

Russel: I will die for u Cristine: Go ahead She wants him dead and he will die for her This story involves the dark fate of Cristine and Russel with the opposite personality... Cristine's cold side makes her different from others while Russel's warm personality provides everyone comfort...Will their tragic fate let them be together!??..

itsomega026 · Urban
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31 Chs


AUTHOR'S NOTE: From this chapter onwards u may get some uncomfortable yet wet scenes that may be disturbing for some minor audience...so if u are not comfortable u may leave..this book is for adult purpose thats why its already mentioned being 18 plus..

Russel POV

As i kissed her deeply and intensely...i can feel that she wanted more... but something was stopping her..and that's what i not want...i want her to be damn sure about having me...i do want to claim her...badly..but i will wait for her...the things i want to do with u Cristine....

claiming u and marking ur body as mine..i can see the lust in my girl..but with lust there was shame too..thats not what i want...i want her to get heads over heels for me before i claim her as mine...i can see her perfect nipples poking out of her cute night dress..she wants me so bad..but guess what baby...i m gonna make u beg for it..my cock hardened as i kissed her.. before she could notice i left the room..i felt my jeans being tightened due to the amount i have been turned on...i wanted to pull her hairs and slam her on the bed that she has been laying down while thinking of me..but her shame came in between...i refused to touch myself while thinking of her... that's not my thing..i m a man..jerking off is useless for me when i can get a whole damn person to fuck whenever i want...but the day i met her...all these sluts are useless for me...i shrugged my thoughts and slept...

Cristine's POV

I woke up immediately when i felt that the dream of him was going far...i don't know how i end up dreaming about him..maybe the theory is right that if u think about someone so much..they end up in ur dream


Russel held her waist tightly while kissing her neck..as his hands crawl down from her waist to down... rubbing her thighs...his hands were firm yet the touch was something electric according to her...he slowly dragged his hands to her sleek folds rubbing down her wetness..his cold touch made her moan little..his tounge devoured her neck...her dream felt like like a reality to her ...while she slowly moaned she woke up... sweating and panting hard...

I can feel myself getting wet just by his thoughts... what's happening to me..was i a pervert from the start?haha..no right!? oh fuck !! i m late for the office..

She quickly stood from bed and ran towards the washroom...after freshing herself she wore her usual coat and pent for the office and went downstairs...She saw Russel and Jack sitting there and discussing something serious on dinning table..they were sitting so close to each other...jennie tapped Cristine's shoulder from back..

Jennie: Don't u think that they made best couple?

She laughed and noded sarcastically

Cristine: Indeed..lets have breakfast then we will leave together

Jennie: Yea..

Both laughed and went towards the dinning table..Russel and jack watched them coming..

Russel: Oww...my lady is here

Everyone cringed at Russel's behaviour including Cristine..

Cristine: Yea mister man now let's eat something?

They all ate together while talking and laughing about random things.. Cristine was sitting next to Russel while Jack and Jennie were sitting to their opposite side...Cristine took a spoon of her food in her mouth and suddenly she felt hands travelling on her thighs..she frozed at looked at Russel from corner of the eye..he didn't bothered to look at her as he know what's going on...he creased her thighs slowly with his hard rock hand... cristine felt like a whole zoo in her stomach..she chocked on the food and Russel smirked slightly..he looked at her flustered state and said

Russel: Are u alright? do u need water?

Cristine glared at him but deep inside she was enjoying it..she noded.. whole time his hands didn't left her thighs.. suddenly he squeezed her thigh a little that caused her to breathe heavily..

Russel: You Don't look good babe

Jack and jennie looked at Cristine worriedly

Jennie: Hey u are all red is everything okay?

Jack then looked at Russel and understood the assignment..he didn't asked any further

Cristine: I..haha i m alright

Russel travelled his hands near her soft and weakest point..as she was wearing the pants so he didn't touched her folds completely but he can feel from outer side that her sweet little pussy is throbbing for him...he rubbed his fingers on her sleeky folds while she dropped her head low from the pleasure...he smirked internally but suddenly pulled out his hands..she looked at him while glaring of sudden pulling out..she got mad and picked up her belongings and left for the office

In whole ride she was driving but while thinking of him...he was driving her crazy..but for now she was mad at him...she also don't know the reason..maybe touching her?? or pulling her when she was enjoying??