
Devil hero

oh damn, I guess I died And reincarnated in MHA Well, I guess I’m gonna become the number one hero and stop all for one kind of suck I don’t have an overpowered quirk but I’ll least I have two. of them and they’re extremely strong

7_night · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 16

**Author's Notes**

Please read this entire note because I have some important updates to share.

I really, really enjoy writing, but I'm starting to feel a bit bored with this story. I'm not abandoning it, but it will be on a break for now. During this break, I will be working on another story, which will be huge. It's going to be an MHA fanfiction, but it will be entirely different from this one. In fact, at one point, it will barely have anything to do with MHA. This new story was inspired by "Lightning Human in MHA." If you've read that story, you might have a clue about what I'm planning.

Don't worry; only the first arc will be similar to the training arc in "Lightning Human in MHA." The new story will have infinite possibilities, to the point that you, the readers, can decide the next arc if you want. The story will be called "Lightning Human in a Strange MHA-Based World."

Anyway, I apologize for this chapter being a bit low-quality. I was feeling lazy. Thank you for your understanding and support! P.S The story will come out in a couple of days. I need to stock up on chapters.


Walking towards my class, Class 1A, I was surprised to find out that I was in this class and that no one had been replaced. There were 22 students in total, and the same was true for Class 1B. I don't think I need to mention who the other new student is. Anyway, today I will officially meet the entire cast of MHA. This will be interesting.

I spent the last couple of days hanging out with my friends, but Shinzo wasn't able to join us much because he was training. And he wasn't lying—he had developed some muscle, so unlike in the story, he will join the hero course within this year.

I opened the door to Class 1A and saw Ida trying to scold Bakugo. Ida, with his usual intensity, was waving his arms and lecturing Bakugo about proper behavior. Bakugo, on the other hand, looked like he was about to explode, his temper flaring as he yelled back.

"Hey Junpei," it was Akari. "You finally here?"

We talked for a little while until Izuku had his usual clash with Bakugo, and then our homeroom teacher came in—Mr. Aizawa. He looked as disheveled as ever, with his unkempt hair and tired eyes. He walked in, wrapped in his yellow sleeping bag, and the class fell silent in confusion and curiosity.

"Who the hell is this guy?" Some of the students were confused.

"Well, considering he's the first adult to come in here, I guess he's our homeroom teacher," I said.

"Well, yes, he's correct," Mr. Aizawa confirmed, but some students still seemed confused.

The teacher quieted everyone down. "All of you, just wear this and come with me," he instructed, handing out the exercise uniforms of UA.

Everyone exchanged glances, a mix of excitement and nerves filling the room. I quickly changed into my uniform and joined the others as we headed outside. The training field was vast, and it was clear that we were about to face our first test.

Mr. Aizawa stood in front of us, his eyes scanning the group. "Today, we will be doing a Quirk Assessment Test. You came here to become heroes, right? Well, show me what you've got."

Bakugo immediately seemed fired up, his competitive spirit blazing in his eyes. Izuku looked nervous but determined, and Ida was as serious as ever, already stretching his legs.

Here's the expanded version of the scene:


"You kids have done physical assessments before. Well, the Quirk assessment will be exactly the same, but you'll be using your quirks. I'm gonna give you an example. Junpei, how far have you thrown a baseball?" Aizawa asked, his voice steady and commanding.

Junpei thought for a moment, recalling his best effort. "105 meters," he replied confidently.

Everyone was shocked after hearing how far he could throw a baseball. Murmurs of amazement rippled through the group.

"Well, now I want you to throw it twice," Aizawa instructed, his gaze sharp.

Everyone was confused. Why did the teacher want him to throw twice? They exchanged puzzled glances, but Junpei didn't question it. He took the ball with his telekinesis, making it float and spin around his body before launching it into the sky with a powerful throw.

Aizawa looked at the number on the measuring device and said, "I'll show you after the second throw."

Junpei took another ball with his hand and, seemingly casually, tossed it a short distance.

"What are you doing?" Aizawa asked angrily. "The point of this is to know your strength, so unless you want to get in trouble, you better do it again."

"Fine," Junpei sighed. He took a deep breath and began removing the suppressors on his limbs. Izuku, Bakugo, and Akari were wide-eyed with surprise. Ever since he had received the suppressors, they had never seen him without them. This was the first time in years they would witness his full strength.

The air around Junpei seemed to buzz with energy as he readied himself. He took the ball and, with all his might, hurled it into the sky. The force of the throw caused a shockwave that blew back some of his classmates, leaving them stumbling and shielding their faces.

Aizawa, unfazed by the display, looked at the numbers on his device and announced, "First throw: 1375 meters. Second throw: 1579 meters. And the third throw: 2773.53 meters."

There was absolute silence as everyone processed the sheer power Junpei had displayed. The other students stared in awe, some with mouths agape, others whispering to each other in disbelief.

"Did you see that? He's a monster!" one student whispered.

"That's insane. I knew Junpei was strong, but this...," another murmured, shaking their head.

Junpei stood there, a satisfied grin spreading across his face as he took in their reactions. He felt a surge of pride, not just in his abilities, but in the acknowledgment from his peers.

Aizawa, however, remained stoic. "This is the level of power we expect from UA students. Remember, you're here to become heroes. Use your quirks to their fullest potential and strive to surpass your limits."

The gravity of Aizawa's words sank in, and the students nodded, determined to give their all. As the exercise continued, each student took their turn, using their quirks to the best of their abilities, inspired by Junpei's display of strength.

Junpei, meanwhile, rejoined his friends, who were still processing what they had witnessed.

"That was incredible, Junpei," Akari said, her eyes shining with admiration.

Izuku, still wide-eyed, added, "Yeah, I had no idea you could throw that far. You're amazing!"

"Thanks, guys," Junpei replied, feeling a warm sense of camaraderie. "Let's all do our best. We've got a lot of training ahead of us."

As the day went on, the students of Class 1A continued their assessments, pushing themselves harder, inspired by the demonstration of power and the promise of what they could achieve with dedication and hard work.

Sorry, the chapter came out a little late; I overslept.

Anyway, here are some updates about what I did during my vacation. I watched all the JoJo parts except for Part 3 because it was a bit episodic compared to the other parts. But I've decided I'm finally going to dive into Part 3. Instead of watching the anime, I'll read the manga.

Also, I'm still reading *My Hero Academia: Vigilantes*. Feel free to recommend anything else I should read later!

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