
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Life 10-4

Van, by contrast to the teenagers, could not say the past few days for him had been anything but calm. It was one thing to file a typical incident report. It was another to add on the trouble caused by a Cadre Class of all individuals deciding to show up and suddenly make the risk factor of said incident sky-rocket to unbelievable levels.

"Uuugh… couldn't even get a look at damned Gear Extractor before they took it… then again that would've only added to the problem," Van leaned on a hand as his finger tapped on a diagram. "How close did we come to causing a political incident all because of some stupid scout?"

"Closer than anyone's comfort, I would say," the magical image of Zeoticus spoke the Devil's thoughts, Van letting out a hum as he started spinning a pen on his hand. "However, we're quite lucky it was Shemhazai who arrived. Had it been another Cadre… the situation likely would have only become more volatile. Noé was smart to make use of the Gremory name to defuse the tension. Shemhazai at least has some respect for the authority of us nobles when it comes to our territories."

"So had it been someone else… odds were high they may have jumped on the chance to cause trouble," Van grumbled as he drug a hand down his face, Zeoticus chuckling. "Our kids are definitely troublesome…"

"Well, to be fair those scouts had initiated the incident by attacking Noé. But… they were certainly lucky that night, that's for sure. Still, we can say all is well that ends well. Not to mention, Rias got a new member of her Peerage out of it, another with a Sacred Gear. She's making quite the team for when she can finally participate in Rating Games."

"Seems you have high hopes for her."

"Of course I do. Though… there are some things in line before that, of course."

"… that arrangement with the Phenex Clan? You're really going to go through with that?"

"Considering the state of our clans…"

"Zeo, I'm not asking you as the head of the Gremory clan. I'm asking you as a father making a decision for his daughter. One I seem to recall her telling you she wanted nothing of."

"It's the politics of nobility," Zeoticus said, "Rias has her reservations..."

"I'd call it outright defiance," Van snarked.

"… as is, she does have a duty to the family as its heiress. However, if she continues to make her stance evident, there is an out."

"What did Zechs come up with this time?" Van shook his head as he covered his eyes. He felt like whatever it was, whatever time it took to come about, it would be nothing short of another mess. Hopefully one less stressful than the last one had been due to its turnout.

"Let's wait to see what happens first, before anything happens. For now, the kids can have their fun."

"… sometimes adults shouldn't meddle in the lives of kids… especially when they happen to be their own children."

"Perhaps… though some of us don't have the good fortune to have it that easily."

"Hm… I'll get back in touch soon," Van closed the communication spell with a wave. He sighed again as he leaned deeper into his chair, running his hands through his hair. "Whether or not it is the politics of nobles, some of those traditions would be better off in the gutter where they belong. Hagh… at least it should be calm for a while."