

Russel: I will die for u Cristine: Go ahead She wants him dead and he will die for her This story involves the dark fate of Cristine and Russel with the opposite personality... Cristine's cold side makes her different from others while Russel's warm personality provides everyone comfort...Will their tragic fate let them be together!??..

itsomega026 · Urban
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31 Chs


Cristine reached the office in anger while leaving everyone behind... Jennie followed her hurriedly.. meanwhile Russel just smirked secretly knowing the reason behind her tiny anger...she entered her cabin while smacking her purse on the table she sat on..

Jennie slowly asked her .

Jennie: What happened..??

Cristine didn't say anything and just glared at her...but Along with anger her face showed a bit of pink tint..

Cristine: No..nothing i have work..lets complete it first..

She didn't argue further as they Focused on their work...after the working hours were completed Jennie spoke

Jennie: let's go Cristine it's time to go home..

Cristine: U go first..i have some files left..call jack he will pick u..

She said Calmy while focusing on her work.. she nodded and bidded her by..while she went home with jack..when Russel saw Jennie coming alone so he asked her

Russel: Where is my girl?

Jennie looked at him

Jennie: Eww brotha u r turning so cringe..

Russel: I don't care tho..if my expressing my feelings is being cringe for u then uts ur problem not mine...now tell me where is my girl?

Jennie: She is working overtime as always..

Russel: and u left her alone knowing that kai is roaming around her?? are u both dumb?

Realisation hits Jack and jennie and they both looked at each other getting their mistake...Russel sighed heavily

Russel : Forget it..i m going to bring her home..

He said and left while storming out of the home...he sat in his lavish Porsche and drove to her office..he stopped his car in the parking lot of her office and slides out of the car...he saw that whole building was dark..seems like a power cut but his anxiety rised as he was hoping that nothing would have happened to her...he was hopping that it's not tha Kai's deed..he took fast yet careful steps towards her cabin.. while gripping on the gun in his pocket to prevent any sort of nuisance...as he opened the door of her cabin it was so dark in her office...when he entered the office he saw no lights.. suddenly an arm grabbed him and pinned him on the wall...the little moonlight hits the face of the person..

Russel: What the fu--

Cristine: Calm down babe~

She slowly whispered in his ears while sending down the shivers down his spine...he sighed in relief yet the tension between them was high..he looked at her

Russel: What r u doing honey??

She came closer towards him while he was pinned by her on the wall...she rubbed her knee on his thighs and whispered in his ears..

Cristine: Do u think only u know how to tease?

After what she did his heart raced... it was not like he can't protect himself...he didn't wanted to...he wants to see her bold side..he smirked and spoke in a husky voice

Russel: Oh so do u know??

As he said she moved her knee on his already turned on bulge...


I m shocked by her tiny efforts...but still these have very big effect on me...she is goddess..and i will definately bow to her..she was rubbing my length with her knee that made my breathing turned heavy...no one was in office and it was all dark so it was exciting me more...i looked at her and grabbed her neck...she looked into my eyes straight..i kissed her roughly while she removed her knee and stood straight while kissing me...i grabbed her from her waist and placed her on her office table...her files falled on ground.. for what we care less.. her legs wrapped around my torso was pressing my body more into her...i can feel her thighs shaking and begging for my touch...i grabbed her ass hard while she winced a bit

Russel: Do u like that babygirl??

Cristine: Why wouldn't i??

Russel: Then i won't stop

I said and fest on her like a hungry man..i grabbed her top and with one hand i just ripped it off from her skin revealing her perfect boobs under that black lace lingerie...i can see her hardened nipples...that made me realise my effect on her...i gazed at her hardned nipples and then at her..her eyes were begging for my touch..aww how much this girl wants me to ruin her fraigle body...i made an eye contact with her while moving my tounge on her neck..when i hitted her sweetest spot on her neck she moaned softly

Cristine: Ah..Ru..ssel

Russel: Yes baby?? keep sayin my name..i won't stop..

I said and her cheeks turned red..i licked her nipples while pulling down her lingerie with my teeth..her little hard rosy nipples came out more like popped out and i grabbed them quickly while she moaned into my ears... her voice was feeling like melody to my ears ..she quickly unbuttoned my shirt while i sucked on her rosy nipples while marking them as mine..i travelled my hand down to her sweet little warm yet wet pussy...it was throbbing for me

more like begging me to just bang her hard..as my hands slipped down to her panties...i rubbed her warmth from outside the panties while squeezing her thick thighs...god this woman drives me crazy..she was a moaning mess with my little strokings..i suddenly ripped her panties off while she looked at me..

Cristine: What am i supposed to wear when i go home?

Russel: Don't worry about silly things when u have me beside u

I said to her as i rubbed her clit while she dropped her head backwards and grabbed my arm..I slided my 2 fingers into her warm tight pussy.. i can feel her building juices while her pussy gripped my fingers

Russel: Ur pussy looks too good while its wrapped around my fingers

Cristine: It will look more good when it's in ur mouth

She said bluntly that turned me on so much that i started fucking her with my fingers so hard...her cheeks turned red and her breathing became uneven.. her nails were digging into my skin