
Devouring disaster

Lin night accidentally through the devouring stars, came to this unknown world full of disasters and bloody spread of change Exotic viruses, lurking hideous monsters, coming cosmic adventurers... In this world of crises, only strength is fundamental. Rely on Powerful attributes and top savvy, Lin night beyond Hong and Thor, the creation of the Fuelfire martial hall, become the first speaker of the war Jingong. Billions of years after that Month, the original universe, three thousand cosmic seas, origin continents, many source worlds... Everywhere, there are legends of him.

wanneng · Sci-fi
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39 Chs

Chapter 7: Blood and Fire!

Two o 'clock in the morning.

In the middle of the night, eight massive searchlights illuminated a vast wilderness.

A brilliant torrent of steel, like the Milky Way hanging upside down, poured wildly toward the herd.

A grand symphony of explosions, shooting, roars and wailing went on and on across the moor.

Top of the line, in a watchtower already built.

One scout soldiers are holding infrared telescopes, concentrating on observing the battlefield situation, real-time reporting.

"Let the snipers prepare special alloy armor-piercing shells, focusing on taking care of advanced beasts and junior beasts."

A middle-aged man of the appearance of an officer frowned slightly as he watched the rising tide of beasts.

He put down his binoculars and gave orderly orders to the soldiers next to him.

Even in the face of thousands of beast tide charge, the independent regiment leader still looks normal.

Only the flash of fire in the deep eyes showed that he was not as calm as he seemed.

"It's a small wave that lasts three or four waves at most before it breaks up on its own."

"Remember, keep the 45 soldiers in the regiment in the weak points of the defensive positions, and do not let the monsters break through the lines and penetrate into the positions."

"Yes, Colonel!

Looking at the several giant monsters like heavy tanks, the middle-aged officer's face was full of dignified color.

In the year since the monster appeared, humans have fought with the herd numerous times, with many defeats and few victories.

Therefore, the army has a very rich combat experience in the charge of the herd, and can quickly adopt a response strategy.

It is still a huge problem in the face of a steady increase in the number of monsters with rapid strength improvement.

Although heavy firepower can destroy some low-level monsters.

However, it is also weak in the face of a more powerful and proliferating group of monsters.

Not to mention those beast level and even stronger monsters, heavy weapons for them like scraping, no life threat.

Only the elite can fight against advanced monsters.

However, the number of elite fighters in the army is very small.

Except for the main force of the seven secret armies of Bactria, the rest of the army can have a small number of fighters...

Searchlights alternately sweep across the wilderness ahead of them, and thousands of gray Wolf monsters constantly protrude from the distant trees, rushing toward the shining like the Milky Way

The line of fire.

"I don't know when the whole battalion will be warriors, how good it will be..."

With a quiet sigh in his heart, the middle-aged officer looked up ahead.

The fortifications at the front of the position, all the fighters are standing by, in case the monster breaks through.

And this time, in just two minutes.

Ow ho!!

With the death of a large number of ordinary monsters, the first advanced animal soldier red eye Wolf, finally broke through the fire blockade, roaring towards the defense line.

At this time, the three closest fighters looked at each other and pressed on the handle of the knife at the same time.

The sword slowly came out of its sheath, and the cold awn flowed on the blade.

Then three rushed out at the same time.

The battle between the warrior and the monster is imminent!

On the battlefield filled with smoke, countless monsters hiss and roar interwoven into a loud offensive song.

Many monsters are rushing into the line of fire, trying to break through the human defenses and slaughter on a massive scale.

However, after leaving a body behind, only a few of the monsters survived to reach the position.

However, when the first monster rushed to the defensive position, it was greeted by the sharp swords in the hands of three mid-level warriors.

A great war is imminent.

The two human warriors ducked forward, drew their bows left and right, and used tactics to contain the higher beast soldier.

No way, even the same level of senior soldiers in the face of advanced beast soldiers frontal charge have to avoid its edge.

Not to mention the average intermediate soldier, so these two intermediate soldiers can only attack together.

As for the remaining one, it is the opportunity to find the weakness of the monster, and kill it.

At the same time.

Not far away from two weak places of defense, a high animal soldier also broke into the position of human soldiers.


Suddenly there was a deep, strong sound.


As soon as one of the giant Wolf monsters stepped onto the ground, his body froze and he fell backward.

The fighters who were about to come forward to fight for their lives froze a little, and when they saw the fist-sized hole in the giant Wolf's head, they suddenly understood.

It turned out to be an alloy armor-piercing bullet that pierced its solid skull, killing one of its targets.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the higher beast soldiers in another place had begun to wreak havoc.

As there was no defense here, the nearest soldier had to rush up.

Four Iron dragon Army soldiers look at each other, are to see each other's eyes determined.

Then they all stepped forward to stop the rampaging Wolf monster.

Even though they have the strength of ten and quite a good understanding.

But in the face of the violent giant Wolf monster, but like praying arms like a car, three soldiers were instantly vaulted.

One of the remaining soldiers, pierced by its knife-like claws through his suit, burst through his chest and lost his life.


Hard to throw down the bloody Iron Dragon Army soldier, this huge gray Wolf tyrranical eyes staring straight at the three knocked off the soldiers, roaring

Galloping up.

"Quick... Get out of the way!!"

One of the soldiers who was watching this burst into a loud cry.

But his warning came too late.


It was just a couple of sharp crackles.

The Wolf's claws tore through a soldier's body like a knife slicing tofu.


Blood poured out, and there was a scattering of broken entrails.

Ordinary soldiers did not resist at all when faced with higher beasts.

The only thing they can do is to delay the monster with their lives and buy time for the warrior.

In less than five breaths, four soldiers died in succession under the attack of this superior beast.

Recommended reading

Simulate the Heavens: Start by obtaining the hidden title of the Gods of the Heavens

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Mei Man: From the old Wolf uncle, began to know all the almighty I am the ruthless people's emperor's fellow villagers I took the remote control across

The social monsters in Conan's world started out fighting and stopped being human and the sky started with the Broken Superman template

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The giant gray Wolf bites one of the carcasses with open jaws, crunching, crunching, and the dark red blood oozes from its teeth


Around, some ordinary soldiers saw this scene, and suddenly anger erupted.

They threw themselves at the higher animal soldier, trying to deal with it.

Bang bang bang bang!!

A spark sputtered on the fur, ordinary bullets can not break open its strong if steel fur, was shot up.

Swallowing the body of a soldier in three or two bites, the monstrous Wolf, the size of a rhinoceros, bumps the two soldiers in front of him and charges at the shooter

Come here.

Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers immediately closed and fired at it.

However, there is a huge gap between the higher beast soldiers and the ordinary soldiers.

Far more than numbers can make up for.

Soon, the swarms of warriors were crushed.

They were smashed to pieces or trampled to death.

Or even get caught in the middle of a giant Wolf monster and eat it alive.

In the battle of blood and fire, a soldier rushed forward one after another, wanting to block even a second more time...

The position was soon stained red with blood and mutilated bodies everywhere...

PS: On the first day of the month, please clear your tickets and investments in your hands, so as not to expire.