
Devil’s Dominon

Devil’s Dominion is a story based in the year 3000, with humans dwindling in faith for the gods and even the devils, after realizing they're the sons of the devil, Kinea and Kean find themselves in the realm of the undead to escape from the clutches of their true father and to find their old one. With the world demons slowly infiltrating the real world it's up to them to stop them while training and finding clues of their father along with uncovering mysteries through the world. A war is brewing the final war in history to decide who will survive, who will win good or evil, right or wrong, gods or devils. Will the twins even find their father before it’s too late

Gam3Tim3 · Fantasy
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28 Chs


"Three days!!", Kinea exclaims with his jaw dropped as he started at Tolo and Maria.

"So we've been asleep for three days. No wonder I feel so hungry", Kean says while holding his stomach.

"Oh, Of course you'd think about food!!", Kinea roars at Kean.

"Like your not too!!", he bellows back.

"Well sure but at least I'm not talking about it!!", Kinea replies.

A loud laugh envelopes the room, then the door burst open as the king enters the room with two plates of food.

"Don't worry there's enough food for everyone", he says as he gives them one plate each.

The food was a large plate of an orange rice mixed with some meat and vegetables with a large chunk of what looked like two very large chicken legs at the side.

"I always wondered, how are they animals in a spirit realm?", Kean questions.

"Like I've said this world isn't really a spirit realm but more of another world. The main difference is here people know extensively of spiritual energy", the king explains.

He continues on stating "Along with the heavens and the demon world, that is what makes the spirit realm. The animals here while way bigger and more dangerous, all form a very functioning ecosystem".

He then puts his hand on his chin and says "The only places which we don't have extensive knowledge of are the heavens and demon world, not to mention we are a few eras behind where humanity is now".

He finishes saying "But we do know, humanity's faith in anything spiritual to begin with have dwindled extensively, allowing the demons to become more active".

"Why is that so?", Kinea asks with his mouth open as he gulps down his food.

"Basically, the barrier to the demon world and the human realm, relies solely on humanity's faith in the gods. And with faith reducing by the day, so is the strength of the barrier" he replies.

"Old man, that's simply just a theory", Tolo says with his arms crossed as he leans back on the wall.

"Is it really though?! Why me and most other kings believe it!", he replies with confidence.

"Kings?!", Kean questions with his mouth filled with food.

He looks back at him with a smile before saying"Of course, there are four major kingdoms and three smaller ones with one small kingdom in the middle which serves as a ruling body".

He continues on with "The four great Kingdoms are, The Kingdom of Babylon, The Kingdom of Greek, The Kingdom of Medo-Persia and The Kingdom of Rome. The other three are, The Kingdom of Athens, The Kingdom of Sparta and The Kingdom of Helheim".

"The ruling body is a small Kingdom at the centre and is basically the combination of all the kingdom almost like the U.N, it's The Kingdom of Asgard. This is where all kings meet for conferences and where we'll be heading next week".

"All of us, not counting this brat", Tolo says while bad-eyeing Maria.

"I'll pluck out your eyes!", she rants.

"What about Stacy?", Kinea asks now done with his food.

"She's fine just gone back home", Maria replies.

"So she does live here", Kean says.

"Yeah, if you want I can go let you guys explore!", King Logan says with his usual cheerful smile.

"Heck yeah!!", the twins cheer.

He stopped their cheers abruptly by saying "But not now, for now recover and let's see what will happen after the meeting".

"It's happening next week and your coming because you two are one of the main topics", King Logan further explains.

"Your whole getting kidnapped by cultists which had a very sacred book is pretty shaby", Tolo states.

"Dante's Inferno is a book used throughout the whole world and a go to for demons and witches, but how does one become a witch?", Maria asks.

"Well…,witches are people who make contracts with a or many demons. Which then grants them power or wishes, but for a price that could even be their souls", Tolo explains.

"Dante's Inferno basically being a guide for them, witchery is not allowed because of its adverse effects on the person and people around them", King Logan explains.

He then chuckles and takes the now emptied plates and begins leaving as he says "Anyways! You guys should get some rest".

"Tolo, bro what about Mr. Frank and his girl", Kean asks.

Tolo looks down and shakes his head before saying "I was unable to save her sadly, Mr. Frank on the other hand has decided to stay in the spirit realm. He probably needs to find himself, considering the shock I'm surprised his still alive".

He continues on saying "Don't fault yourself, these things happen".

Everyone leaves the room as Kinea and Kean are left to think and try to fall asleep, they turned their back to one another as silence flooded the room.

"It was really you right?", Tolo questions.

"In the dream? Yes. Who do you think that was?", Kinea inquires back at him.

"Not sure but, I felt a connection with her and a strong connection to those eyes", he responds.

Kinea chuckles then says "We were really cool, when we fought against those demons".

Kean does a light chuckle before answering "Yeah, we're the fucking coolest".

By the time the next week rolls around, the twins are fully healed and they all set out for the Kingdom of Asgard. They set out using horses as their means of transport, staying in beautiful carriages which was designed with white spirals around it, they went along with some army men as security.

They arrive to a huge crowd of people welcoming them, the people made a clearing for them to come along in their carriage. As they step out of the carriage, the true sight of the kingdom is seen. It was bright and had a lot of people around and the buildings seemed medieval like the ones in Babylon.

They head into a large castle which strangely empty but was designed with bright blue robes around it, the boys were lead to a small waiting room which had an additional door where the King was taken.

King Logan wore a long red dress which had a crescent of a red lion at his back and left chest area of the dress. The lion was breathing flames from it's mouth, with a wine red background and was circular in shape.

After a almost an hour, Tolo is called in and a few minutes after the twins too. The twins enter to see a beautiful long wooden table, with five people sitting around it.

First to their right was, King Logan, sitting beside him was a woman, she had long blond hair with crimson red eyes, she seemed to be in her mid twenties and she wore a long blue dress which closely resembled King Logan.

Her cresent was that of the moon but it was tinted a slight sky blue with a dark blue background and shaped like an oval.

Now from their right, an old man with deep curly brown hair with a brown moustache and dark brown eyes. He wore another long dress which had a striking orange colour, with a symbol of a Roman headgear which had a brown background and was shaped like a diamond.

Beside him a dark skin man with white hair with white bears and sideburns, he had bright yellow eyes and wore a completely black robe with a sword crescent which was shaped with a circle.

To the middle of them all, a man with black hair and purple Beaty eyes, he wore a completely white dress with no symbols and he had a happy smile on his face.