

Russel: I will die for u Cristine: Go ahead She wants him dead and he will die for her This story involves the dark fate of Cristine and Russel with the opposite personality... Cristine's cold side makes her different from others while Russel's warm personality provides everyone comfort...Will their tragic fate let them be together!??..

itsomega026 · Urban
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31 Chs


The gun dropped down and to everyone's surprise it was Cristine...but she was in a coma?? how did she end up fighting with Nancy??


Nancy spoke with a shocked voice as Cristine just smirked looking at her expressions..she picked up the gun as she was fast enough to shoot on her leg...fool of her for not letting any bodyguard enter the room..Nancy held that injured bleeding leg of her's as Cristine opened the ropes of Jennie and now this bitch is dead... Jennie quickly picked up the phone and called Russel ...he answered immediately..


Jennie: We know ! come home fast... Cristine shot Nancy's leg we are safe but still there are Nancy's men outside!! we need u fast !!

As Russel heard that he quickly turned the speed at an insane rate...Jack called up for the backup team...on the other side jennie and Cristine were fast enough to tie up Nancy.. still everyone was confused about how Cristine woke up from her coma..Nancy spoke with her angry frustrated voice

Nancy: Weren't u half dead??

Cristine just smirked and went towards her.. she kicked her stomach as she then gripped her hairs that made Nancy's face tilt towards Cristine..

Cristine: I was never in coma baby..

Jennie and Nancy's mouth hung open...Cristine picked up the gun and pointed at Nancy's head.. she didn't thought for a second and shot her finally on her head..Jennie was scared to see her this side but she still was safe with her.. Cristine held Jennie's hand and they sneaked out of that room...they quickly had to reach towards Russel and Jack as soon as they can.. They were taking careful steps as suddenly some gun shots can be heard.. finally they were here..yes! Russel and Jack.. all guards of Nancy ran towards them and pointed their guns at Russel and Jack's guards...Cristine sneakily shoots some of them.. to everyone's surprise she was good at it..Jack came towards jennie and Cristine and dragged them towards the safe place where they can't be hurt.. after half an hour when every matter was solved Russel came towards the safe place where they were... as Russel saw Cristine standing there ! he dropped down his gun and ran towards her.. he hugged her so tightly as he don't want to loose her...his tears were filled up in his eyes.. uncontrollable.. she hugged him back and rubbed his back... calming him down... she smiled a little at his behaviour...he spoke with his broken and hurt voice..

Russel: today i m the happiest person to see u recover..

Cristine: i never was in coma..

Everyone standing there froze and looked at her with shock

Jack: Wh..at do u mean?

Cristine: Before u all know that Nancy was Kai's gf...i already knew that... i saw both of their picture in Kai's room when i was kidnapped by him..i requested doctor to lie to u all because that was the only way that Nancy could make her last move.. so i just played a game..

Russel frowned and held her shoulders a bit tightly

Russel: But u could have atleast told us ! do u even have the fucking idea how worried we were? every minute i was dying to hear ur voice and u just said that u played a game? we were insanly worried about u...after hearing that doctor's shit i couldn't think from my mind for 2 days...and u think it's normal??

He raised his voice at her but the care could be seen from that...he was genuinely worried about her...no one dared to speak in between them..Cristine softened her gaze and held his hand to calm him

Cristine: Try to understand if i had told u all then u all would not have reacted the way u did now.. and i don't want u all to get worried..

Russel shrugged her hand away and spoke

Russel: What if something could have happened to u huh? what if me and Jack were late to knock out her bodyguards? what if she--

Cristine cut's him off as she pulled his collar and kissed him...his hands were in the air while arguing... everyone standing there cheers up for them while teasing them...Russel calmed down...and why wouldn't he? Cristine was in front of him..he looked into her eyes when they broke the kiss..

Jennie: Get a room already

Russel: We don't need any room for that

As he said everyone hooted and Cristine just slapped his arm signalling him to shut his mouth

Jack came towards jennie and hugged her infront of Russel

Russel: Ohoo !! u aren't even scared of me now !!!

Jennie: He was scared for me too !! unlike u ! who forgot about her sister

She said while pouting as Jack just hugged her ignoring everyone feeling the delicate body of her's in his arms..she also closed her eyes and felt his hug...Cristine and Russel smiled while looking at this cute couple..

Cristine: Let's eat the dinner together now

Everyone noded and went inside to have the dinner together... finally all the obstacles in their bond were over...they can live happily after this now.. cause they passed the every level of tests in their bond... jealousy, insecurities, fights, lies, all these are the part of a relation..one should know that leaving someone because of these...is not the right decision to make ..one should devote themselve completely towards their partner.. for that trust and community are always the key factors..

The story ends here...soon the bonus part will be uploaded that will be the last part of this story..