
Devil X Darklight

Noe's life, while not normal, was seemingly at least settled in it's pace. Simple and easy to deal with, if perhaps boring... at least until an encounter with a group of Fallen Angels turned that routine upside down and brought him headlong into a life of Devils, Angels, and the supernatural beyond what his life already included.

SeikerHikaru · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Life 10-3

After they arrived at the room and sat down, Noé was given the run down of Asia's decision. He went through something of a mix of emotions during said explanation. From looking at Rias in accusation, to slowly cooling off and seeming to understand it, if begrudgingly, as Asia made it clear the decision had solely been hers. Which did not necessarily preclude the young man from feeling rather conflicted about it.

"… hagh…" he finally let out a sigh after being stared at in silence by the entire Peerage for a solid minute. "I'll stick to what I said when it comes to your decision being your own, Asia. And… a weird part of me is sort of happy to hear it. Can't explain why, or even which part that is. But I don't exactly dislike you making the choice…"

"Rather… it's that you're annoyed it was me," Rias chuckled, a smug grin on her face. "As said, Asia was the one who came to me. And it's not like you have a Peerage of your own, or the power to reincarnate people as Devils."

"I am aware of that," Noé grumbled.

"I made this choice because I thought it was the best to… stay by your side," Asia admitted, a faint dust of a blush coming to her, "It felt like… being a Devil would make that easier. Plus, if I do this, well… it gives me more chances to get closer to you," Noé almost didn't catch that last part with how hushed it was, but oh did he. Of all the things about his nature Noé somewhat detested, the heightened senses he had developed no thanks to his possession of the Boosted Gear, and thus the power of a Dragon, was oft one of them.

"That… I mean we do live together now…" Noé started tugging at his bangs as a faint blush also came to him. "Just… getting dragged into some of this nonsense feels almost out of your element."

"I promise I'll make sure whatever talent Asia has can be nurtured well," Rias said, "In fact, why not act as her mentor yourself? Now that you're handling summons, you can easily help Asia adjust to her new tasks."

"You're having fun with this, aren't you?"

"I would be lying if I said no," Rias then leaned back in her chair, a thought flashing through her eyes, "Of course, there is a way you could ensure Asia's safety yourself, even outside of my supervision. While I'm not sure of your ambitions, on the chance you ever gain the right to form a Peerage of your own… I'd perhaps be amenable to an arrangement."

"… are you trying to play me into helping you more, on the excuse of rising in the ranks, by picking at this newfound thing of mine?" Noé got a nod from Rias. "… well damn you it's working."


"But… I want to make it interesting," Noé stood from his chair, striding to Rias's desk and leaning on it. "Let's make a bet. Taking some indeterminant time to reach High Rank just so you can trade Asia to me is… boring. Let's make it more interesting."

"What are you offering?" Rias certainly had her interest piqued by that. The knowing looks from Akeno, Yuuto, and Koneko certainly said so as well.

"First, the challenge: I'm gonna make High Rank by the time me, you, and Akeno graduate next March."

"My, that's not much time," Akeno hummed. "Usually it takes a Reincarnated Devil years to make High Rank. And you're saying you'll do it in a little eleven months?"

"Well, I think I've got some advantages," Noé chuckled, "For one, I'm already strong enough to match you two. So I'm good there."

"Being a High Rank Devil involves a lot more than just being strong," Rias said, "There's responsibilities the station comes with you know?"

"Already eighteen, gonna have to take on some adult responsibilities eventually."

"… what month were you born in?" Rias tilted her head.

"January," Noé said. For a moment, Rias looked a bit flummoxed while Akeno let out a curious hum. Noé didn't want to know the reason behind either. "If I make High Rank by or before then, you will trade Asia to me in exchange for one of the two Bishop Pieces I start with, no strings attached."

"And if you don't?" Rias inquired, "Obviously I need to get something out of this."

"Well, since it's unlikely you'd be able to induct into your Peerage yourself due to power limitations on Evil Pieces…" Noé put a hand to his chin as he thought it over. "But… Asia, are you okay with conditions like that?"

"W-Well… part of why I accepted is because Rias said that's possible," Asia said.

"Well that settle's that part of it," Noé hummed, sliding back into thought. After a moment, he snapped his fingers. "Got it! Since being dragged into your Peerage myself is out of the question, if I miss the deadline, for the next year after we start college, I'll do anything you say, no questions asked. It'll be about as good, wouldn't you say?"

"Hm… unfettered access to the Red Dragon Emperor for an entire year?" Rias hummed. She too took a moment, then chuckling with a nod. "Alright then, I accept those conditions."

"Just keep in mind, as usual I keep my word," Noé chuckled as he and Rias shook hands, "Meaning when I say I'm gonna do something, I do it. So let's see if I beat the deadline itself."

"I'm sure it'll make for an interesting time. Be sure to make it entertaining to watch, Diabolical Red Dragon Emperor."

"Heh… I kinda like a nickname like that."