
Devouring disaster

Lin night accidentally through the devouring stars, came to this unknown world full of disasters and bloody spread of change Exotic viruses, lurking hideous monsters, coming cosmic adventurers... In this world of crises, only strength is fundamental. Rely on Powerful attributes and top savvy, Lin night beyond Hong and Thor, the creation of the Fuelfire martial hall, become the first speaker of the war Jingong. Billions of years after that Month, the original universe, three thousand cosmic seas, origin continents, many source worlds... Everywhere, there are legends of him.

wanneng · Sci-fi
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39 Chs

Chapter 6: The Herd!

"System, come out and add some!"

Voice fall, Lin night body suddenly changed.

It is still the cool breath that appears out of thin air and covers the whole body.

The breath transformed by the attribute point flows out of the void, trapped by his whole body, tempering flesh and bones.

At the same time, Lin night suddenly gave birth to a wound healing like a numb feeling.

It's like being covered in the winter sun, and I'm itching all over.

Just like before, it was about ten seconds or so before the lift came to an abrupt end.

At this time, the information interface is also updated --

[Name: Lin Night (Senior soldier)]

[ Attribute point: 0]

[ Body Style: Level 1 (proficiency 70/100) ]

[ Strength: 6650 (+1000) kg]

[ Speed: 86.5 (+10) m/s]

[Mental Ability: Inactive (gray)]

[ Field: Inactive (gray) ]

[Doppelganger: Inactive (gray)]

[... ]


"Very good!

The real feeling of the growing power made him confident.

The world martial arts, all invincible, only fast not broken!

Increasing strength and speed.

This means that it is easier for him to win against monsters and gain stat points.

"Next, it's time to harvest my prize!"

Looking at the corpses everywhere, he first chose to decompose the three higher beast soldiers.

"Ow ho!


Just as the first monster was being dissected.

The roar of the wolves all around, from far to near.

"Sent to the door!

Eyes swept around, the corners of Lin night mouth open a touch of sudden.


The sword is out of the box, and the slaughter begins again.

Seemingly stimulated by the smell of blood, this group of gray Wolf monsters is unusually fierce and violent.

However, they were defeated in the face of renewed strength in the forest night.

Soon, the more than 30 monsters were killed by Lin night sharp, turned into 15 attribute points.

And their remains have become trophies.

"Panel, keep adding to me!!"

The familiar feeling of numbness returned, and the strength and speed increased again.

These two points, so that his strength and speed have been significantly improved.

Now his light is equivalent to 1.6 of his former self in terms of strength.


Nodding with satisfaction, Lin night continued to dissect up.

Soon, all the materials in his higher-order monster disintegrated.

But just then, something happened.

A whistling of the wind through the sky caught his attention.

Look up.

Not far away in the night, a cluster of bombs carrying a white tail flame, falling from the sky.

"That's... DF rocket!!" Looking at the string of fireworks that stayed in the night sky, the pupil shrank slightly.

The last time I saw one of these rockets was a year ago when I was fighting a small monster tide...

At that time, he was only a junior warrior behind an older warrior.

Following their predecessors into the battlefield, young soldiers continue to learn all kinds of combat experience and grow rapidly.

It was that battle that proved to be the turning point in his fate.

Awakening of the attribute panel and points, become his rapid rise to rely on.

At this moment, he could not help recalling a thin figure in his mind.

The warrior who once led him held the heart of death, and struggled to replace a junior beast general at the cost of an arm and a leg.

In the end, the senior was seriously injured and dying, and he did not save his life for a full seven days and seven nights.


Lin night looked at the fire suddenly fell into a trance, a burst of explosions from the distance, his thoughts back to reality.

Although, this is the DF series of ultra-small rockets.

But the power is also quite frightening, and the coverage is very wide, which is good for fighting smaller animal tides.

Only one is needed, even if it is the physical quality of their own advanced soldiers, will be shattered.


Flames burst out and smoke rose from the air.

From this distance, the forest night can feel the earth shaking slightly.

Look back, look slightly.

That area of fire, there must be troops and beast tide encounter!

"Call command, please ask if there is an army fighting monsters in area 0023!" no

For one thing, he dialed directly into the headquarters channel and connected.

"Yes, an infantry regiment under the Iron Dragon Army has encountered a small herd, and Mr. Lin can join himself if he can spare the time."

'I see!

Lin night nodded, the heart already has a new idea.

Received the command's affirmation, his eyes flashed a sharp.

Wouldn't it be a good opportunity for him to harvest the monster's enhanced stats?

A thought fell, Lin night without the slightest hesitation.

Then he picked up the knife box and returned to the car, driving the SUV full of materials towards the distant battlefield at full speed...


Knock knock knock!!

The earth shook and dust rose.

In the dark night, thousands of Wolf monsters from the jungle, hills gathered together, towards the independent regiment built steel defense line launched a fierce

Fearlessly charge.





The missiles, carrying white smoke tails, fell into the raging herd.

The loud explosion was deafening, and sparks and smoke filled the battlefield.

Around the huge craters lay the remains of monsters.

A burnt smell wafted from an indescribable, charred substance.

With the first wave of DF One precision strike.

The charge of the beast tide was briefly broken, and the remaining monsters soon gathered, but still came frantically.


High up in the position, the commander gave the order to attack.

Knock knock knock!!

Da da da!!

For a moment, the entire defensive position was like an awakened beast of war.

Galway machine guns, howitzers, rapid-fire guns... Heavy fire composed of hot barrage, reaping the fierce fearless Wolf monster.

"Ow... Roar!!"

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A dark superman in the Dou Luo: the opening binding Han Feng template Sky: From the courtyard

Zhutian Chengdao: I dig a corner in the foreign world, the world of fugitive criminals from a journey

Super God: Opening call the Emperor's armor all heaven spirit pet online opening to receive 12 spells, speed through all heaven into God

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"Ow... Whoo!!"


The charge was swift, but the casualties were greater.

The mere death line of missiles and heavy fire took a heavy toll on the herd.

Sheets of low-order monsters melted two or three kilometers from the line.

The smoke was thick and the flames were bright in the dark.

Around the position, on the watchtowers that had already been erected.

Huge searchlights sweep across the wilderness, revealing the movements of these monsters.

Under the bright light, there is also a head of higher beast soldiers quietly hidden in the herd.

They stooped to advance, burst out as they neared the defensive position, and sped away...

Soon, some individual fish broke through the fire blockade and advanced towards the defense line near at hand.

This scene was all watched by observers and staff officers from all over the position.

A piece of information quickly gathered into the hands of the commander, waiting for the commander's order.

"Inform the snipers, use armor busting bullets to roll out these senior beast soldiers, and if you can't beat them, let them lose part of their combat effectiveness!"

"Arrange DF One, pay special attention to the animal tide in the middle and high level of animal monsters, to avoid their participation in the war on my defense line caused a huge impact!!"

"As for the monsters at the level of junior animal generals, they will be put here and then cleaned up..."



PS: This book is mostly based on the original book as a reference, only character modeling involves animation, please rest assured that the logic setting is not a second creation, non-toxic can taste.