
Devils Chess Board

Years Ago a war between satan and a group known as the sins sent by God to keep balance in the underworld broke out, unfortunately the sins lost with five meeting their demise and two fleeing, the souls of the five sins were reincarnated into five humans who have to fulfil their purpose and defeat Satan.

Okechukwu_Michael_4665 · Fantasy
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42 Chs


One day to the tournament that will determine if students deserve to stay or leave Towlex College, on the other hand was Amy who has been training the amount of power she could take without her veins breaking apart, and at the moment she could use 20 percent of her power without bleeding, she was now satisfied with her training and Mr. Esho smiled at her ''it seems you're ready to shine, Amy. I wish you utmost luck in the tournament for I shall be watching you destroy Michael.'' They both came out of the field and got to the hallway while laughing with each other, until Mr. Esho saw a familiar figure.

It was Michael who was covered in scars, blood, sweat, his eyes as dead as ever and an even more chiseled body, looked at them and walked past them to his dorm, Mr. Esho looked at Michael with shock but reserved his comment because he was wondering what Michael did for a week that made him look like that.

Michael got to his dorm room and saw Ozordikwe and Mr. Ife, but he didn't acknowledge their presence as he fell on the floor, Ozordikwe looked at Ife ''what the hell did you put him through?'' Mr. Ife laughed ''a student of mine has only two options its either SHINE OR DIE'' Ozordikwe sighed since he already knew Michael has gone through hell but of course he had worse to come, they both left the room after leaving his ID card and things he needed for tomorrow.


[HOST WAKEY WAKEY TIME TO SHINE OR DIE HEHE] Michael got up immediately and went to quickly shower and prepared, carried the things Mr. Ozordikwe left for him after all Michael has developed the ability to keep half his senses active which are his ears and nose to avoid being snuck up on.

He came out of the room and heard the sound microphone ''All enrolling students shall be teleported to the Lekki Conservation Centre for the tournament whoever your partnered with will be your ally your mission is to acquire the highest amount of gems anyone below fifty gets instantly eliminated, these can be acquired by killing beasts, one another or looking for them, it's either you SHINE OR DIE KIDS HAVE FUN DYING''

Immediately the message was conveyed Michael's scenery changed, he was now in a forest with numerous trees and insects crawling around, first he decided to do was look around for his partner until he saw a girl with red hair, who had anger issues, he murmured ''Amy'' Amy looked at him ''I know you don't want this but we must win this'' Michael with an indifferent expression ''Ok'' he squatted down ''Amy asked what the hell are you doing now'' VROOM he took off and landed at the top of the palm tree while capturing a flying eagle ''I envy your ability to fly and see more'' He dug his teeth into it [HEHE HOST HAS ACQUIRED EAGLE SIGHT AND EAGLE WINGS] Michael could now see one hundred kilometers straight as he took off into the air with his wings while looking and studied the area, while Amy stared at his shadow '' that idiot doesn't know anything but to kill''.

Amy decided to leave Michael behind as she went down into the forest and saw a hill of purple gems and rushed toward it ''STUPID GIRL'' a boy came out of ground beneath like he merged with the sand and murmured ''Earth cocoon'' Before Amy could react her leg's and hands were tied on the ground as she lay flat on the ground with her skirt being blown by wind, a with yellow eyes and sand claws walked towards her ''normally I would kill you but I prefer enjoying you the boy walked up to Amy and bent down while feeling her out, this made Amy's blood boil as her body radiated heat to the point that the moisture in the ground dried up, ''you bitch you spoiled my trap, I will kill you for that.

Michael on the other hand put was using his eyesight to monitor the scenario while checking on Amy and when he saw Amy,s energy signal he knew she was about to go all out and if she did everyone will know their location '' he jumped into the sky until he was directly above the so called boy, as he dived down so fast with his wings so fast towards the boy, Amy rushed towards the boy until she felt something approaching them and backed away ''haha little girl scared now come on show me wh....CRACK'' All Amy saw was Michael standing above some gems the boys body left behind, which he quickly picked up without acknowledging Amy, picked up the pile the boy got from his victims making thirty in total, Michael then stored it in his bracelet. 

'Amy I understand he tried to molest you but I can't lose because you can't control your anger'' Amy scuffed at Michael ''you think you're all that because you beat me once, or because you're Ozordikwe's nephew, you think you're better don't you'' Michael looked back at her with a stare that would make grown men piss their pants ''Amy I don't care what you have to say all I want is to win for I hate when people are better than me and that's exactly why I am better than you, now stop trying to initiate a fight that you will lose and try to work so we can win'' Michael walked away which shocked Amy[Haha I guess he really went through a lot this week, I sense a change in all his energy signatures, at your current state you lose in less than ten seconds to that boy unless you went past your limits'' Amy hearing this made her angry but at the same time she was feeling a sort of pity for Michael and didn't know why, she proceeded behind him.

Michael stopped after they walked for a straight ten minutes ''Amy I want to apologize for what I did during the tournament, I just wanted to win I would do it again if I am pushed that far and I hope not to be pushed that far ever again, now look forward'' Amy was shocked but didn't say anything and just looked forward ''As you can see that is a beast and those are six students meaning and by the looks of it we could kill that beast easily while also using those students to get more gems'' Amy replied ''so we basically team up with them'' Michael smiled ''Yes, now let's go'' Amy and Michael jumped out of the bush, the students saw them and laughed as the beast that Michael thought was attacking them turned to him and Amy.

One of the students on blue Laughed like a maniac ''Did you really think these five students next to me are conscious no no, I am using their energy to power up my familiar and you will be next'' Michael staring at the six-eyed beast that looked like a combination of Godzilla and the hulk with teeth as long as the horns of an elephant, ''Amy hope you're ready to Shine'' Amy smiled with a look of determination ''You mean shine brighter than you, why not'' they both sped off as Amy took the ground as her legs bulged while her veins glowed as she launched forward leaving a trail of burning red fire due to friction while Michael took the sky as he spread his wings casting a shadow, while covering his fist in red and purple energy, but the monster unfazed roared releasing ice breath from his mouth, targeting Amy, but Amy smiled ''really ice against me, funny'' She jumped straight to the beam of cold breath as she pumped more energy through eins turning her eyes red as went through the cold melting all the ice trying to freeze but the monster still looked unfazed as a hold within its stomach opened up which released a beam of green acid, Amy saw this too late but Michael didn't as he dived down kicking Amy out of trajectory while his AUTO ENERGY TECHNIQUE covered his whole body as he took all the acid and ice breath.

The boy laughed ''Haha stupid boy trying to be the hero, I Tinubu will win with my two hundred gems'' Amy who was worried because she believed no one would survive that,''ENERGY FUSION, HIROSHIMA NAGASAKI'' the whole area was illuminated with purple and red light followed by an explosion that sent dust, tree even small beasts collapsed all around, as the dust and debris settled Amy opened her eyes slowly and saw Michael standing above Tinubu which made her wonder what kind of power and training did Michael gain and do in one week. 

Amy walked up to him ''so what now Michael proceeded to stretch his second hand as he murmured ''Energy transfer'' Michael sent a little of his purple energy which instantly made Tinubu vomit blood and pass out, ''Well Amy now if you look up which I am sure you didn't there is a timer which means we still have three days to stay in this forbidden place, secondly we have already gotten enough gems but enough isn't enough if it isn't the most, we must gather the most gems, kill the most beasts and last of all put all grudges behind because as much as I want to kill you I want to win more Amy.