
There is no more cloud in the world!

Over the square, Xiao Yan coldly stunned the Yunxiao sects who fled under the eyes. After shaking his head, his body continued to fly higher.

When it was over the entire Yunxiao Mountain, its body swayed slightly, and suddenly a majestic flame spread out of its body, and the flames swayed like a huge wave.

For a moment, the whole sky was burned red, and at first glance it was like the end of the day!

At this moment, the four special flames in the sea of ​​fire were intertwined together, constantly absorbing the flames around them, and gradually evolved into a group of four-color fire lotus. In the fire lotus, you can see the fire, the fire, the fire porpoise, the fire dragon, the four kinds of fire fighting body.


A syllable that does not contain any feelings is spit out, and the sea of ​​fire is pouring into the four-color fire lotus.

At this moment, the four-color fire lotus is like a chicken blood, madly inflated. In a short while, it turned into a giant behemoth covering a hundred meters, and the space was distorted with the slow rotation of the four-color fire lotus.

On the Yunxiao Mountain, the fleeing disciples looked up and saw the scene in the sky, and their faces suddenly changed, and the eyes were full of fear.

"This little guy is incredible! If it really makes him step into the realm of the fighting, even in the universe, there is a foothold." Not far away, the dust of the dust squinted by the side of Wu Fang tentatively said .

If you are not enough, you may not be able to judge how much energy is contained in the four colors of fire lotus. However, as a former peak, he can be sure that this power is equivalent to the full blow of the Seven Stars!

"The universe of hundreds of millions of galaxies, each galaxy hundreds of millions of stars, even if each star can only have a enchanting like him, this number is also the sea!" Wu Fang faintly swept away the medicine dust, "As for his specific energy I am looking forward to where I am going!"

In the sky, the speed of the four-color fire lotus is getting faster and faster. Gradually, lightning flashes beneath the fire lotus, and the thunder and roar sounds through the sky. The trees on the top of the mountain, under this terrible high temperature, the branches have become red. The sinking hot air waves divide into a wave of fire dragons that rush toward the mountains. The agile disciple can be fortunately avoided, slightly sluggish, and once hit by the fire dragon, no red blood is sprayed into the void.


On the high platform of the square, there was only Nalan stunned to the ground. At the moment, Nalan is stunned, her skin is red and purple, her mouth is gasping, and her eyes are empty and staring at the fire lotus.

"Xiao Yan, what are you doing!" Suddenly, a rainbow crossed below, and at the same time, an anxious sound like a yellow scorpion sounded.

Seeing the appearance of the person, Xiao Yan's body trembled slightly.

Yunzhi, the woman who had a story with him in the cave!

"Xiao... inflammation, you are also called Xiao Yan... You are the fiance of the fiancé Xiao Yan..." Yun Yun seems to think of something, there is a little panic on the innocent glamorous face.

Since the return of Ziyunjing, she has begun to retreat and prepare to attack the battleland. But just now, the horrible energy fluctuations awakened her from the retreat. As soon as I got out, I saw the scene.

Over the sky above Yunxiao Mountain, it was shrouded in a huge four-color fire lotus!

The energy contained in the fire lotus makes her feel guilty. If it falls, let alone the Yunxiao sect disciples below, even she may not be spared.

In the current situation, she didn't even have the heart to understand why Xiao Yan's strength soared so fast, she just wanted to know what happened now!

"Yunzhi? How come you are here!" Xiao Yan brows slightly wrinkled, his eyes fixed on Yun Yun's body.

"Xiao Yan, in fact, I deceived you at the beginning. My real name is Yun Yun. My identity is the current lord of Yunxiaozong." Yun Yun blinked at the four-color fire lotus and quickly asked, and then asked, "You and you Why do you want to hang on the whole cloud? It's hard to do it. Do you want the entire Yunzong people to be buried with them?"

"Yeah, this is obviously a matter for us. Why do you want to pull on other people? Why do you want to catch the whole Xiao family?" Xiao Yan suddenly sneered, and after laughing, he asked the Yun Yun quality to ask, "They are repaired as The highest is only the big fighter, and there are even many ordinary people... Why do you want to be involved in them?"

"What Xiaojia?" Yun Yun's face appeared pale, and she didn't know what happened since the beginning. In these days of her retreat, what Yunxiaozong did to Xiao's family would cause the entire mountain gate to face the danger of extermination.

"You can go to Utan City to understand it!" Xiao Yan no longer cares about Yun Yun, drinking a sound, four colors of fire lotus is ready to move.

"Predecessors, I beg you to stop him." Perceived the energy of the riots in the fire lotus, Yun Yun figure flashed to the front of Wu Fang, directly kneeling and pleading, this person is his last straw.

"Get up." Wu Fang held up the lingering Yunyun and sighed. "Change to me, I will do more than he."

"What happened in the end..." Yun Yun's face is gray, and the figure is crumbling. Since she can't stop it, she can only face this disaster with Yunzong.

"Mirror fire!"

However, as Yunyun plunged downwards, the surrounding flames rose violently. These flames did not burn her, but formed an unbreakable prison.

"Predecessors, please let me go! As the lord of Yunzong, this time I have to face the disciples together!" Yun Yun gnashed his teeth, with anxious voice, no matter how she attacked the flames around, it could not break through. The bondage of the flame prisoner can only look at the Yunxiao Mountain below.

"There will be no more clouds in the world!"

Xiao Yan's lips flapped, accompanied by the indifferent sound, and the four-color fire lotus with a diameter of 100 meters rushed toward the Yunxiao Mountain below.


The four-color fire lotus slammed down, and the cloud mountain collapsed instantly, and then it turned into a raging fire.

Numerous figures in the sea of ​​fire escaped and screamed, but only shouted for a moment, and the miserable mourning disappeared into the flames.

Looking down from the sky, this scene is like hell, and the pieces of trees, buildings, and figures are turned into nothingness under the flame.

"Nothing... Yunzong Zong is gone..." In the prison of the flames, Yun Yun stared at the Yunxiao Mountain, which turned into a sea of ​​fire, and his eyes were free. The whole portrait was lost.

One minute, two minutes... time passes by little by little.

Huo Ran, the blazing flames gathered together and rushed toward Xiao Yan's body.

When the sea of ​​fire disappears, there are still clouds and mountains, clouds and sects, and some are just a ruin of burning black.

In the ruins, carefully discerned, and you can still see countless bones and cross each other.