
The Death of Yunshan

On the eyes of Xiao Yan, Nalan suddenly trembled fiercely. After subconsciously bowing his head, he seemed to think that he was leaning against Yunzong, and he looked up and looked at Xiao Yan with a sigh of relief.

"Xiao's family is killing the door, are you asking for this?" Xiao Yan's eyes are cold.

Nalan snorted without a reply, although she did not ask for the door to kill, but she also followed, and did not stop the killing.

"I saw the answer from your expression, it really should have killed you!" Xiao Yan forced Nalan to stun.

"It turns out that your kid is Xiao Yan." Determined Xiao Yan's identity, Yunshan shook his head and smiled: "I don't know what opportunity you got, you can cultivate to the realm of the fighting king. The old man has always been a man of cherish, if you wish to return For me, the old man gives you a seat for the elders. If you don't want to, today I am afraid you can't leave Yunzong!"

After that, the Yunshan face suddenly became cold and the palms suddenly slammed, and a majestic imposing momentum emerged from the body. The terrible momentum spread, and all the disciples under the high stage were breathing and stunned. Under the pressure of this horror, the vindictiveness in the body was a little stagnation!

Feeling the majestic momentum that Yunshan deliberately released, Wu Fang will smile in the distance, and he thinks of a classic sentence in the past.

Douglas strong, horrible!

"Old dog, then start with you!" Xiao Yan stunned his eyes and looked at Yunshan, and Sen's cold voice echoed in the sky.

"I really don't know how to live and die!" As Yunshan was filled with the cold drinking, the atmosphere in the square was suddenly tense, and the autumn wind rolled up a few leaves to bring cold and killing.

After all, Yunshan's body shape and his footsteps were empty, and in an instant he was suspended under the gaze of Xiaoyan.

The two are opposite, and the two are filled with the cold eyes of the rich killings, and they are suddenly murderous.

"You are all just coming to Yunzong today, I will give you time to leave immediately! Ten minutes later, the Gama empire is no longer a cloud!" Xiao Yan looked down and said to the new boy and girl who was under the new enthusiasm.

"Let's leave Yunxiaozong? Let the cloud be destroyed? You are a joke!"

"Is it impossible to reach the king of the fighting kingdom? I still want to destroy Yunxiaozong! Is it qualified for you?"

"The old lord is the strength of the battle, even if you are the king of the battle, it is not enough for the old man to crush his head."

"Old lord, please take the shot immediately and give a good lesson to this arrogant guy!"


Not only did not leave below, but also stood up from the chair and pointed at Xiao Yan.

"This is your own choice." Xiao Yan's eyes swept over, and then ignored these disciples, and his eyes were re-arranged on Yunshan.

"Manic!" Yunshan angered, raising a majestic dark blue temper from the palm of his hand like a tidal wave, the moment of vindictiveness is formed in front of the body a foot of a dozen or so large cyan tornado.

"Is this the legendary Doctrine Powerhouse? I don't know if I can reach the level of the old lord in this life." Under the high platform, a group of disciples worshipped and looked at the Yunshan Mountain, which condensed a huge wind and couldn't help it. The tongue is amazed.

"Tianhuo three metamorphosis!"

The sound of the drink fell, and Xiao Yan's body struggle suddenly rioted, and then his momentum suddenly climbed at this moment.

Five-star fighting king, six-star fighting king, seven-star fighting king.... Samsung Fighting King!

This is the super-day battle skill passed down to him by Xiao Xuan's energy body!

"The secret of improving the strength? Or the heavens!" I noticed the sudden surge of Xiao Yan's momentum. Yunshan was amazed, and immediately smiled. The shackles were full of greed. "The old man will tell you the truth, in front of Doosan. Everything that is false will collapse and annihilate! As for your secret, the old man looks at it!"

The next moment, Yunshan waved, more than ten feet long cyan tornado whistling at high speed, tearing the void, entraining this broken air raging to Xiao Yan.

Almost at the same time, Wu Fang's palm condensed a spear that was about two meters long. The spear was not made up of vindictiveness, but was made up of four different colors of flame.

The slenderness of the spear is almost indistinguishable from the huge tornado. But looking at the outside, the flame spear welcoming the tornado is like a moth hitting a fire with an egg hitting like a stone, but the collision in the field cannot be judged by volume.


An indifferent drink sounded like a thunder in the air, and at this moment, the flame spear did not enter the huge tornado.


A thrilling explosion that is enough to cause the eardrum to rupture reverberates between heaven and earth, followed by a horrible energy storm that spreads from the collision between the two. The disciples who were cultivated in the lower square were shaken by the pervasive energy wave, and those directly squirted with a low blood spurt out and their faces were white.

However, the people have not reacted, and this stalemate has been broken. The flame lance was irritated, and a more terrible energy explosion exploded, and the surrounding temperature was instantly pulled up. In the next moment, the size of the flame spear expands several times, and the tornado is defeated and the tornado continues to swept forward.


A sharp sound like a sharp blade penetrating gauze is remembered.

In an instant, the sky becomes silent!

Only the figure that stood in the sky between the heavens and the earth, the entire chest was pierced by a flame spear, stumbled back and took two steps, then slammed down.


In an instant, a deep pit was drawn in the center of the big square.

A wave of disciples closest to the pit, after seeing the miserable appearance of the figure in the pit, scared his face as if he had seen a ghost.

"Old... old lord, dead..."

"How could this be the case! Is the old lord not a lord? Why is it dead in the hands of a fighting king!"

"Do we still stay here? Will he kill us too?"

"If you don't want to go, you can't go to Yunxiaozong to practice, you can go to other places to practice. There is only one life!"


A group of disciples seemed to think of Xiao Yan's previous words. After a moment of hesitation, they ran towards the foot of the mountain and were confused.

Nalan looked at the figure in the sky with horror, and in just a few days, the other party was already strong enough to kill the Doosan. At this moment, in addition to her fear, her heart still gave birth to a deep regret.

If she does not retire, this horrible teenager in the air will be her husband! Such a husband, should be the existence of all women's dreams!

Wu Fang stunned the body of Yunshan below his eyes. In the case of Xiao Yan's attack with four different fires, if the other party is prepared, even if it cannot be injured, it will not fall directly.

But from the very beginning, he took it for granted that Xiao Yan would be a person who relied on the secret law to upgrade to the Samsung Emperor. Just because Xiao Yan would not give him a second chance, it would be a blow.

Those who are underestimated are dead!