
Devil’s Dominon

Devil’s Dominion is a story based in the year 3000, with humans dwindling in faith for the gods and even the devils, after realizing they're the sons of the devil, Kinea and Kean find themselves in the realm of the undead to escape from the clutches of their true father and to find their old one. With the world demons slowly infiltrating the real world it's up to them to stop them while training and finding clues of their father along with uncovering mysteries through the world. A war is brewing the final war in history to decide who will survive, who will win good or evil, right or wrong, gods or devils. Will the twins even find their father before it’s too late

Gam3Tim3 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Character profiles


So I decided to make a chart about the main characters of my novel, if your reading consistently…thank you, very much I really appreciate.


Name: Tarna Kinea



Weapons: Two black Daggers(not named)

Likes: Naruto, Pringles, football…

Dislikes: food with bad seasoning

Name: Tarna Kean



Weapons: Long black sword(not named)

Likes: Sasuke, Pringles, Football…

Dislikes: Annoying flat girls 

Name: Rosaria Tolo

Age: 17

Class: 1st

Weapons: Amy

Likes: Sweet food, Gojo, his Axe

Dislikes: Cakes that are too sweet, his other half

Name: Logan Taka

Age: ???????

Class: King

Weapons: ?????

Likes: Food

Dislikes: His brother


I'm planning chapter 23 for tomorrow

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