
Deus dream

When reality and fantasy collide. Embark with me on a part of my life and my dreams. The story follows Roland Auun, a young man who mysteriously finds himself transported to another world. In this unknown world, Roland discovers that he possesses special abilities and a status screen that allows him to see his skills, level, and other information about himself. Throughout his journey, Roland faces various challenges and encounters fantastical creatures. He learns to fight and survive in this dangerous environment, using his acquired skills to dominate his adversaries. He feels a sense of excitement and power as he realizes that he has become a protagonist in a world of adventure and magic. However, despite his enthusiasm for the infinite possibilities that lie before him, Roland is haunted by his past life. He briefly thinks of his family, but he is determined to explore this new and fascinating universe. He questions his arrival in this world and the meaning of his presence here. _________________________________________________ Lot of love _________________________________________________ This is a work of fiction. The characters and situations described in this book are purely imaginary: any resemblance to existing or having existed characters or events is purely coincidental. ___________________________________________________________ "I am tall and mighty, yet cannot be touched. I am the reflection of the soul, an open window. Who am I?"

Imnotdeus · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The Unseen Threat

The battlefield lay strewn with the bodies of slain goblins and hobgoblins, a testament to Roland's skill and determination. Alone and unfamiliar with the other adventurers who had crossed his path, he gripped a worn sword he had recovered from a previous encounter, ready to face whatever new enemies stood before him.

The goblins charged toward him, brandishing their crude weapons. With agile movements, Roland skillfully evaded their strikes, swiftly delivering fatal blows to his adversaries. The remaining goblins recoiled in fear, recognizing his formidable strength and prowess.

Yet, amidst the chaos of the battle, a figure emerged, revealing itself to be the goblin shaman. Clad in furs and wielding a gnarled staff, its claws curling around the magical artifact, the shaman grinned with sadistic pleasure as it observed Roland.

Goblin Shaman: "Grrr! Human... meet your doom!"

Roland knew that this adversary posed a greater threat than the ordinary goblins he had faced thus far. Focusing his attention on the fight, he wielded his sword with deadly precision, determined to overcome the odds.

The goblin shaman unleashed deadly spells, making the battle all the more challenging for Roland. But he refused to lose hope, fully aware that victory was still within his grasp if he remained focused and utilized his skills with cunning.

Roland: "I won't be defeated by the likes of you, foul creature! Prepare to face the consequences of your actions!"

As Roland fought, his Goblin Slayer title began to exert its influence. The shaman gazed upon him, its malevolent grin faltering for a moment as it sensed a formidable force emanating from Roland. The title's effect was subtle but impactful, instilling an unspoken fear in the goblin shaman's heart.

Goblin Shaman: "Grrr! What... what power do you possess?!"

Undeterred by the shaman's powers, Roland pressed on, unleashing his full potential. The shaman, despite its intelligence, struggled to comprehend the source of Roland's strength. It was as if a veil of terror had descended upon the goblins, hindering their combat abilities and fueling Roland's determination.

The battle intensified, with Roland's every strike chipping away at the shaman's defenses. The goblin shaman grew increasingly frustrated, its spells losing some of their potency against Roland's unwavering resolve.

In a sudden twist, the goblin shaman, sensing its impending defeat, vanished into a cloud of black smoke, abandoning the battlefield. Roland stood there, catching his breath, his mind filled with thoughts of the power his Goblin Slayer title bestowed upon him.

As the dust settled, Roland took a moment to survey the landscape. The grim aftermath of the battle was evident, with the lifeless bodies of goblins scattered across the bloodstained ground. Thoughts raced through his mind as he contemplated the challenges that lay ahead and the mysteries yet to be unveiled.