

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

Mazou · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The World is Against Me.

She was dead by the time my fist was planted deeply inside of her head. Nanei quickly picked herself up after throwing herself off her comrades lifeless body.



Nanei charged straight at me without another thought. I waited patiently for her attack; after seeing what I was capable of doing in only two seconds flat. When she came within range of my fists again, I swept her legs right from beneath her; before she could get her balance back.

I delivered a fierce blow to the top of her neck, instantly rendering her unconscious for good this time. "I'm sorry...sorry...Kai...so... sor-" Her eyes went hollow, and her muscles stopped functioning, turning her limp and lifeless body completely still.

"I believe that all this fighting is pointless, I have eliminated three of your members in such a short period of time and rendered one of your members incapacitated for the time being. Are the six of you still willing to risk your lives for such a corrupt country?" I spoke with a voice laced with venom, killing intent oozing out of every word, hoping this would dissuade the remainder of their group.

They were shaken by the overwhelming aura coming from me. Still, they refused to concede their final ground, moving slowly towards us until one finally had the willpower to attack me first.

"He was right. Why must everything be this complicated?! Come, I challenge you, Sora."

The male spoke boldly while unsheathing his weapon from the scabbard on his waist. With a sword raised in defense, he waited patiently for whatever the mysterious person standing before him wanted. "May the battle commence."

"Tell me, what is your name. You seem to be different from the rest of the Elite 10 I have fought so far." I asked the last elite, eyeing his sword carefully.

He looks down, eyes narrowing into tiny slits.

"My name is Tempest, but I want you to address me as Adam, for that is the name of my past self."

I heard of this student from the Headmaster, and he said that this man was the strongest one of them. And this was why I chose to keep him alive for a while.

"I'll call you by what you prefer since you wish for it."

I acknowledged. Tempest nodded happily.

I found myself amazed as his speed shot up considerably. And not even a second passed until he swung at me in earnest. Tempest leaped up into the air and swung his leg horizontally towards my torso, which sent an immense shockwave towards me, followed shortly after by a shockwave that blew me backwards, pushing me away from him by 5 meters.

In response, my hand reached forward and touched a part of the ceiling's tiles above me; and as Tempest shot himself towards me once more, the walls near us exploded as his powerful aura nearly knocked me off balance.

He turned around and aimed a heavy swing towards my throat, leaving a sizable mark on it and opening my skin there before dashing forwards a final time, delivering a vicious elbow directly across my nose bridge. His elbows landed, and blood flowed down my face.

The bleeding and the pain were real; my head throbbed like I'd gotten hit with a heavy metal bat over and over. "This is good, Tempest, I have to say. You are quite something; I might need to stop holding back." I chanted multiple spells and sent a barrage of magical attacks at Tempest at the same time. Tempest was bombarded with a rainstorm of icicles, lightning bolts, and flames, forcing his attention onto every single attack.

"ATMOKINESIS: NOVA SPIKE FLOAT!" The area where he was being bombarded with countless spells suddenly became clear as the elemental magic was destroyed. With an incredible amount of wind mana infused in Tempest's aura, it blocked and destroyed any foreign objects near him.

"You can use atmokinesis like Enzo and Leo?" I exclaimed in disbelief.

I chuckled lightly and prepared to summon my trusty weapon.


Summoning forth, an extraordinary amount of mana in a golden light, I started to manipulate it into the shape of an ax-bladed lance. It's called Ragnarök.

Ragnarok's appearance resembled a double-ended spear with black edges that extended far beyond the length of an average longsword. "FIRST SET!"

I grasped a section of my lance's blade and then twirled it through my fingers to test its balance. "Come!"

I ran forward and released a torrent of yellow light towards Tempest's silhouette; the blaze came within centimeters of my foe, barely missing as his figure continued to evade effortlessly. He began running towards me, creating gusts of air around us. "You're very clever."

"Shut your fucking mouth Reaper."

We charged forward towards each other at the same time with weapons raised, preparing for our first confrontation with one another.

Tempest's muscles stretched backward before his legs shot forward, gaining momentum as his weapon raised high in the air before coming back down as I did.

I caught the sound of the clash echoing through my ears and sent shivers throughout my whole body, which shook violently in anticipation as the noise reverberated throughout our surroundings. "RELEASE!"

When it finally finished reverberating, a gust of wind blew towards me as Tempest unleashed another cyclone of mana that pushed back against the air itself; the blast reached far above my head.


I stumbled forward; a small explosion occurred under his foot when his blade landed on the ground before slicing upward towards me. The first swing hit the top edge of the lance I held while the other swatted at my rib cage and finally my cheek.


His strikes landed squarely on target; as I struck forward, a golden beam fired toward him with its explosive force, piercing the skies and disintegrating everything else nearby. We collided against each other's forces and watched as it broke into several fragments across the ground beneath us.

I moved my palm up to touch the place where his weapon scratched my arm. The deep laceration cut through my forearm, exposing my bloodied muscle fibers underneath.

This wound had left a permanent scar upon me now.

A sensation of pain overcame me that I couldn't understand fully before; I gritted my teeth in agony but didn't let go of my weapon. Tempest glanced towards me and smirked lightly before suddenly vanishing from sight once more. "Flashstep?"

The blur appeared close behind me again, sending out an arcing attack towards my chest; his next strike wasn't so merciless, however; my entire body moved on its own. Instead, my own shadow emerged and deflected his strike to my neck, creating a loud clang against the steel blade's tip.

Tempest swung his sword sideways at me, causing me to parry it defensively, protecting my stomach from injury. The second hit crashed against Ragnarok once more as my shadow jumped forward and pierced through his shoulder.

"Alright, Tempest, you've had your fun. I think it's time we wrap this up." I stared blankly towards the wounded elite.

"Are you not scared? Are you not tired? Come, show me your face of fear," I exclaimed with a serious face and held tightly onto the shaft of my weapon before exhaling sharply, sending an unspoken message toward him.

I flashstepped in front of Tempest and impaled him through the stomach with my fist. "AAAaaaaargggg....!" Tempest let out a gargled, choking voice before he collapsed. I grabbed him by the nape of his neck, lifted him up to the height of my eye, and started crushing his air supply until he had no oxygen left in his lungs.