
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Life 9-5

"Hooo-ly SHIT I never thought that guy was gonna leave!" Being reminded that yes, there was other people around, Noé angled his head back, spotting Tsuno stepping over the rubble with Yuuto, Koneko, and Asia in tow. "Seriously, what in the ever-loving hell was a Cadre doing here?! We didn't even leave that stairwell after we felt that guy show up!"

"Apparently Raynare fucked up that hard," Noé commented, sitting upright and letting out another relieved sigh. "Ahhh fuck can't believe I almost died tonight…" Noé then looked back, noticing that Tsuno happened to have what was very obviously a rib bone stuck between his teeth. "Uh… Tsuno?"

"What?" The Oni didn't seem at all concerned as Noé looked at the thing he was nibbling like a pocky stick.

"… never mind."

"That was certainly the most unexpected thing I think could have happened tonight," Yuuto commented, "That could have gone very badly, very quickly."

"Yet luckily for us, it was someone who was reasonable," Rias and Akeno descended, their wings folding behind them as they landed, "Though I'm not sure how to feel about you invoking my family name like that, Noé."

"What else could I do?" Noé grumbled, leaning on a hand. "You think a Cadre would've taken the word of some unaffiliated half-blood? Though I'll admit it was more of a gamble than anything… one I'm glad paid off."

"My, you're quite lucky," Akeno mused, Noé clicking his tongue. The girl chuckled, then turning to Asia, "And you must be the one our ward went to so much trouble to help. Asia, yes?"

"U-Uhm, yes!" Asia quickly turned to Akeno, nodding. "I uhm… you're… all Devils, like Noé?"

"'cept for me!" Tsuno said, "An Oni and proud of it."

"Also, a dumbass," Noé joked, Tsuno lightly whacking his friend on the head, Noé returning the motion in kind.

"Well, that would conclude our business here," Rias said, "Though… before we go. I do want to say something, Noé."

"If this includes an insult…"

"Just listen, will you?" Rias said, "While yes, I believe your actions tonight came about due to some rather… rash and bullheaded actions you took. But… you also did so out of good will. That's… perhaps surprising to see from someone of demonic descent. When you first gave me your terms, I took you as someone who would never act unless there was some benefit to you in doing so."

"Oh no that's absolutely true," Noé said, Rias raising a brow. "You're not in that assessment. I'm not that selfless. But like I said, I'm also someone who keeps my word…" he then turned to Asia, "And to me, keeping a promise is the same as getting something out of an arrangement. I told Asia I would help her, and I did just that. Doesn't matter if the grand scheme means there's no 'reward' in a certain sense. My reward is the satisfaction if sticking to my principles."

"You get more intriguing every time I learn something about you," Rias mused. "Perhaps I'll need to take advantage of that good nature of yours myself, at some point."

"Yeah, don't count on it."

"Ahaha, of course. Well then, we'll be seeing you back at the club at another date. For now… I believe you still have a bit more to resolve."

With that, the Gremory group left, Tsuno following after them as he waved Noé off. Leaving just Noé and Asia amid the remnants of the battle.

"Well then… let's get going too," Noé knit his brow as he took in that, for whatever purposes of whatever Raynare was trying to do, Asia wasn't exactly dressed to walk anywhere. "Know what… I'll just carry you."

"Eh?!" Asia gasped, Noé turning around and kneeling, "A-Are you sure?"

"It'll be fine. Not about to make a girl walk the whole way back without shoes. Dad's probably not gonna reopen the portal we took to play it safe after that Cadre showed up as is," Noé gave an insistent look, and after a moment of shuffling with her face getting quiet red, Asia accepted the offer, climbing onto Noé's back so he could carry her piggy-back style.

As they started down the hill, Asia wrapped her arms around Noé's neck, nestling her head in just behind one of his shoulders. Noé let out a slight sound, trying to ignore the small well of heat in his cheeks as the girl wound up pressing into him. The thinness of the small dress she was in wasn't helping him from keeping his thoughts cleared.

"Thank you, Noé," Asia said, "Before now, I thought the only path I had would have been to be a follower of God, or continue to work with the Fallen Angels, if only to keep my faith… but even if the future for me isn't certain, I'm glad I have a friend now. And I want to make more friends too, to laugh and cry with them, to have fun like we did earlier today."

"Well, depending on what you choose to do, you'll have plenty of chances," Noé replied, "And it's all up to you on what you're gonna do from here. There's a lot of options… though probably gonna have to let you stay a bit longer. Still… I can get it's kinda scary to think about. Freedom is weird like that. But… that's why it's fun."

"Freedom… to do whatever I want?" As Asia mulled on that, the elation she had been feeling gave way to another emotion. Burying her face into Noé's shoulder, cries of relief and some tinges of sadness came from the girl. Realizing there wasn't much more to say, Noé took one of his hands and placed it on Asia's head, letting the girl get out emotions she no doubt had been keeping in for a long, long time.

"I'm glad you're okay, Asia."

"Thank you… thank you…"

The rest of the walk home was rather quiet, as not longer after, the clearly exhausted Asia fell asleep as she was. Noé could only hope when the new day came, she would be ready to face it.