
Deus dream

When reality and fantasy collide. Embark with me on a part of my life and my dreams. The story follows Roland Auun, a young man who mysteriously finds himself transported to another world. In this unknown world, Roland discovers that he possesses special abilities and a status screen that allows him to see his skills, level, and other information about himself. Throughout his journey, Roland faces various challenges and encounters fantastical creatures. He learns to fight and survive in this dangerous environment, using his acquired skills to dominate his adversaries. He feels a sense of excitement and power as he realizes that he has become a protagonist in a world of adventure and magic. However, despite his enthusiasm for the infinite possibilities that lie before him, Roland is haunted by his past life. He briefly thinks of his family, but he is determined to explore this new and fascinating universe. He questions his arrival in this world and the meaning of his presence here. _________________________________________________ Lot of love _________________________________________________ This is a work of fiction. The characters and situations described in this book are purely imaginary: any resemblance to existing or having existed characters or events is purely coincidental. ___________________________________________________________ "I am tall and mighty, yet cannot be touched. I am the reflection of the soul, an open window. Who am I?"

Imnotdeus · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The Battle of Shadows

The battlefield was engulfed in darkness, the moonlight casting an eerie glow over the desolate landscape. Roland and the goblin shaman stood face to face, tension hanging in the air. The shaman emitted guttural growls, a sinister melody that sent shivers down Roland's spine.

With a powerful surge of energy, the shaman summoned a swirling vortex of shadowy tendrils, dark tentacles reaching out towards Roland with murderous intent. He leaped and twirled, narrowly evading the sinister assault, but the shadows seemed to possess a will of their own, relentlessly pursuing him.

Roland's sword clashed against the shaman's staff, sparks flying from the impact of their weapons. The ground trembled under their mighty strikes, as if the very earth bore witness to their clash. Roland's muscles strained under the relentless assault, his body covered in wounds.

Goblin Shaman: "Grrr... pitiful human... your efforts are in vain... I shall devour your soul and bathe in your blood!"

The shaman's voice, distorted and menacing, echoed through the battlefield. Roland's heart raced, his breath laborious, as he struggled to hold his ground against the overwhelming power of his adversary.

The goblin shaman unleashed a wave of dark energy, engulfing the surroundings in inky darkness. Roland fought to see through the abyss, his heightened senses as he relied on instinct and training to dodge the assault.

The ground cracked beneath their feet, creating gaping fissures that threatened to swallow them whole. Roland's body moved with fluid grace, his movements a dance of survival against the shaman's unrelenting onslaught.

With a primal roar, Roland tapped into his inner reserves, his attacks growing fiercer and more precise. Each swing of his sword sent shockwaves through the air, slicing through the dark energy that surrounded them. The shaman howled in pain, momentarily taken aback by Roland's sudden surge in power.

In a desperate act, the goblin shaman summoned a spectral army of shadow minions, their glowing eyes fixed upon Roland. They rushed at him from all sides, their clawed hands seeking to tear him apart.

Roland's mind was ablaze, his body pushed to its limits. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he repelled the horde, his sword spinning with ferocity and unwavering determination. The clash of weapons and the cries of defeated shadows filled the air.

As the last of the minions dissolved into nothingness, Roland stood tall, a symbol of defiance amidst the chaos. He locked eyes with the shaman, his gaze unwavering.

With one final powerful strike, Roland brought down his sword upon the shaman's staff, shattering it to pieces. The goblin shaman fell to the ground, defeated and obliterated.

Silence descended upon the battlefield as Roland stood over his fallen adversary, his chest heaving with exhaustion. The weight of the battle and its toll on him were evident. Yet, within his weariness, there gleamed a glimmer of triumph.

"Level up," "Level up," "Level up," Roland whispered, his smile forced but filled with a fierce determination. The battle had tested him, but it had also unlocked new levels of strength and resilience within him. He was ready for whatever challenges awaited him on his journey.

To our dear readers,

As Roland continues his heroic journey, I want to express my gratitude for your support and loyalty. Through every turned page, you bear witness to his triumphs and trials, and I hope you have been swept away by his thrilling adventure.

In this fantastical world, where dangers and mysteries abound, Roland embodies courage and determination in the face of adversity. His battle against the forces of darkness mirrors our own resilience and willingness to overcome the obstacles that stand in our way.

May you find in this story a source of inspiration and escape, a reminder that even in the darkest of moments, the light of hope still shines. May Roland's exploits transport you to distant lands and remind you of the power of dreams and perseverance.

Continue to turn the pages with passion and curiosity, for new challenges and discoveries await our hero. And remember, dear reader, that you too are capable of great things.

On behalf of Roland , I thank you for your companionship. May your journey through these lines be filled with emotions and unforgettable adventures.


The author

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