
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Life 10-1

Rias had to admit, despite her acknowledgment that Devils could often play dirty with how they went about forming their Peerages, for all her attempts to be a better example of a King than some, she herself wasn't exactly guilty of not gathering her group from those who, for one reason or another, she had come across at low points in their lives, where the option of becoming a Devil was, arguably, far better than otherwise.

So, needless to say, she could admit she was not expecting someone to ever come to her and ask to be reincarnated.

Much less when that person was a certain Stray Nun.

"I must say, Asia, this is… surprising," said Rias, a finger gently turning one of the still white chess pieces on that ever-present board on her desk. "Of all the things you choose to do after what you've been through, and this is the decision you came to over the past few days?"

"Yes… though it did take a lot of thought," Asia admitted, her fingers pressing against one another. She was clearly nervous about it, even if she had mustered up the guts to come all the way to the ORC building after-hours to do so. Rias found it almost convenient Noé happened to be on a hunting job with his father this night. "But the more I thought of it… the more I decided what I want to do is stay by Noé's side. Even if for him it wasn't much, he's given me a new life to look forward too. And I… well…"

Rias grinned as the girl's face flushed, trying to hide it behind her tented hands.

"I see. And you figured that, considering his nature, being by his side is something you couldn't do as a simple human… still, to become a Devil means you'd become the very thing that, until recently, you spent much of your life viewing as… well, less then favorably, let's say. It's quite surprising to hear from a believer in God."

"I know. And even now I can't simply let go of my faith. I don't think I ever will, but… if a Devil as kind as Noé can exist, then it means other kind Devils exist."

"You think he's kind?" Rias mused. "That bullheaded, crass young man? Someone who can have eyes as fierce as his?"

"I don't think that stops someone from being kind as well," Asia countered, Rias looking satisfied with that statement. "That… and I also feel I can't go back to a normal life, even if I wanted to. My Twilight Healing, the things I've been through and seen since… honestly as I thought about it, it was between this or perhaps learning magic from Noé's father."

"I mean you could do both," Rias chuckled. "I just want to be sure you actually wish to go through with this. There's no going back once the reincarnation is done. And doing so will mean you'd be a member of my Peerage, and would need to do the appropriate work."

"I know, and I'm willing to do that…" Asia tented her hands again, "Though… if it were possible… I'd rather like to… work with Noé at some point."

"Hehehe… you'll have to wait until he gains the right to start building his own Peerage for that," Rias then had a thought come to her. "Well… Asia, I will tell you there is a process called Trading within our practices. It's as simple as it sounds, when one Devil exchanges the authority of an Evil Piece over to another in exchange for one of their own."

"Does this happen often?"

"Quite so, actually. While it is admittedly somewhat rare, it is often that, if say, a Devil has duties which mean they can no longer participate in the kinds of activities Peerage's are given, it's common that the King of the Peerage will trade some of their Pieces to other Devils, be it within their own clan or to ones they are in close association with, so that the Reincarnated Devils under them can continue their own work and rise through the ranks in the manner they are accustomed to. Though there are those who remain with their Master through thick and thin."

"So then… if Noé gains his own peerage…"

"I would be open to the idea of trading you to him, yes. If this is the path you decide on, of course," Rias picked up the Bishop piece that was still ivory in color, turning it through her fingers, "Of course, that's dependent on whether Noé actually intends to ever gain a Peerage of his own. As far as I know, for now he's only working with me because it's part of the deal with him being a ward of my clan."

"Either way… I'll be fine so long as I can stay with him," Asia said, "And… it's a direction to take. Maybe the one I thought I would at first. But I want to make the best I can with the path I choose to take. And I choose this one."

"I'll ask one more time to be absolutely sure," Rias stood, crossing her desk to stand before Asia. "Are you, Asia Argento, willing to become a Devil and join the Gremory Clan as one of my Peerage members?"

"I do."

"Then that makes this yours," Rias held out the Bishop piece, Asia gently plucking it from her palm. "Don't worry, the ritual is painless. You will be unconscious for a while, since your body will take some time to properly shift from that of a human to a Devil. Only for a few hours though. Afterward… hm, how about we also transfer you into Kuoh Academy? Have you ever been to a public school?"

"Well… it was one run by the Church for orphans living in the convent," Asia admitted, Rias chuckling.

"Well then I'm sure you'll find our school a decent change of pace," Rias then closed Asia's fingers around the Bishop piece, giving the girl a reassuring smile. "I have to admit, making this decision is admirable of you. I'm glad someone like you chose to join me. I promise, I'm not like other Devils. I quite adore my servants, especially when they're cute."

"Ehehe… though I'm sure Noé will be surprised," Asia hummed.

"Oh, he will be. And I'm looking forward to it."