
Deus Machinerum in Star Wars

Every events and actions influence the future, wether the change change is big or small. What would happen if an ancient civilization ressurect and rebuild itself? This is one of the infinite possibilities in the Star Wars universe. This is the first novel (fanfiction) that I write, also, english is my third language, correction on my grammar and orthography would be welcome. Star Wars belongs to Disney.

Dont_Trust_Atoms · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

It's been a few days since I've been under pursuit by the Metallbrecher. I've kept on exploring the surroundings and mapping the area around my shelter. I did not meet the Metallbrecher again, which I was thankful for, as it is one less obstacle slowing down my progress, although knowing of it's presence on itself put a lot of pressure on me.

In the past few days, I also sharpened a big piece of metal on rocks, thanks to the fact that I don't tire. Now, it should be good enough to pierce through the weak point of some animals. I made it not only to defend myself, but also to relieve some psychological pressure from the fact that I am defenceless and to do something of my spare time. 

Being alone in a dark cave is hardly helpful to keep a good psyche, which isn't surprising. It also helped me to get used to my eyes that I soon discovered to be able to zoom in and out to see farther which helped me to sharpen the piece of metal better.

I went out once again of the cave to search for a dependant, although I want to stay in the safe heaven for longer for the security it gives, but I can't stay forever in this cave. 

Following the pathway made from my footsteps I made the earlier days to the lake, I soon noticed behind the bush one injured animal, whose injury on the lake would slow it down.

'it could serve as some bedding with it's fur'

This irrational thougt went into my bed. Although I should have known that it isn't possible by my lack of experience in hunting, I still wanted to try. Having a bed in the cave would improve my morale and make my sleep better, upping my mental health. It's also quite surprising that I don't think to eat it's meat, but it's most probably because my body sent to my brain the lack of necessity of meat to store energy.

I began to crouch and go around the lake behind the vegetation all the while making the least sound possible. Although multiple times I thougt the animal detected me, but in the end my luck prevailed and I got behind the tree near the injured animal.

While I was thinking about how to proceed next, my brain told me that I could throw the knife accurately toward the animal. Although very dubious of being able to hit the animal accurately, I wouldn't just assault it directly right? I'm not that out of my mind.

As I positionned myself accordingly to the Automatas database the best I could, I looked around for possible threats. Not seeing any, I threw the 'knife' at the animal. Thanks to the fact that the natural coordination of this body is extraordinarily good, a lot of luck and the theoretical knowledge in my mind, I successfully hit the animal in the thigh. If what the database says is true, then I hit one of the major arteries of this animal I will just need to follow it as it bleeds to death, although the challenging part will be of following it with it's speed being naturally a lot faster than mine.

As it began it's escape through the forest and me following it's trail, a chase began.

The dense vegetation was a two-edged sword due to the fact it restriced the speed of the animal I was chasing, but it also restricted my field of vision, and adding the fact that I'm not used to track other organism with my signal detector in my body, I could only trust my vision.

The chase lasted a long time, with both me and the animal going through many types of terrain, some rocky areas, plains, with dense vegetatuon,... , but finally the chase began to end as the animal was beginning to tire.

Finally, it couldn't hold on and laid down, breathing heavily. 

As I was approaching the mortally wounded animal to give it the final blow, I noticed a foreign brain waves nearby. Those signals detected also sent to my brain the signal 'dangerous', like exposed to a great threat. Having trusted once before my instinct and be proven that it was the correct choice, I once again trusted it and began to back down.

The choice I did was correct, as a bit later, a Metallbrecher appeared behind the animal, dense foliage was hiding it's presence.

'Seems like I will have to run again...'

Surprising myself, I noticed that my emotion didn't fluctuate as much as I thought it would; I was surprisingly calm. This state permitted me to look for escape route, and finding one, began to direct my way toward it.

Following my step, my soon to be pursuer looked at me eagerly with it's hungry stare, like I was some delicious meal.

Noticing it began to put strength into it's legs to charge, I prepared myself to avoid the charge and begin my escape. 

As it charged, I rolled to the right toward my escape route, covered by dense vegetation and began to run, soon pursued closely. 

The chase lasted for a long time, and for me seemed an eternity. Dusk would soon come, giving an approximate of the duration of the chase; two hours.

During those two hours, the chase went through many terrains, rocky terrains, plains, dense vegetation, swamp,.... But nothing gave me the opportunity to lose my pursuer. Soon, my pursuer was close enough to strike me and unsurprisingly, tried to cut me.

Avoiding the instant I noticed the attack, I rolled to the right, but I still couldn't avoid the attack completely. The claw cut left arm, leaving me with only one arm. Resisting the urge to scream of pain, I tried to find a way to lose my pursuer and found the answer quickly, with the presence of another cliff nearby. We were on the upper part of the cliff.

Having no other choices left, I ran the fastest I could toward the cliff and jumped down, while my pursuer was distracted with the delicious meal for it that was my left arm.

Holding on a grip the fastest I could on the cliff, my body slamed against it leaving me gasping due to the pain coursing through my whole body. But I held on, looking down at the distance to the ground, I knew that if I didn't hold on, I would die due to the fall.

Tired mentally due to both chase, being in pain, I tried to find some support to rest. Finally finding a good spot with a large rock protruding from the cliff, offering a good place to lay down and recuperate. I then began to come down, albeit very slowly due to my physical impairment.

Finally arriving to my temporary safe heaven, I laid down in a good spot, with my upper body slightly elevated. Looking at my empty left arm, I noticed no blood leaving the wound.

'I really am not human anymore, although I should have known with the wings on my back... hopefully I will soon be able to use them, seems like I need to wait until I am 100 years old to be able to use them, the age of 'maturity'.'

Exhausted, my body exhorted no strength as I began to be in a daze. Thinking of all the errors I did today, although those errors seems to be the result of my solitude during my time in the jungle. As I was thinking on how to improve my conduct and better escape, my thoughts drifted toward the Metallbrecher inevitably.

'I will have my revenge one day' I thought darkly.