
The Land of Fairies and Heroes

A bright smile on my face I looked at the hills in front of me, and basked in the glow of nature.

"Hey are you done yet, we have places to be you know?" Gin grumbled.

I turned to him. "Gin my man you really need to take some time and smell the roses." I explained to him. "Even if we live for a long time, that doesn't mean we truly live until we take the time to enjoy everything this world have to offer. The food, the clothes, each other, and even things like nature itself. Once you do that, I an assure you you may find some type of inner peace." I said, giving Gin some sage advice.

He just responded with a deadpan expression.

"Yeah sure, I'll do that later." Gin said. "But right now don't we have serious matters to attend to, like reaching that place before nightfall. So please stop wasting time and lets get a move on."

"Yes, I agree with Gin this time around." Chess spoke up.

"Let's move it." Dominque said.

"Fine." I said. "You guys are no fun some time." I grumbled, slinging my pack over my shoulder.

Once I did we started moving again.

It's been over a month since that incident with the exorcist in Russia.

Urd as promised smoothed everything out, so one is going to war.

And Gin as promised stopped hunting exorcist, so everything was put to bed.

Because of this we only spent two more weeks in Russia before leaving.

During that time Gin became accustomed to us, and to our hellish training regimen. We also managed to send a sample of his bandages back to Blackspire for analysis. Likewise we all grew a bi closer to Gin and started forming a friendship with him.

While all this was going on the four of us toured a few spots in Russia, but since we didn't want another incident occurring we treaded carefully and eventually decided it was better to get Gin out of the country for a while.

Just in case any exorcist came looking for revenge.

So with that the four of us headed to the next destination in our world tour. A place I have been itching to visit since my first life.

The British Isles.

More than anything other place in the entire world, the British Isles is stepped not only in culture, but also in legends of the supernatural.

King Arthur and his court of Camelot, the Celtic Pantheon and the Fae who reside in Tir Na Nog, Merlin the Magician, Scathach the legendary Queen of Shadows, and so many more heroes and warriors known the entire world over.

I knew that coming to the British Isles I was sure to find people for my team.

Hell, it's even the birth place of Ddraig. He is the Welsh Dragon after all. People sometimes forget that.

Anyway after arriving by plane in London we started seeing the sights.

Big Ben. Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London. We spent about a week in London, but it was definitely worth it.

Then once the week was up we headed west and ended up in Wales.

Cardiff, Wales to be specific.

And even though Cardiff and London are on he same island, it still amazed me how different their cultures were. But I guess most countries are like that.

Moving on, while in Wales I spread out my feelers using my underworld alias Dio.

I wanted to see if there were any promising leads on candidates for my team, and low and behold I got a bite on my first throw.

I got a tip that someone has been traversing the Welsh countryside. A sort of guardian angel that killed beasts straight out if nightmares for the right price.

Simply put this person is a mercenary.

Even so from the information I was able to acquire this person somehow managed to defeat a man with six black wings. Meaning whoever this person is managed to defeat a mid-class fallen angel with hardly any trouble.

I know that doesn't seem like much, but trust me it is.

If an ordinary exorcist were to go at it alone with a six-winged angel of any kind they could win, but they would be heavily injured in the process. Since most exorcist aren't freaks of nature like Xenovia, Griselda, or even that old monster Vasco Strada. No, most exorcist are just ordinary people.

But back to the point, this mystery person killed this fallen angel with ease, and also his allies, two four-winged fallen angels without breaking a sweat.

When I heard this that sold it, I had to meet this person.

Only problem is they didn't stay in one place for very long. They are like a Japanese Ronin, wandering wherever life and the breeze takes them.

So when I learned of this I came up with a rather simple plan. the four of us were going to enter the Welsh countryside and started looking for hostile supernatural until we run into our target.

It's the best plan I could come up with, and since the others didn't have any better ideas we went with.

Which is what we are doing right now, and have been doing for the past week and half.

Even so we still haven't found our target.

But I'm confident well meet up sooner or later.

Either by them finding us, or us find them.

The way doesn't matter to me so long as I meet them.

Then I can convert them to the darkside.

No, what did I say that out loud? No, that was a mistake.

What I meant to say was, I want to meet them to ask them to join my team.

Yep that's what I meant.

Nothing else.

Absolutely nothing else.

I'm being serious here.

You know what, just forget it.


Night eventually fell and once it did we set up camp for the night.

As I sat beside the fire I suddenly sensed a presence right behind me. It was faint, but it was definitely there.

"You can come out, I know you're there." I spoke. "You did well keeping yourself hidden, but you didn't erase your presence entirely and that's how I found you. Now then, stop hiding. or else I'll make you."

A second later I felt a blade at my neck.

But I wasn't worried at all. I simply turned around and smiled at the cloaked-figure holding a sword near my head.

That's because this figure has has their limps wrapped by Gin's bandages, Dominque has her blade near their neck, and Chess is standing by with shadow blades ready to pierce the figures body if they so much as even blink.

"My team." I said, standing up. "They're great. So, how about you put the blade down and we discuss this like civilized people, sound good?"

The figure lowered their blade.

"Nice choice." I said.

Everyone backed off once the figure lowered their blade. After they did the figure removed their cloak revealing the form of a man.

He is my age. He has slick-back dark purple hair to the right side of his head, and matching purple eyes.

And I am secure enough in my manhood to say this. He is quite handsome.

Well Gin is also quite handsome, especially when he uses the cloaking spell we taught him to hide the bandages on his body. When we were in London and Cardiff all the girls couldn't stop eyeing him like a piece of prime meat. But he simply gave them a cold look and then ignored them.

Which made a few girls even happier.

Anyway, after the guy removed his hood he flashed both Dominque and Chess a playboy-ish smile. "Ladies." He said, trying to be smooth. He also has a Welsh accent. Which is pretty bad-ass.

They both gave him deadpan looks in response to his pickup, and then pointed at me.

"Sorry pal, both of them are taken." I said.

"Ah, that's too bad." He said. He then sat down and put a serious expression on his face. "So then, I've heard you've been looking for me?"

"Yeah." I said. "I have a proposition for you. I am putting together a team and I want you on it. I heard about how you took down that rogue six-winged fallen angel and his two four-winged subordinates, and I know no ordinary human can do that."

I then gave him basically the same speech I gave Gin, mixing in and taking our a few parts here and there.

Basically stating that if he joined me I would protect him and the people he cared about from the other factions, but that if he stepped out of line too far I would end up without a second thought.

"So, what do you say?" I asked him. "But where are my manners, what is your name?"

"To your first question, the answer is yes and no." He said. "As to your second question, my name is Lancelot. Du Lac. A descendant of the original Lancelot. At your service."

Although I am keeping my face neutral I am exploding on the inside. To think we would meet the descendant of that legendary knight in a place like this. Actually I'm surprised no other faction has discovered him yet, considering his lineage.

Wait, dammit!

Great, now I know that comment is going to come back and bit me in the ass.

"Nice to meet you Lancelot." I said. "My name is Kufa. So then, what did you mean by yes and no to my first question?"

"Yes, I will join you. But that depends on something?" Lancelot spoke.

"And what will this something be? Because depending on what it is, I may just kill you where you sit." I said.

"It's nothing too dangerous. I just need your help saving my friend. My childhood friend actually." Lancelot spoke.

"Why? You seem pretty strong yourself?" Gin asked.

"I am, but the people with their hooks in her are stronger, and they won't let her go without a fight." Lancelot said, clenching his fist slightly.

"So this friend is a girl?" Chess asked.

"Yes. And despite you guys not being human I think she would join your group. She's always giving people chances like that." Lancelot said.

"You are being pretty loosed-lip." Dominque pointed out. "You barely know us, and yet you're telling us quite a bit about yourself, isn't that dangerous?"

"Life is about taking chances and my gut is telling me to take a chance on you all." Lancelot said. He then reached into his jacket pocket and showed us a picture.

When he did I almost fainted.

Because Lancelot's best friend is Jeanne of all people.

"This is here. Jeanne D'Arc. The modern one. And I want you guys to help me get her away from the church." Lancelot said. "By the way I am a stray exorcist. So, what do you say?" He asked.

I knew that comment would bite me in the ass.

I just didn't think it would be so soon.

Me and my big mouth.