
Developing My Little World

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/420690/fictions Jay was a man who had lost it all. His loving wife and adorable daughter ripped away from him one after the other. However he continues living performing acts of pure good for the people around him. He is recognized as worthy by the God of his current world and is transported to a godly room. Jay is now a God and it is his mission to create the planet beneath him. To breath life untoward its majestic surface. Join Jay in the fantastic journey of creation! Watch as he revives his family, creates Gods, and creates humans, elves and so many more creatures. Learn from the beginning how this planet develops as mythology, evolution, and the advancement of society is captured in breathtaking lore and backstory. Hello to anyone reading this, my name is Ani, and this is a passion project of mine that has no definite end. I really want this series to heavily involve characters submitted by the viewers to achieve great things and progress the story. There is an auxiliary chapter Titled Character Creation. That chapter had every main race currently in the story. In the future as more people suggest things, hybridization and mixing of DNA and genes to create new, unique creatures will be possible. The first example of this is a viewers request for a 'Naga', which I had forgotten about upon coming up with the list. I spoke to the viewer in the comments and we agreed on a background where a dragon and a mermaid mate and create the Naga. As for the rest, you have to wait for his story! To qualify for Character creation, simply be a donor of some Monetary value (real money, coins, gifts, etc) or the person will be In the top 20 of powerstone donor for the novel. Thank you for reading, and if you meet these criteria, please submit your character! Happy reading. My Patreon with advanced chapters for members! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=103227460&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

AniMine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

A Message

Jay watched as Rust had the weapon tested. The Iron Spear created by rust could be said to be very well made with tools currently at his disposal. However Jay noticed something troublesome, which was that Rust showed the process, and explained what he did, but he's not truly trying to teach anyone!

It's great that you can make such an awesome weapon, but what about everyone else?

Jay pondered on what to do, when he remembered the mark that he had already placed on Rust. Jay smiled and then sent Rust a "message".


Rust was sitting in his workshop, going over the various steps within his project, trying to fine tune the process so that it would be easier next time.

He had noticed that while overall a successful product, it was long what he truly desired and it fell short of what he imagined in his own mind.

As he pondered this problem, a divine voice fell into his mind, and uttered incomprehensible words that Rust definitely could not understand!

The voice stopped and after a moment of silence, a clear command was imprinted within Rust's mind.

[Train 3 Protégé]

Rust was stunlocked in his chair for a few minutes. Finally after nearly 10 minutes of stunned silence and brain power overload trying to comprehend what just happened, Rust had an enlightenment!

"That must be the Ultima Heavenly Father! He has sent me a divine command after seeing my success!" Rust shouted in excitement and glee. Then his frown came back and he thought,"Train 3.. what? What is this word..? Ah.. OK. So it basically means a successor of sorts."

Rust momentarily didn't understand what "Protégé" meant but the heavenly message reinterpreted it so Rust could better understand.

Rust then looked at his steps that he had written down, then at the equipment that was partially still used from the previous forging. He sighed and said,"Maybe father is correct, maybe this is what I need to do."

Rust then went and called over every new generation Dwarven child to train under him as a successor! It had been about 16 years since the Divine Cleansing and the dwarves would reach the maturity to unlock there systems within a few months! While Rust could wait, he decided to immediately fill this command from the Ultima!

Rust had gathered 26 Dwarven children from the new generation and then conducted a test. He had them all sit and watch him make the mud-slime and the stone, make the mold, then heat the iron and pour it in. Finally he stopped and carefully place the heated core into the makeshift low heat furnace.

He didn't give any direction after this point and simply said to the children present,"Copy what I did to the best of your ability!"

The children all knew that there was a lot riding on this and had paid as close attention as possible. Finally, it was their turn to try it!

Rust had demonstrated this before in front of all the dwarves, but they were younger at the time and didn't pay as much attention as they probably should've.

Rust watched as the children all attempted their first Iron head molds. He paid attention and would watch for mistakes as they happened. The children had started to complete the slime-mold when Rust walked over and dismissed one of them.

"You are not qualified at this moment, go and study." Rust said curtly. Rust was very simple and straightforward so the child, although sad, understood that this was just how the chief talked!

As the initial test continued, Rust would observe for a bit, go and dismiss a child or two and then return to observing them. The total who had passed his initial mark was 12! Less than half had passed!

Then Rust went through the process of chopping out the wood. Whittling it down to a decent size, and then slowly straightening it out with one of the flat rocks present. Then he marked it with a dye in certain spots, which were then chopped, cut, or had holes made in them.

Rust then put his tools down and said,"Repeat."

Then he observed as the children went through the process shown. Until he observed one of the children using a different but seemingly easier method by setting a heavy rock in between another and then straightening it with simple pushes.

Rust walked up to the child who was only 12 years old and said,"Why are you doing it differently?"

The boy sheepishly said,"I figured if I used a bit more force with another rock, it would be easier.."

Rust smiled and said,"Passed! Come back in 3 days to officially become a successor!"

The others were stunned and couldn't figure out how the young Dwarf had passed! The young Dwarf fervently thanked Rust for the opportunity and ran off to celebrate with family.

Then the test continued as the others were now more motivated. However Rust was not as impressed and scrutinized their work.

Second round. 5 remain! 1 pass!

Third round of leather working and attachment is completed. 3 remain.

Final round, and only 2 dwarves, taking deep breaths very quickly stood in front of Rust.

Rust smiled and said,"Good! You both have passed and proven your worth! Take a deserved rest, and then come back in 3 days! Get ready to learn and work like never before!"

The two dwarves thanked him many times and then also went to inform their own respective families.

Rust smiled as he watched them leave. Jay watched from above as Rust dutifully carried out his mission.

Jay thought that such prompt action deserved a reward and so called Sol over to Rust's village to give him a reward. When Sol asked him what exactly she was supposed to reward Rust with, Jay said Sol would "understand" when she got close to him.

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