
Deus Machinerum in Star Wars

Every events and actions influence the future, wether the change change is big or small. What would happen if an ancient civilization ressurect and rebuild itself? This is one of the infinite possibilities in the Star Wars universe. This is the first novel (fanfiction) that I write, also, english is my third language, correction on my grammar and orthography would be welcome. Star Wars belongs to Disney.

Dont_Trust_Atoms · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


1000 BBY

The planet Aurea is a temperate planet standing in the Atravis Sector in the galaxy of 'Star Wars'.

Once the home of a great civilization who originated of the race called Automata, spanning on multiple planets, the Automatas were a race very advenced in technology, seeking 'truth'. No one understood how their empire fell as they disappeared overnight, as if some cataclysm destroyed them. 

On the surface of Aurea stands what seems like an 'egg' made of metal covered by plants as nature claimed all of the surface of the planet after the Automatas fell. But the life who should have been born from that egg seems to have been deprived of it's future and only a lifeless fetus stayed in the egg. 

This tranquil scene was perturbed by an entity, although it wasn't possible to see it, which could be deducted by the lack of reaction of surrounding animals. That entity, albeit unconscious seemed to be guided toward the egg and soon it penetrated the eggshell and was assimilated by the lifeless fetus. 

820 BBY

Like a piece of theater who began, the egg sprang to life as the fetus began to moove and break the eggshell. After a while of struggling and destroying the plants covering the eggshell, an arm suddenly broke through the surface of the egg. It was used soon by the owner to break free of the egg.

Soon, the owner of the arm appeared, it was what appeared to be a girl around 12-14 years old, with silver hair and golden eyes that seemed to slighty shine with a golden hue. The eyes also had some mechanical feeling to it, making it's owner more mysterious. Her face was expressionless, her skin is pure and as smooth as a newborn. Her body seemed to be still developping, although it was an illusion as the appearence of Automatas is determined at birth, like their authority. She also had two distinctive characteristics that were a pair of wings growing from her upper back as well as a glowing halo with complex geometrical pattern.

Confused and lost, she ignored the signals her unfamiliar body sent to her brain and concentrated on observing her surroundings, to understand what could have happened by seeing some clues.

After observing for a while her surroundings from her safe heaven that is the 'egg' and not seeing any possible clue, she retreated back in the egg to observe her body more carefully and understand all those signals her body is sending to her brain.

( - point of view)

I've never slept as good as I had last night, but when I woke up this morning, I found myself asking myself many questions. Some of them are why don't I need to breath anymore, why am I surrounded by some sort of liquid and what is the hard surface that surrounds me. 

After a while of trying to understand my current situation, I came to the conclusion that:

I became a girl, but rather than lingering on my changing gender, I had more important things to pay intention to like understanding my situation. Those priorities helped me to cope with my changes and keep me distracted. I also became shorter; from 1m85 (my size by the way XD) to what seems to be from 1m40 to 1m60? I need an instrument to measure my size to know it more accurately.

I am now what is called an Automata (it means a moving mechanical device in the form of a human being for those that are curious), the Automatas are a specie made mainly of metal. Their energy source is nuclear fusion reactor supplied with hydrogen, the source doesn't matter though. This reactor is a waste though, as an Automata doesn't need so much energy to live. Automata also have 2 characteristics which make them very recognizable: they have 2 wings and a halo. The wings are white and go out from the upper back. The halo has complex geometrical pattern and gives the computal capacity of the individual, the more complex it is, the more the automata has a high computal ability. In the culture of the automata, the higher your computal ability is, the higher the standing of the individual is.

Finally there is also the dependants. The dependants are a sub-specie of the Automata who doesn't have wings and a halo. They are indistinguishable from humans if someone doesn't look closely. The dependants have some sort of 'natural program' which makes them loyal to the 'higher' automata.

Finally, I decided to go out of the egg, I needed of a shelter to protect myself of potential predators who would like some metals in their stomachs, although it wouldn't make sense on Earth with no animals having a metal diet existing, but on Aurea it seems some animals live by eating metals, and their diet include Automatas.... I also need some clothes too, even though I don't need it for warmth as my body don't fear the coldness, but my decency tells me to try to find some clothes. But it won't be my priority, after all, my stuation is quite precarious...poor me.

Tentatively, I put my bare foot on the ground, stepping on some plants. It was very unpleasant even though it wasn't hurting me. I wasn't as stable as I hoped to go down and adding the unpleasant sensation of the plant, my mood was as low as it could get. 

Walking in this body felt strange and I had to get used to it, even more so because I am stark naked. For ten minutes straight, I imitated the movement of a warm up for all parts of my body. While I wasn't completely used to my new body, it definitively felt better than before.

Only then did I begin to explore my surroudings. The vegetation is very dense and I couldn't see far, and with my lack of experience living in the wild, I shouldn't be able to build a solid shelter. Maybe I should look for some cavern? But most of them are occupied by large animals though. 

Well, at least, the database of the Automatas have the entire topography of Aurea registered, so I just need to find a place with a big view so that I can compare with the data and know where I am. 

The forest is beautiful but I stopped looking at each plant I came across by forcing myself to look for some possible shelter. My curious mind found the plants on this planet very interesting, after all they are completely different from those found on Earth, their form varying a lot in all type of shape and form.

Thankfully, I don't need to pay attention to food, only water. Even though I can eat, drinking water is a lot more effective than eating. With the fact that I don't need to be nearby food source I probably won't be in as much danger than be nearby and be in the hunting area of one of my predators. Although water source are very problematic as most animals drink water and most predators go hunt in those areas....

When the sun began to set, my mind settled down as I finally found a cave. This cave was some hole in a vertical cliff inaccessible for most predators and because automatas don't have hormones in their body, they don't have odors except odors from the surrounding environment. It will help me not get detected by those predators during the night. The cave is also nearby a small lake which will be good enough to feed myself.

After trying to find some kind of path to climb up to the cave, I finally found some solid rocks that could be used as support for my body. After what I thought was an eternity as pain was assaulting my body, I finally arrived in the cave. Even though I didn't bleed, I will need some metal to replenish the lost metal due to friction,

'Water also has many metal in trace, it could be helpful' I thougt

As I observed the interior of the cave, I quickly noticed how smooth the wall is and how evenly it is, as if carved artificially by some people. It was further proved by the metal embedded in the cave.

'It was most probably a mine used by the Automatas, as Aurea is hard to access from other civilization, after all a black hole is near the hyperspace lane, blocking vessels trying to land on this planet. It reminds me that this black hole is most probably one of the reason why automatas don't use hyperspace technology in their technology tree which set them apart from other civilization'.

As I was lost in thougt, the mental exhaustion from so many events and trying to stay concentrated came in, and as I was beginning to fall asleep, I positionned myself more comfortably before losing consciousness in a corner of the cave.