation will be even worse! I quickly shouted: "Be careful!"

He thought I was going to shoot him, so he shot me without thinking! I cursed secretly and hid behind a tree, thinking that this was a great feeling. The water ghosts were afraid of our amulets and did not dare to approach, but if they got on the body of a big man, they could use physical attacks. The amulets could not withstand physical attacks. attack!

The homemade shotgun could only fire one shot at a time. There were no bullets in his gun. I quickly stuck my head out to take a look and saw that he had his head lowered and was motionless.

 Oops! Already possessed by a water ghost!

If it were just me, I would have run away long ago! But Xu Xiaoling's physical strength was too low. If he ran away, he would definitely be overtaken. Instead of using up his physical strength, he might as well stay and fight. Besides, if there were bodyguards searching nearby, they would definitely come over if they heard the gunfire.

I said to Xu Xiaoling: "Sister Xiaoling, wait for me here."

"Xiaolong, you are injured, stop fighting, let's run!" Xu Xiaoling was afraid that I would suffer a loss and would not let me fight with the opponent.

I also wanted to run, but it would be strange if I could outrun the water ghost. Just when I wanted to comfort Xu Xiaoling a few more words, I held back my words because I saw a bloody scene! The big man possessed by the water ghost raised his head, showed a weird smile, threw away the shotgun, grabbed his left arm with his right hand, and pulled hard!

As a stream of blood spurted out, his left arm was torn off!

But the spurt of blood did not fall to the ground, but floated out of thin air like a fantasy movie!

It should be done by the water ghost using Yin Qi!

This damn water ghost couldn't find water, so he used the blood of a living person instead!

He waved his hand, and three drops of blood shot towards me at high speed! I hurriedly hid behind the tree again!

Bang! clang! clang! Blood beads hit the nearby tree trunk, making three muffled sounds. It stands to reason that the blood droplets should have evaporated long ago after flying such a long distance and being heated by friction with the air. It seems that the water ghost used some method to prevent the water droplets from evaporating at all. The blood droplets hit the tree trunk, causing the tree trunk to become shallow. Although the power of the shallow pit is not very strong, it is definitely uncomfortable to be hit!

I pretended to be calm and said to Xu Xiaoling: "Hey, hold the shotgun and wait for me here. If you are in danger, shoot." After saying that, I ran out in a flash, using the big tree to hide my body, and gradually approached the water ghost! The water ghost fired a few drops of blood from time to time, but they all hit the tree trunk. After all, the blood on the big man's body was limited. Even if all the blood on the big man's body was drained, how many blood drops could be fired?

To say that this big man deserves it, he has harmed so many women, and now being possessed by a water ghost and having one of his arms removed is considered retribution.

"However, I have always done good deeds and accumulated good deeds, unlike the perverted village chief and his family. Why do bad things still happen to me?" Damn Akaya Mikoto. . .

Seeing that I had been hiding behind the tree, the water ghost actually approached me and started fighting with me!

Fortunately, it doesn't know martial arts. Although it is very powerful, I still removed the joint of its right arm! I have to say that for close combat, the Sixteenth Way Grappler is really useful!

The joint of his right arm was removed, and the whole arm hung down, unable to move. The corners of my mouth were slightly raised. Just when I was secretly proud, I saw the big man's mouth moving, as if he was chewing something.

"Poof!!" He spat out a lot of blood drops and shot them towards my face!

He actually bit off his tongue! ! !

I didn't have time to think too much, and subconsciously turned my head to avoid the drop of blood, but even so, there were still several deep blood marks on my face!

 damn it!

I rushed forward two steps, exerted all my strength, and kicked the big man on the side of the face, causing him to stagger a few steps to the side! I shouted: "Water ghost! Get out of his body quickly! Otherwise, I will not be polite!"

"Giggle..." A weird laugh came from his throat, and then he moved his mouth a few more times and stuck out half of his tongue. I knew at a glance that he was going to spray me with blood beads again!

After a short fight, I found that every time he attacks with blood beads, he has a preparation time, about one second.

Before he could spurt out blood again, I kicked him in the face again! The kick hit him hard and fast in the face, causing his mouth to open and all the blood in his mouth to spit out!

Just when I wanted to catch up and add a few more kicks, the big man's body tilted and collapsed to the ground, and then I felt a gust of wind blowing towards my face. . .

The water ghost wants to get on top of me! ! !